Real Underground Baby

Rock Superstar

So you wanna be a rock superstar, and live large
a big house, 5 cars, you're in charge
comin' up in the world, don't trust no body
gotta look over your shoulder constantly


"Kay, I'm almost there, I see your blue hair."

"Okay, bye." I disconnect and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Kiki!" I turn around to see my home boy, Zeke Paxton, snake bites and gages as usual, and wearing a-Hollister?

"Ze please tell me you're not wearing a Hollister hoodie, and I'm just crazy," I say as he engulfs me in a lung-crushing hug. Zeke's been my best friend since we were little. And I'm serious, we're just friends. He's a model like me, promoting HatchetGear and Psychopathic Records stuff like me. He's a Juggalo. I'm a Juggalette. He and I moved to Fort Myers, Florida last week for the modeling. Now we're living in a cute, one-story house. It's actually very nice.

So, it's really out of character for either of us to be wearing something from Hollister. Zeke fucking hates those kind of stores, so that's why I'm asking if he's really wearing a Hollister hoodie.

"Yeah I'm wearin' a Hollister hoodie," he chuckles, "But you're still crazy."

"Shut up," I laugh, punching his arm. As for me, I'm wearing my normal Psychopathic apparel. It's rare to catch one of us without something related to Psychopathic Records, "So why are you wearing it?"

"'Cause it's comfy," he mumbles sheepishly, looking down.

I narrow my eyes at him. Now I'm suspicious, "You have about twenty way comfier hoodies at home that aren't Hollister....Ze." I raise my eyebrow at him.

He looks up at me and bites his lip, "...My Mom sent it down. She still believes I can be her preppy little baby boy. She wanted me to wear it at least once."

I crack a smile and stifle a laugh, "Aw Zekie's a Mama's boy," I coo and pinch his cheeks, which are red from blushing. He swats my hand away.

"Fuck you."

"You'll do anything to make your Mama happy-"

"Kiki," he warns.

"Next she's gonna give you khaki shorts and polo t-shirts and-"

"At least I fucking care about my parents, unlike you! I'm fucking maintaining my relationship with them, my parents fucking love me!" He snaps.

I stop teasing him and narrow my eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Um...nothing, sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Zeke, what the fuck was that supposed to mean?" I repeat, crossing my arms.

He stares at me and swallows, "Kiki I'm sorry-"

"Were you referring to the fact that my parents don't love me? Huh? That they disowned me and kicked me out when I was 15? Yeah, is that what you were talking about Zeke? My fucking parents?"

The guilty look on his face confirms it. He frowns, looking at me with regret, "Kiki, I really didn't mean that. I'm just not in a good mood. I shouldn't have said that. Kiki, please forgive me," he looks at me with pleading eyes.

I ignore him and slip my sunglasses over my eyes, "Come on. We'll be late for the photo shoot." I start walking to the warehouse. Today Zeke and I are doing a photo shoot promoting Insane Clown Posse's new album, Bang! Pow! Boom!, which is being released Sept. 1st. That's why Zeke was meeting me here.

"Kiki come on," he pleads, keeping in step beside me, "I'm just being an asshole today, I'm sorry."

"What gives you the right to even bring that up?" I ask coldly. When I started getting into Insane Clown Posse and all that stuff, my parents hated it. They would try anything to get me to stop listening to them, throw away the Cds, the clothes. We would fight everyday. I'd come home with a new piercing or tattoo, and it would be a whole new argument. The day I came home with Zeke, decked out in HatchetGear, piercings, and tattoos, they kicked me out. They couldn't take it anymore, I was a disgrace. That was 9th grade, I had to live at Zeke's. I never told Zeke that I got kicked out because of him, I didn't want to hurt him. Besides, he was only the 'last straw,' it was a matter of time before I got kicked out. I haven't talked to my parents since. They hate me.

And don't try to say they don't, like 'No you're parents could never hate you. They'll always love you no matter what.' 'Cause they really do hate me. They fucking hate my guts.

"I don't have the right Kiki, no matter what. If I could take it back I would," Zeke pleads.

"But you can't." Zeke opens the door to the warehouse for me and we walk in together, "Why are you in a bad mood anyway?"

"Because Hailey just broke up with me." he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh I'm sorry...But you knew she was a slut." She really was. I don't even know why Zeke dated her. She was the head fucking cheerleader in high school. Murder Clown Boy and Preppy Slut Bitch? Damn, it's about time they broke up.

"I know..." he sighs, "But Kiki I still shouldn't hav-"

"Yeah whatever, it's okay," I say, cutting him off, "Just....don't do it again please....Did you mean it?" I slide off my sunglasses and look at Zeke, biting my lip.

"No I certainly did not mean it. I was just being a jackass. And I'll never say it again, no matter how mad I am. It wasn't right."


"Promise," he nods his head and smiles a little. I smile softly and hug him. Someone clears their throat from behind us. We pull away and see the guy who I'm assuming is the photographer.

"You two ready to start?" He asks with a slight smile.

"Yes," I chuckle and nod, Zeke nodding in agreement.


A few minutes later, our make-up's finished and we're decked out Psychopathically.(I know it's not a word) Our face paint looks like this. Zeke's is like Violent J's,(Left) and mine's like Shaggy's(Right). Zeke's wearing no shirt, showing off his sick back tattoo, and his bat tattoo on his lower stomach, which you've already seen. The only thing he's wearing is some tripp shorts and some black skate shoes.

I'm wearing a black bikini top, some black tripp pants, and black converse. The photographer gives us two of ICP's Bang! Pow! Boom! Cds and ushers us to a set for the photo shoot.

We take hundreds of pictures doing various things and are done a few hours later. The photographer tells us he'll send us copies of the final pictures with our check soon, then Zeke and I leave.

We walk across the parking lot and get in my Lotus. Yeah, we have a small, humble house, but I wanted to indulge a little and bought myself this pretty little thing.

"Hey, you wanna go to that new night club tonight?" Ze asks me as we drive back to our place, "It plays good music there. They actually play our kinda stuff."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. The bands we love are the most hated bands on the planet... "They play ICP, Twiztid, and Kottonmouth Kings?"

"Yessir," he grins, "So there are bound to be other people like us there."

I laugh at that, "What's the place called?"


"Like the song?"

"Yeah, like the song," Ze smiles again. You know, this night club sounds pretty sweet.

"Yeah I wanna check it out," I say with a small smile.

"Sweet," Ze sits back in his seat, turns on the music,(We have an ipod plugged in so we can listen to good music without commercials) and cranks it up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, Sinister, Tripp whatever you feel like calling him, will be in the next chapter.

Let me know what you think?