Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

A forty-five year old lawyer named Clint Davidson sat at his desk in his home office, working on one of his many cases. Unlike many of the other lawyers in town, Clint gave his all in his profession. As a matter of fact, he devoted his whole life to being a successful lawyer, and sadly, it turned him into a fidgety, odd, and unstable man. Despite the lawyer’s clean-cut and mostly handsome appearance, which included brown hair that was turning gray and large brown eyes, most of the people that knew Clint considered him to be an odd fellow. He ate, slept, and breathed his profession. While it made him the best lawyer around, it made him become anomalous as a person.

Despite Mr. Davidson’s abnormal and strange personality, he was married. It is not to say that he was happily married, but he was indeed married. It was nearly impossible to tell whether or not he was happily married because he never took the time to enjoy anything. He was always doing work twenty-four, seven. Sometimes, people wondered if he even knew he was married.

His wife, Natalie, was a beautiful and young blonde that possessed brown eyes. She was nearly half his age, and many people wondered if she even actually loved her husband. Many believed that she married him for his money, seeing as he was possibly the richest person anyone had ever known in that area. Others believed she married him because she felt sorry for him. Nobody knew for sure, but there were many speculations about this aspect throughout town.

Natalie walked into the room where her husband was working.

“How is it coming, sweetheart?” she asked. No answer came from her husband’s mouth. She walked over to him and shook him lightly, making him jump back and fall out of his chair.

“Ah, don’t do that to me!” Clint exclaimed, picking himself up.

“I’m sorry, dear.” Her husband dusted himself off.

“It’s alright.” He sat back down and picked right back up where he left off.

“Aren’t you coming to bed? It’s ten already.”

“I can’t, yet. I have to finish this case.” Natalie sighed and began rubbing her husband’s shoulders.

“You say that every night.”

“And it’s true every night. You don’t know what a lawyer has to go through. There’s paperwork to fill out, you have to —”

“—never mind,” his wife interrupted, taking her hands off of her husband’s shoulders. “I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow morning.”

“Night,” Clint mumbled.

The next day at breakfast, Clint was, of course, working on yet another case. Instead of reading the newspaper like many husbands do at breakfast, Clint worked on his cases. His wife brought over a plate of food and sat it down on the table in front of him. He practically ignored her and began eating.

“So…” Natalie spoke up, sitting down beside of Clint. “I was thinking about going shopping today with two of my friends. Will you give your sweet and generous wife some money?”

“Sure,” he mumbled, not even looking up from his papers. He pulled out his wallet and handed her five hundred dollars in cash.

“Thanks, sweetie! You’re the best!” Natalie eagerly took the money from her husband’s hands and kissed him on the cheek. She stuffed the money in her pocket and sat back down. “So…did you get those life insurance papers out in the mail today?”

“Yes,” he mumbled, not looking up from his papers once again.

“I hope I never get the money,” she lied, “but if something would happen to you, how much money would I be getting?”

“Five million dollars,” he mumbled.

“Oh…” She grinned evilly to herself, not letting her husband see. “I really hope I never get the money. I never want anything to happen to you.” She smiled weakly. Clint looked up from his papers and gave his wife a short smile, then a peck on the cheek, which was unfortunately a rare occasion.

Later on that night, Clint went to bed especially early since he had a huge case to deal with the next day.

Natalie walked into the bedroom and watched her husband sleep soundly. She would have almost bet money that he was dreaming about being in court or something that was related to his job. She rolled her eyes shortly and began waving at the curtain behind her.

Out of nowhere, a girl who looked just like Natalie appeared from behind the curtain at which she had been waving. The girl looked like a spitting image of Natalie: she had long, blonde hair, brown eyes, and she was Natalie’s exact age. It was Natalie’s twin sister, Sandy, that nobody knew about.

“Can I work my magic…literally?” Sandra asked her sister.

“Do your thing. Now remember, the dream has to be scary, but realistic. Got it?”

“Yes, of course. We’ve been over this two thousand times. I’m going to make your darling hubby over there suddenly dream that he is being cornered by us, so when we actually do our thing, he’ll freak out.”

“Exactly,” Natalie said in a wicked, heartless tone. “Exactly…” Sandy cackled evilly and stared at poor Clint.

The next morning at breakfast time, Clint appeared at the breakfast table without any papers, which was a once-in-a-lifetime event in the Davidson household.

