Real Underground Baby

Sex, Drugs, Money, And ***

Sex, Drugs, Money, And Murder
Should Be The Last One That You Ever Heard Of
Should Be The Last One Makin Me Nervous
I Love Sex, Drugs, Money, And Murder


"Kiki get your girly ass out here!" Zeke calls from outside my bedroom door. It's about 9 pm, we're going to the club soon.

"Hold the fuck on bitch!" I yell back. I check the mirror to fix my outfit, tying the bandanna around my neck, and walk out of the room, "I swear you are the most impatient mofo out there," I shake my head at Zeke.

He takes a look at my current outfit and whistles, "Damn girl, all the boys are gonna be all over yo-You are never gonna wear heels are you?" He looks at me blankly when he notices my sneakers.

"Nope," I giggle, "I'll fucking wear them only if I have to."

"But they'll help you look taller."

I scoff and hit his arm, "Being short isn't bad..." I cross my arms and pout.

He laughs at me, "Kiki, hun, boys love short girls. They feel like they have something to protect. So don't worry."

"They won't need to protect me anyways. I'll kick a bitch's ass," I smirk, "Now let's go." I grab the keys and head out the door with Ze.

"Another reason why guys love you," Zeke chuckles, getting in the car with me.

"What?" I give him a questioning look.

"That you can kick ass. That's hot."

"Oh," I laugh, "If you say so..."


We've been at the club for about an hour, I'm a little drunk, and Zeke's sober. HA HA HA, bitch. I get to have all the fun. But, there's some shit-faced asshole here. He's flirting with every fucking girl he sees, even if she's obviously dancing with her boyfriend. He's being wicked rude too. I'm about ready to rip his head off.

"What are y-You shouldn't even be here!" He yells at some girl dancing, "Put on some clothes cova up tha' fat asss!" He slurs. My jaw drops, does this bastard even have a conscious? The girl stares at him hurt, before running off, probably to cry. I hate guys like him.

He starts to stumble over to the bar, but stops when he sees Ze and me, "'Ey you, you should leave tha' fag ova there an' come with meee," he smirks down at me.

Okay! That's fucking it! "What did you just call him?" I narrow my eyes.

"A fuckin fag look at the fucker. He's shit, a sexy chick like you should be with mee," he points to himself arrogantly.

Seriously? Is he fucking serious? I clench my fists and glare at him, "He's not a fucking fag you ass."

"Look at him! He's fucking gay, now stop bein' stubborn an' come here," he grabs my arm.

I rip my arm out of his grasp and hook him in the jaw. He stumbles sideways, but catches himself, "What the-You just....Fuckin' bitch," he glares and comes at me. Before he can do anything, I kick him in the stomach. He bends over, clutching his gut, and I grab his hair and knee him in the face.

He hits the floor with a thud, so I begin kicking him in the side.

"Kiki!" Arms pull me away, "Don't kill him!" I look up to see Ze holding me.

"But he called you a fag."

Zeke narrows his eyes at the guy, who was now getting up with the help of his friend. "Okay, but no more. We're not getting kicked out this time," he laughs and lets go of me, walking off to the dance floor.

"Hey I'm sorry about my friend, he can't hold his alcohol." A voice says. I turn around and come face to face with a guy I've never met before. When I saw him, my heart might have stopped. Seriously. He's the most perfect looking human being I've ever seen. He's about my height, maybe an inch or two taller. He has two sleeves of tattoos, light crystal blue eyes, long black hair, and a little bit of facial hair. I'm not sure how to describe his style, all I can really say is that it's hot. It's like....gangster metal. That's the only way I can explain it.

"It's okay, he was just seriously pissing me off," I say after a minute of staring into his eyes. I hope he didn't notice me being awestruck....Whoa! Wait! What am I doing being self conscious? That's not me. What the fuck?

"Yeah you just fucking decked him, I've never seen a girl do that before. That was pimp," he smiles.

I almost die. No, stop it. He's just a fucking guy. And his friend's an asshole.

"Thanks," I return the smile, "I'm Kiki."

"Kiki?" He raises his eyebrow. He looks hot when he does-Stop that!

"Short for Makina. Makina Maddox."

"Nice to meet you Makina Maddox," he smiles sweetly, "I'm Tripp."

"Tripp?" I raise my eyebrow this time.

He chuckles at that, "Or Sinister...My actual name is Derrick Lee Tribbett."

"Well nice to meet you too Mr. Derrick Lee Tribbett Sinister Tripp," I salute him. Why am I so fucking dumb? You are not dumb, shut up. Well, I'm acting stupid in front of this guy. 'Cause you're fucking nervous, so stop! Okay fine...

He laughs again, "You can call me anything."

"Okay Tripp, why's your friend being a dick?" I nod to his friend, who's now passed out on a couch.

"Oh, Angel's girlfriend just broke up with him, so he decided to get smashed. And when he's smashed and in a shitty know."

Why is it that guys automatically become dick heads when their girlfriend breaks up with them? Do they just hate the female population for the remainder of the day? Wait a sec... "Angel? Hun, he ain't no fucking Angel."

"I know," Tripp laughs again, "But it's his stage name."

"Stage name? You're in a band?" Sweet fucking deal. This man is sexy, sweet, and in a motherfucking band!

"Yeah it's called Dope. Well, I'm in another one called Makeshift Romeo too. I'm the bassist in Dope, and the singer in Makeshift Romeo."

I wanna hear his voice....

Shut. Up.

"Oh I know a song by Dope," I smile, "So you're into the hardcore rock eh?"

He nods, "Yeah, but I like other stuff too. Whatever they're playing right now-," he gestures to the club around us, "-Is wicked."

I smile, realizing that a song by Twiztid is playing. One of my bands. "This is Twiztid," I say, "I love this band. They're like death rap. It's so awesome."

"Twiztid? Sounds cool. wanna dance?" Tripp asks me. I look at him, trying to cover up my shock and excitement, and nod.

"Yeah I'd love to." He smiles and takes my hand, leading us deeper into the dance floor. Since the song is a bit faster paced, we begin grinding and fucking popping and locking it, to the song 'How I Live' by Twiztid.

♠ ♠ ♠
That's him with shorter hair. He's sexy allll the time to me =)

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