We'll Fly Home, You And I

Chapter 15


I sat impatiently in the make up trailer. Apparantly, they had to shoot two videos. TWO! So we had to fly all the way down to Los Angeles a few days earlier than expected.

And in case you were wondering, yes, it's official now. I am Gerard Way's daughter. We signed all the papers and shit. They got me all of these records now for hospitals and stuff. And I got to pick a middle name. Ellen. Dad wanted me to do Helena, but I said "Hannah Helena" would sound weird, so we compromised on Ellen, since it sounds like 'Helena'. All of the paper work took five days. It was terrible, but totally worth it.

Mikey doesn't have to wear glasses anymore and he dyed his hair dark brown. Dad cut off practically all of his hair and bleached it. We all died when we saw it. He looks completely different now. I died my hair a dark brown and I have random blonde streaks in it. It rocks and I love it.

And over the last couple of days, I discovered that I also love plane rides. And the airport. They think I'm insane, but airports are completely awesome! I would love to just walk around in one.

The present that Frank got me was an iPod. I was screaming for hours when I saw it. He told me that he knew that I didn't have one (obviously) and I could get really bored without it during tour. I downloaded a lot of music off of Mikey's computer, including all of their albums. I listened to the entire Black Parade CD on the flight. When it got to the song "Teenagers" I looked over to Gerard and started laughing hysterically. He gave me a weird look and I said, "I do scare the living shit out of you!" He smirked, then laughed with me. It was funny.

Anyway, they were doing a "Behind the scenes" thing, so I couldn't really go out of the trailer much. And if I did, I was told to pretend I was one of the crew's nieces or something. After hours of shooting, Frank walked back in and began to wheeze and cough.

"What the hell? Are you dying?" I asked, looking up from Mikey's computer. I was going through all of his music. He's got a lot.

Frank pointed outside, then to his throat, and coughed again. "I don't know sign language retard. Use words."

"They are putting all this dirt up into the air with the huge fans, and all this sparkly shit. It's coating my lungs. Hard to breathe."

"That's what happens when you smoke," I said as he reached for a pack of cigarettes. He glared over at me.

"That's what happens when you smoke," he mocked in a really high pitched voice. I gasped. Oh, it's payback time.

"I'm Frank, and I name my guitars and smashed my favorite one into smithereens."

"You leave Pansy out of this!"

"I'v-" Before I could say the insult, he attacked me and pulled me to the ground. I started to pull at his hair, as he did mine. Damn, if he didn't have to take out his lip ring, I would have him so good.

"HEY!" we both stopped and looked up at the rest of the guys. "Off. Now." Mikey instructed. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back to my chair.

"Breaks over," Ray told him. Frank took a quick swig of water then pointed at me.

"I shouldn't have given you that iPod. I don't know why I did."

"Because you love me and I'm just so unbelievably adorable!"

"Fuck no." He left the trailer and went back to the set.

Day Two. Our bus arrived today. No more cramped trailer. Since I had stayed inside all yesterday and pretty much today as well, I decided to go see what was going on.

"Yo! Worm!" I called once I was out of the bus.

"You gonna go in?" he asked.


"Don't draw any attention to yourself." I nodded and entered the stage doors.

"Holy. . ." I looked around at the intensely decorated set. Loads of cameras and people were every where. Black and white strips of confetti were constantly falling from above. I looked over to see all the guys on a large float coming down a narrow lane to a series of cameras. Dad was pointing to the camera and mouthing words as the song was blasted by near by speakers.

"Cut!" A man yelled. I felt as if I was standing out among all of the people walking quickly back and forth. So I started to walk in the general direction of where they were. Dad gave me a warning look and I put my hands up in defense and continued walking. "Cameras rolling. Action!" The music fired up again and I stopped to watch the performance. The only person I could see well was Bob, so I watched as he pounded his drums while swishing his head back and forth with the beat, his mouth slightly opened. They all sort of played with their mouths opened, especially Frank. Well, Mikey didn't. He pressed his lips together while he played and always had a very serious expression on his face. Dad was. . . . weird. I don't think you can really describe what he does while he's performing.

"Cut! Run from one fifty. Last shot!" I speed walked my way up to the front to watch it. I saw Dad look at me before the director yelled, "Action!"

"Sometimes I get the feeling. . ."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What do you mean you have another video shoot tomorrow?!?" I shouted at him.

"It'll just take two more days, then we start tour."

"How the hell can you do two videos back to back?? That's like asking for someone to kill you! I mean look at you guys, you can barely walk."

"We'll be fine. Besides, this one has fire," Frank said cheerfully. My eyes widened and an unexplainable sugar rush came over me.

"Fiiiiiiiiire?" He nodded.

"It's going to be so goddamn hot," Ray complained.

"Quit whining," I told him, throwing a near by pillow at him. Unfortunately, he caught it and put it under his head.

"Sooo tiiired," he groaned.

"Let's get some shut eye guys. We've got an even longer day ahead of us tomorrow," Dad said.

"Do I have to go to sleep just yet?" He looked at the clock on the microwave we had on the bus.

"You really should, but I'll let you stay up a few more hours." I squealed then went back to messing around with my iPod. "Goodnight!"

"Sleep tight! Don't let the bunk bugs bight!"