Prophecy Jane Darkness

A Different Me

I walks down the stone steps with my head held high. A couple of people turn towards the steps, and wondering who is that girl with the long black hair, tight black jeans with red dragons up the sides, a red tight top and a black leather jacket. Emo Kid looks then tapes Dark Prince on the shoulder.
“Who is that?” said Emo Kid
“That’s Pink Goodness.” Dark Prince walks to the bottom of the steps, Emo Kid following him, holds out his hand to me, with a smile. I tuck hold of his hand, and he said, “You look beautiful”
“Thanks, Dark Prince.”
“Emo Kid, this is Pink Goodness…”
Emo Kid cuts across him “No, she is no longer Pink Goodness, she is Dragon.”
“No, I get to pick my own name, not you. Ok?” I replied.
“Excuse me.”
“NO. From now on, my name is Darkness.” I lose control, my powers started getting out of control. I was so anger. Everyone except Dark Prince and Emo Kid ran outside.
“Emo Kid, what do we do?”
My eyes started to change colour, red.
“You get out of here.” Dark Prince stays put “Go now, that is an order”
“Ok” and he ran as fast as he could.
I didn’t know what I was doing, I started throwing fire balls at Emo Kid. Emo Kid tried knocking me unconscious but it backed fired, it bounced of me and hit him. Then I fainted.

The next day I woke up in the hospital wing at school, I tilted my head a little bit and I sore Emo Kid in the bed next to me. He was sitting up on the bed with a couple of cuts and browses.
“I’m sorry”
“It’s ok. I guess that I had it coming.” he replied back to me, looking into my eyes, I tied to avoid eye contact, “Hay, do you know that you eyes change…”
“colour. Yeah I do. What colour did they change into this time?”
“Red, and what this has happened before?”
“Yeah. It’s when I get anger or just loss control of my power.” looks at the sealing with grate regret of coming to this school.
“Do…” I look at his. “Do your powers go any higher than that?”
“Yeah. When my eyes go black. Last time it happened, I…I nearly lost my life, and my family’s too.” my eyes start filing up with tiers. Emo Kid climes out of bed and sits on the chair next to me.
“Hey, don’t cry. If you want, I’ll help you learn to control your powers.”
“Isn’t that why you’re here, to help you control your powers.”
“No, I’m here because I have know home to go to. So the School says that I can stay here, and help people like you control your powers.”
“Oh, so your like an orphan.”
“Yeah, sort of.”
“What do you mean by sort of.”
“Well, both of my parents aren’t die. My mam die when I was 10, and I don’t know where my father is.”
“Didn’t your father ever try getting in touch with you?”
“No, my father didn’t won’t anything to do with me.”
I looked up at the sealing, what kind of father wouldn’t won’t anything to do with his son, I thought.
“My father tried everything to get me and my brothers. He said that it’s the mans job to train his kids. Boy was he wrong. He didn’t know that I was stronger than him, and that the more he pushed me, the more out of control I’d become.”
“What? Your father pushed you?”
I looked at him, “Yeah, he new I was stronger then my brothers. So he wonted me to have no weakness. And yet my weakness is my powers.” I looked away from him.
“A father should never push his child, especially one with powers like your.”
Tuesday October 13th
12:30pm, Lunch table.
I guess today was ok. With the faked that know one would talk to me. Except my cousins and that was only because there’re related to me, and Emo Kid. With this training that Emo Kid is giving me, and the faked that Dark Prince won’t even look at me. My emotions are all over the place. To be honest, I can’t help it that my powers go wack, what they going to do, get my powers stripped. Like I would let them. I got training with Emo Kid next, because everyone’s got Power Control next Lesson, and I can’t go into there lesson yet, so, I have a privet lesson.
Emo Kid was in is black tracksuit bottoms, black top, with a dark green jacket over the top and hair spiked up. I just had on a full dark blue tracksuit, with my hair just tide back in a bobble.
“Darkness, concentrate.” said Emo Kid, with anger in his voice.
“I am, ok” I replied back, I felt so tired. I was breathing so fast, heart beat to. “Can we have a break for 5 minuets”
“5 minutes, yeah, ok.” he walks over to the bench what had all his school stuff on, and throw his jacket on to the bench, and sat down. And I just sat, trying to get my breath back.
“Emo Kid, can you tell my why Dark Prince won’t talk to me?”
“He won’t talk to you because he is scared of you. Know girl at this school has powers stronger than his, except you.”
“Well, can you tell me, why did you go out with my cousin?”
“Let’s get back on with the training.” Emo Kid got up of the bench.
“But, you didn’t answer my question”
“I just don’t won’t to talk about that, ok.”
“Ok, we won’t talk about it.”
I got up of the bench, Emo Kid move some targets into precision with his mind, I notion that when he moved the targets, it look’s so perfect.
“These aren’t normal targets, these are magical targets. They can blast fire balls, water balls and a lot more. What I need you to do Darkness, is, of cores is to hit the targets, but not get hit yourself. Do you get me.”
“Yeah, I do.” This is going to be so easy. So I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Writen By Me DarkVamp-Were-Dav
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