Boys and Bus Stops

Curiosity Isn't a Sin

She averted her eyes, glancing at the foreign band logo on his t-shirt from her peripheral vision as he turned around, resting his arm casually on the back of the bus seat.
He smiled as she fidgeted, finding her sudden shyness cute.

"It's only polite to look someone in the eyes when you're talking to them," he chided gently. She glanced up from her hands, catching herself staring for a second into his warm obsidian eyes.
She bit her lip softly, and only started fidgeting more when his eyes followed the action.

"I-I'm sorry," she said awkwardly, "I didn't mean to..." she trailed off, cursing herself internally. Well of course she meant to! She felt her cheeks heat up. She glanced away every now and then, unable to make eye contact. To his amusement, she turned even redder as he leaned forward, raising an eyebrow.

As he smirked at her obvious discomfort, she watched distractedly as his lip ring glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window, and briefly wondered what it would be like to his those lips... A flush rose over her cheeks again as she thought this, perturbed by his steady gaze set on her.
She straightened suddenly, the movement causing her auburn waves to rest on her shoulders, and looked right into his eyes.

"And what were you drawing, then?" Her curiosity only piqued as he smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. The cracked blue seat squeaked as he shuffled awkwardly.
"Well, uh," he paused, "Iwasdrawingyou."

Her forehead creased and she tried to piece his jumbled sentence together.
"Can you repeat that?"
He sighed, glancing up and sighing, as if he were saying 'why me?'.
"I was drawing you." This time he enunciated every word clearly, and she smiled slightly to see a faint tint of pink appear on his face.
Her logical side kicked in.

"What do you mean? You're sitting right in front of me and you haven't turned around till now."
He grinned charmingly, seemingly snapping out of his embarrassment.
"I saw you when I first came up the bus steps," he smiled at her again, "you're kind of eye catching you know."
Her large dark brown eyes widened slightly, a soft blush gracing her delicate features.
"Thank you." she said, staring back curiously at this boy.

Shaggy brown hair just barely fell into those deep eyes of his, and she suspected there were hidden muscles under that black t-shirt of his. She mused over this, blushing again as he grinned back at her knowingly, an adorable dimple appearing on his left cheek.
She wanted to kiss him. Her thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

"So other than knowing that you blush a lot, are prone to staring into space randomly, and that you have the habit of invading one's privacy," he grinned at her teasingly, "I know nothing about you. Not even your name! We might as well be strangers!" he proclaimed dramatically.

"We are strangers," she pointed out, laughing slightly as she crossed her arms in a futile attempt at being menacing. "and drawing someone who you don't even know isn't an invasion of privacy?" She smirked at him.

"We could get to know each other, if you like." He leaned forward slightly, eyes suddenly serious. He locked that penetrating gaze on her, making her smug smile falter.
She licked her lips nervously, and he found himself distracted by her soft pink lips.
To his surprise, she smiled easily. "I'd like that. And my name's Alice by the way."

He repeated it over in his mind, deciding it suited her; she was almost as curious as her fictional counterpart. "Great," he beamed at her, "my name's-" The doors chose this opportune moment to slide open as the bus came to his stop.
He stood up fluidly, walking backwards slowly, and much to her amusement, almost tripping over a patterned bag on the floor, receiving a "Watch where your going!" from a sweet looking old lady.
"You know what? I'll finish that sentence later when we meet again. Maintain that whole 'mysterious vibe' thing, right?"

She sighed, frustrated by her desire to know who he was. "Whyyyy?" she whined, almost childishly.
"How else am I supposed to get a chance with a gorgeous girl like you?" He grinned one last time at her, and then he was gone, forging a path through the crowded streets, disappearing in the pattern of moving bodies.

^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^

For two weeks, she rode the bus.
For two weeks, this mysterious, infuriating boy hadn't.

Until now.

And she'd be damned if she didn't give him a piece of her mind.She ranted in her mind, becoming more annoyed by the second. Of course, this all went out the door when he walked in, soaking wet from the steady downpour outside.
His hair clung to his face, dripping. His eyes glittered mischievously as he scanned the bus for an empty seat.
She turned away, staring out the rain streaked window, watching people run frantically through the rain, puddles splashing all around.
She heard squeaky foot-steps stop to the seat in front of her, and she turned her now scathing gaze onto him.
Nonchalantly setting a saturated bookbag next to him, he turned around to smile innocently in her direction.

She glared. "What's your name?" she demanded, straight to the point.
"Did'ja miss me?" she jabbed at his shoulder, seemingly with no affect on the boy.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, okay?" his puppy eyes aimed at her slowed her down mid-rant.
"What were you doing? And what's your name?!" She huffed, pouting subconsciously and crossing her arms.

"Hello," he grabbed her small hand his his own rougher one, "I'm Kyler, but you can just call me Master." he deadpanned.
She couldn't help it. Taking one look at his falsely serious face, she promptly burst into laughter. He grinned, perking up as he sensed his victory at defusing her anger.
He gently tugged her along as the bus came to a stop, hands clasped tightly, onto some random street.

Raindrops fell down, sparkling in the glow of the streetlight, glittering, she thought demurely, like fallen stars. His free hand reached out, softly cupping her chin and slowly tilting her head up and towards him. He leaned in, stopping halfway, those dark eyes of his questioning her own.
She tilted her head up as well, eyes shining before closing, teetering on her tip toes until his arms snaked around her waist securely.

As their lips touched, she felt her curiosity would never end with this boy.

10 Years Later

She curled up against his chest as they lay in bed, sighing contentedly into his shoulder.
His fingers drew lazy circles on her shoulder, tipping lower just to skim the top of her breast.
Her right hand crept underneath his t-shirt, wedding ring vanishing underneath the cotton fabric, dragging her nails tantalizingly over his ribs, across his stomach, circling his belly-button.

Yes, she thought dazedly, her curiosity would never be satisfied with this man, as her hand dipped a little lower.
♠ ♠ ♠
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*giggles* I thought about writing a smut scene for this but decided that I probably suck at writing that ^.^;;

I actually "wrote" this story from my phone, in that little note thing in the 'Organizer' section. xD
While on a bus for a school field trip. *sheepish grin*
Excuse the terrible dialog. ^w^