

We started a gang
Without realizing it

Steve, You, Me, Brandy

I have this pain on my chest
It burns and rots my tissues

pump pump pump

I know you stare at me when I'm not looking

Of course I know

It's okay, really
I stare at you when you're not looking

You like kissing Brandy
I like kissing Steve

The rush it gives us
Knowing we're hurting the ones we care about
And being satisfied because they now know what its like to hurt

I curl myself to sleep
And try to stop breathing
But then your face comes to my mind
And it makes my head ache
so I call Steve and he fucks me
And he likes to call me bitch
As he comes and you call me
Darling when you hold my hand
And I just really want to give you
a blow-job because you're being
so nice to me and I want to
thank you but I don't instead
I take some pills Steve gives
me after he finishes wiping off

Then I call you
And you can't hear me
Because my sobs are so loud
so you stay silent and my
sobs get even louder
so you hang up the phone
And rush to my house
And wait for me so you
can hold me as I tremble