We'll Fly Home, You And I

Chapter 23

::Hannah's POV::

Today's schedule: Wake up. Sulk. Whine. Go to airport. Pick up Bob. Sulk some more. Attempt to be amused my movies while concert goes on. Try to find iPod. Persuade Mikey to give back computer. Beg and plead. Sleep.

And that doesn't even include eating. I'm busy today. The bus hit another bump as my head hit against the wall in the back room while Ray played video games. He had asked me if I wanted to play, but I was still too mad at my Dad to do anything.

We were on our way to the airport to pick up Bob. Actually, they were on their way to the airport to pick up Bob. I had to stay in the bus. Fun fun fun. We hit another bump and Ray's game turned off.

"What!? NO!!" He pounded his fists against the floor. He had been bragging before how he was about to beat the game. I rolled my eyes and went out into the lounge area. There he was. With his silly little sketch pad and silly little pencils. He didn't look up at me, just continued doodling. Frank was lying on the ground between the two couches messing with his guitar. I didn't know where Mikey was. Probably in his bunk or something. The bus came to a stop.

"We're here!!" Frank said, jumping up to put his guitar away. Dad closed his art book and put away his pencils. Only then did he notice me. I sent him an evil look and turned back around to the back of the bus. Mikey and Ray almost ran into them.

"We'll be back in about an hour!" Dad called as he exited the bus.

"Whatever," I muttered when he shut the door. So this is what a normal teenager's life is like. Well, almost normal. I sat on the fold out table and stared at the TV screen. An episode of Friends was playing. They had bought all of the seasons. I picked up the remote and turned it off.

I didn't deserve to be grounded for a whole week! So I invited your rivals over, big deal. It's not like I said I liked them better. Although, right now I did. I needed to get revenge on him for punishing me so long. A thought popped into my head, along with an evil smirk on my face. I got up and headed back to the bunk hall to Mikey's bunk. Lying there, completely innocent, was his sidekick. My fingers ran over its cold surface and I picked it up. I pushed "Contacts", scrolled down to Quinn's name, and pressed "Send". I began to get excited as the ringing pursued. A quiet voice answered it.


"Quinn?" I asked.

"Hannah? How are you calling me?"

"They left me in the bus for an hour. I'm really mad at them."

"Is that Hannah? Let me talk to her!" I heard Bert say in the background. He stole the phone from Quinn and greeted me hyperily. "Hi Hannah! What's up??" I let out an exasperated puff of air.

"I'm grounded. For a whole fucking week. It's so unfair!"

"Aw, I'm sorry. Is there anything that we can do to make you feel better?" I smirked. Oh, let the revenge begin.

"Come pick me up." I could tell he was grinning along with me.

"Where are you?"

"At the airport. They won't be back for an hour. That's how long you've got."

"Bert, what are you doing?" Quinn asked in the background.

"Guys, we're going on a mini road trip!" he shouted to them.

"It's Hannah isn't it!" Jeph said, also excited. I could hear Bert running to get his keys, then down a bunch of stairs.

"Bert, we don't want to get into anymore trouble! This is kidnapping!" Quinn warned.

"Bert?" I asked.


"You have to hurry if you're going to make it."

"Got it."

I rushed around the bus, packing things I might need. I didn't really know what I was going to do while I was with them, so there was a lot of stuff that I stuffed into my bag. I also looked for my iPod. I had to have it. And wouldn't you know, it was in the bottom of Dad's bag. A ripped paper was left on the "kitchen counter" with a short and sweet note I left them.

Dear Dad, Uncle Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Bob,

I left. But not for a long time. Just a little bit. When you want to talk, call Quinn. Don't worry about me, I've done stuff like this before. Get well soon Bob!


There was a knock on the bus door. I eagerly went to answer it.

"BERT!!" I jumped up onto him and knocked us both back into Jeph.

"Mmm. Hannah!" He placed me back down onto the ground. "So what's the plan?"

"There is none! I'll just stay with you guys for a bit, if that's alright."

"Are you kidding? It's awesome!" I hugged him. God, Bert was amazing.

"Well, we should get going. They'll be back any minute." They nodded and we headed back over to their car. Once we were on the road to where ever they lived, Quinn said,

"I don't get it. Don't you have school or something?" Quick. Lie. Story. Anything.

"Well, I um, went to school for a bit, but I decided I didn’t like it so I just dropped out and my mom started home schooling me. But instead of a long summer break, I have a long fall break." Holy shit, I'm amazing at lying! I wonder if I can do this for a living?

"I wish I had thought of that, but my mom's not a really good teacher," Jeph said. I nodded, but then began to jump up and down in my seat.

"Oh, this is so cool! I'm sooo going to be grounded for life when I go back."

"Do your parents not like us?" Bert asked. Got to lie again.

"No, they just left me in Mikey's hands. So maybe he'll get in trouble too!"

::Mikey's POV::

Bob was on crutches, which is hard when you have to go through an airport. Worm had to almost tackle a small group of girls, most likely Hannah's age, to the ground. But there were some worried fans that came over and asked what had happened to Bob. We decided it was okay to tell them, and they gave us sympathetic looks and said that they hoped he would be alright.

We got Bob's luggage that he had kept with him and went back to the bus where the rest of it was. "Hannah? We're back!" Gerard called. No answer. That was odd. I was expecting her to yell some sarcastic remark back to us. We all looked at eachother for an explanation of her silence.

"Hannah?" Frank said. Bob glanced at us.

"Where is-"

"Fuck! Shit! Oh god, no." We all turned in unison to Ray. He was holding a piece of paper. Gerard took it and read it aloud to us. His speech were poison as each word passed from his lips. He crumpled up the note and through it towards the front of the bus so that it hit the wind shield.

"Fine! If she wants to stay with that bastard, it's alright with me! I don't fucking care anymore!!"