Possum Kingdom

Chapter 5

I heard a loud knock against my apartment door. I rose gracefully off the couch and strode over to the door, only to sense that Celia was waiting on the other side. I could also sense she was upset, angry. Before I could even wrap my fingers around the door knob, the door flew open, hitting me in the face and torso. Celia entered.

"Why? How could you do this to me? Without my consent! How dare you!" She was fuming, if she weren't a vampire I'm sure her cheeks would be flushed red and would be breathing in short, shallow breathes. I tuned her out, allowing her to ramble. While she kept fuming, allowing her anger to poor out, I looked at her face, skin so fair, pale, without a blemish. Her eyes, Celia's blue eyes, like deep pools of water that you can dive into and you would never stop going, never come out. Then there was her long dark browm hair, framing her perfect face. She stopped talking.

"I was greedy, but it was for you're protection. I turned you into a vampire to keep you safe. I love you, you are my angel, my blushing bride." I said meekly, turning around, walking over to the window. "Could you close the door?"

I heard the slam of the door before I got a response.

"What are you protecting me against?" she said with a slight edge in her tone.

"Other demons."

"Alright, I knew vampires existed, and I knew werewolves, witches and wizards existed, but demons?"

I turned to look at her, and signaled her to sit on the couch.

"You must learn the history of who we are."