Thrown Backwards

The story runs along two main points of view: Torrance and Zachary, and two smaller points of view: Laura and Rikuto.

Torrance is a military genius. He was chosen as a special child at twelve years old. He's known by the world as A1. He fights for an impossible mission: world peace.

Zachary is an unusual child. He's wrongly understood, and doesn't know if he wants to be understood.

Laura is a medical engineer, who probably made the greatest tool in history, but what if it wasn't made for the best?

Rikuto on the surface is an ordinary guy, fighting for peace in another country just like Torrance. In truth, he's carrying out a secret plot, seemingly evil. And deeper down, how different is he from everyone else?

I don't want to say much more without ruining the story.

I posted this mainly for friends,and this is just a "draft". There may be errors and things I've changed, but I see no reason why the story should be removed.

THERE IS SOME (LITTLE) GORE! And a lot of kissing D: in future chapters there may be more. Just a warning, the story age limit may change just for people who are uncomfortable reading that stuff. If you want more of a description, comment or pm.
  1. File One
    POV: Torrance
  2. File Two
    POV: Laura. Eastern SA
  3. File Three
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  4. File Four
    POV: Torrance
  5. File Five
    POV: Rikuto. Japan
  6. File Six
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  7. File Seven
    POV: Torrance. Mexico
  8. File Eight
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  9. File Nine
  10. File Ten
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  11. File Eleven
  12. File Twelve
    POV: Torrance
  13. File Thirteen
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  14. File Fourteen
    POV: Torrance, Washington State
  15. File Fifteen
    POV: Zachary. Canada
  16. File Sixteen
    POV: Torrance, Washington State
  17. File Seventeen
    Same Moment