The Words I Wish You Never Spoke

Meet Jasmine Waters, Woops Sorry, Jazz Waters. Shes your average 16 year old girl. Long dark hair, Taste for loud screamo music, a mother and a sister. When the accident happens she has to leave everything and everyone she loves. But when she moves, she might find something more to live for. Something to hold on too.
  1. The Reunion
    Just get to know Jasmine Waters.
  2. Hello?
    You'll See When You Read [: My story is very slow. its a long series, so it starts off slow.
  3. The Shock.
  4. How The *** Can You Take This Away From Me.
    What? :O
  5. Stay With Me.
    Rahhhhahaha :D
  6. Think Jazz, Think.
    Do do do do .
  7. See The World From My Eyes.
  8. I'll Never Forget Your Face
    la la la la read up my babiessss [:
  9. One Last Kiss.
  10. This Is The Last Hour Of My Life With You.
    sorry i thought a sex scene was in order. heeheh