Is This The Best Day Ever?

Beer, Drugs, And Adam

Bob’s P.O.V.

It was the afternoon. Mikey was still asleep. I still can’t believe what happened a few nights ago. He doesn’t love me. He’s just saying that about Adam because He doesn’t want to hurt me. I mean nothing to him. I’m just going to take care of him and that’s it. I looked at Mikey. He looked so cute sleeping. I felt like crying. I had to get out of this house. I left Mikey a note and grabbed my keys. I got into my car and looked at the dash board. It was three. I started up my car and turn on the radio. I heard some band was coming to town and was playing with a local band. It was at 6 p.m. I decided I would go because I have nothing else to do. I drove around for a while. I got something to eat. I feel like a pig eating all these fating food. I shouldn’t just eat at all. I finished eating and went on driving. I drove to a local park no one comes to because everyone was terrified that there child would get raped or something. I sat on the swings. I started to swing for a little bit then I stopped. I just started to think. Why must Mikey hate me? I just want to be there for him, but he doesn’t want me too. Adam won’t hurt me. He just doesn’t like me. Why can’t he just tell me that? I understand why he doesn’t like me. I’m fat, ugly, annoying, and besides how can anyone love me. I got off the swing and went back to the car. It was 5. I went back home. When I got home Mikey was up. He was watching TV.
“Hey.” I said.

“Where have you been?” He asked.

“Just driving around.”


“I’m going back out. I was just checking on you.”

“Where you going.”

“I’m going to see some band play at a local bar.”

“Have fun.” He said and went back to watching TV.

“Are you going to be okay.” I asked.

“Yes.” He said.

“I’ll call Gee over or something if you want.”

“I don’t care.”

“Okay.” I said leaving. When I got outside I pulled out my phone and called Ray.

“Hello?” Ray said.

“Can you come over and watch Mikey. I’m going out and I don’t want him to be alone.” I said.
“Sure. I’ll be over in a few.”

“Thanks” I said hanging up. I got into the car and drove to the bar.

When I got there the fist band was all ready playing. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. The first band was pretty good. I got up into the mosh pit and had fun. When they were done a lot of people sat down. I got up closer to the stage. The second band came out. Every one came out, but the singer. The band started to play. Then the singer came out. It was Adam. I felt like leaving, but I couldn’t it was too late; Every one had came back up to the crowd. I listen to their set. They had some good songs.

“Thank you! Were Taking Back Sunday!” Adam yelled into the microphone. I sat down at the bar and order another beer. I really didn’t want to think about Adam. I sat there drinking my beer when someone sat next to me. It was Adam.

“Leave me alone.” I said to him

“Why? I was just going to order a beer.” He said. I really need another one. I looked in my wallet. I didn’t have enough.

“Do you need someone money?” He asked me.

“I don’t need your money.” I said, but he had bought me a beer. I looked at him.

“It’s just a beer.” He said. I drank the beer. I could feel myself getting drunk, but I didn’t care. He kept on buying me beers and I kept on drinking them. I had missed the two other bands. People leaving except for people that were at the bar.

“How are you getting home?” Adam asked me.

“I don’t” I said. I had a hard time finishing my sentence.

“I don’t know.” I said. He laughed and gave me a bag.

“What. What is this?” I asked sluing my words.

“It will make you feel better.” He said. I looked in the bag. It had a bunch of pills in them. I took one and finished my beer. I started to fill all dizzy, but I felt like nothing had ever happen to me. I forgot all my problems. I drank another beer. It was midnight. I new I couldn’t drive. I called Ray and he was going to come pick me up with Gee. I drank another beer. I thanked Adam for all the beer. I went outside and waited for Gee and that other person with the big hair. Ray drove my car home. I got into the car with Gee.

“What happened?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I. I. I got drunk.” I said slurring my words.

“Will talk about this in the morning.” He said. I shock my head and passed out.