

I met you at your friend's house
My friend knew your friend that knew you

We met at the corners
Where the sofa meets the wall
My knees huddled together

It was cold that day
My fingertips were frozen blue
The scars on my wrist rose up
Like goosebumps

That was the first time we met
That was our first conversation

You: Hey.


You: My name's Kenny.


You: Alright. It's cool. I'm used to being blown off by every girl I try to talk to.


You: You look cold.


You: Take my jacket.


You: I'll take that as a 'thank you'.


You: You can give it to me later.

You walked about five feet away
To talk to a pretty girl
Who laughed at
your stupid

Steve brought out the pills
He put mine on his tongue
And opened his lips to mine

The room smells like sweet sweet herbs
There's a distant fog surrounding us
I could barely see your figure
Opening the door then shutting it

I think I need a cigarette