“Wow, no papers this morning?” his wife asked, pouring him a cup of coffee. He backed away from Natalie.

“N-N-No,” he stuttered.

“Darling, what’s wrong?”

“N-N-Nothing.” He backed away and took his coffee from the table and drank it standing up. Natalie gave her husband a very peculiar look.

“Something is wrong. What’s the matter?”


“You can tell me.” Clint stared at his wife for a moment before finally answering.

“I-I-I had a nightmare that you t-t-tried to k-kill m-m-me,” he faltered. “Y-You were in a r-r-room with t-two other g-girls that l-l-looked just l-like y-y-you.” Natalie’s eyes widened as she stared at her husband, then began laughing.

“Is that why you’re acting so odd? Darling, it was only a dream! I love you; I would never harm you. Not for all the money on Earth.”

“A-A-Are you s-sure?”

“Why, of course I am.” She gave Clint a comforting smile as he began to feel somewhat relieved. She slowly approached him and kissed his cheek softly. He weakly smiled as he loosened up. “I have a surprise for you.”

“You do?”

“Mmhmm. Close your eyes,” she said, smiling. He cautiously closed his eyes as Natalie blindfolded him and lead him out to their car.

They were suddenly in a room: a tiny, blank, mysterious, brown-tinted room. Tiles of polished hardwood flooring was what the floor, ceiling, and walls consisted of. The only light that could be found inside of the compact room was a very dim and orange-tinted one that barely gave off any light and was practically useless. There was no furniture of any kind in the room: it was blank.

Natalie slowly lead her husband over to one of the corners of the square room. She took off his blindfold and Clint slowly opened his eyes. A look of shock and terror reflected upon his face as he widened his eyes and looked over at his wife.

“No! Natalie, no!” he exclaimed. Suddenly, Sandra popped up. His eyes widened even more as he began to get anxious and terrified. His heart started pounding out from his chest. “It’s just like my dream! This can’t be happening! Natalie, who is this?! Is this your twin sister?!” Before Natalie even had a chance to answer, yet another girl popped up. She looked just like Natalie and Sandra. Alas, it was the missing triplet, Alicia.

“Natalie! Are these your sisters?! It’s just like my dream! I’m going to die!” Just then, a knife appeared in Alicia’s hands. “No!” He began to panic as his heart became as unstable as he was. He clutched his chest as his breathing sped up even more. The three sisters took a long step forward, cornering Clint. He panicked more as he began to feel like he was riding on a terribly fast roller coaster. An adrenalin rush went through his body as his heart began beating unbearably fast. He kneeled over and continued clutching his chest, gasping for air. The three sisters stepped back as he fell all the way down on his face. His heart gave out and he died out of fear.

“Well, that was too easy,” Alicia said, putting her knife down.

“I’ll say,” Sandy said. “Works every time. Natalie gets the guy with her devastatingly good looks, I work my magic and give the guy some creepy dream about us killing him with a knife, and Alicia comes in with the knife, scaring the absolute daylights out of the guy. Then, we’re left to split the money the rich guy leaves behind for his poor, dear old wifey, Nat!” She laughed.

“Please tell me we don’t have to do this anymore,” Natalie said. “I’m getting sick and tired of my last name changing so much.”

“Nah, this should be the last time,” Alicia said. “Five million dollars for this guy, plus the other millions of dollars we’ve squeezed out of the other guys we’ve done this to. We’re rich, ladies!” The three high-fived each other as if they had a reason to be proud for shamelessly murdering rich guys for their money.

“Well, ladies, it looks like our job here is done,” Sandy said. “Now, all you have to do, Nat, is call the police and say you found your poor, dear husband dead, and the cash is ours to split.” Natalie smiled and got her cell phone out to alert the police so she could collect her five million dollars.

After Natalie hung up with the police, she looked at her two sisters.

“Congratulations, ladies. We’re rich enough to retire from killing rich men. We can now sit back, relax, and enjoy our money!” she spoke up happily.

“Oh yeah!” the other two triplets said in unison.

Poor Clint Davidson’s life, along with at least ten other guys’ lives, were all taken away because of three greedy, but unfortunately smart sisters. While these men were unfortunately killed out of voracity, the three immoral and heartless sisters enjoyed the money Natalie’s many rich husbands left behind for her to enjoy once they were gone.