Scandalous Schoolastics


“Logan?” I hear. I jumped slightly at the sudden noise and opened one eye, only to find Ororo standing behind the arm of the couch—standing over me. “I’m sorry if I startled you. Xavier would like to see us all in his office.”

I grunted my response and rubbed my face tiredly before sitting up on the couch. I cracked my neck, or at least tried to, and stood up. I yawned for what seemed like a never-ending yawn as I made my way towards the office. Everyone was already inside. “What’s goin’ on?”

“I’m glad you could join us, Logan,” Xavier called out welcomingly. I nodded with a forced smirk and yawned once more before looking around the room—catching Wade Wilson in the midst.

“What the hell are you doin’ here?!” I growled—unsheathing my claws.

“Chill,” he held his hand up and gave me an eye roll you would catch a valley girl giving a lower class girl after a hair flip. “I was invited.”

“He’s right, Logan,” Xavier smiled politely at Wade, who returned it almost arrogantly before he took a seat beside Rogue. He gave her a smirk and wink and to my happiness, she grunted in disgust and turned away.

“That’s my girl,” I murmured under my breath as I took a seat beside Ororo. “Why’s he here, Chuck?”

“He’s here simply because he is apart of the mission I am sending you all on. No uniforms or Blackbird is required.”

“Then how the hell is it a mission?” I asked and yawned again.

Xavier smirked at me. “There is a high school in…” he started and nodded slightly before continuing. “…the Bronx side of New York. I want you all to go there and teach.”

“Why?” I asked and raised an eyebrow. “We’re doin’ just fine here.”

“The school board is asking for anyone with teach abilities to join. They’re desperate for more strict teachers,” Xavier explained.

“Oh,” I grunted with a nod. “So they need some people to put the kids on their ass when necessary…” I grunted again, only this time a smile followed. “Sounds good t’me.”

“Logan, we need to help these children out. They are deprived of many things in their lives, if I can help it, education will not be apart of it,” Xavier explained to me strictly, he leaned forward against his desk and gave the room a sweep of his deadly firm glare. “If you are up for it, you may go. I have requested for Jean, Hank, Ororo and Wade to help me but you others are not necessary.”

“Are you saying I’m not needed, Chuck?” I poked my chest and stood straight up, my ego getting the better of my situation. “You know what, I’ll go. I’ll show you how much these kids can learn from me, I’ll be educational and firm but not brutal if you want.”

“That’s somewhat of an oxymoron for you, Logan,” Wade spoke up with a smile, a sarcastic smile. “Kind of like a chaste whore if you ask me, the Wolverine being firm but not brutal. Yeah, this should be fun to watch.”

I turned to Wade and chuckled sarcastically. “Ha…you’re so not funny.” I sighed heavily and turned back to Xavier. “When is this thing supposed to start?”

“Today, in one hour,” Xavier told me.”

“Oh Yay!” I called out sarcastically. “Okay, so who’s teaching what?”

“First, who all is volunteering?” Xavier questioned first of all, hands went up around the room until Scott, Ororo, Jean, Hank, Wade and I had our hands up looking like school children ourselves. “Then it’s settled, Scott will be teaching Math and Automotives. Ororo will teach history and art, Jean will be teaching Science and Biology. Hank will teach English and Literature, Wade will be teaching physical Education and you Logan, will be helping Wade as well as being the chorus instructor.”

“Oh you have got to be kidding me?” I stopped and stared at Xavier until he tilted his head as if to gesture for me to speak my mind. “You’re making me teach kids to sing? Have you lost your mind, Charles?”

Charles shook his head. “Well, I heard you can carry quite a tune,” he complimented. Sure I can sing—and I’m damn good at it---but that doesn’t mean I really wanted to brag about my small talent.

I narrowed my eyes and fell back down in the seat I once sat in. “You’re killin’ me…” I grunted and sighed heavily—hiding my face in my hands. “So, I’m the chorus teacher---“

“Oh, and I almost forgot,” Charles called out, interrupting me. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. “You’ll also be the dance instructor.”

“Storm, if you weren’t a woman I’d kill you,” I threatened covering my face with my hand, I knew she had told him because believe it or not, she was the only person I’d ever shown.

“Logan, you sing wonderfully and you dance great,” she tried to flatter her way back into my heart but uh-uh, no way. “Fine, be that way but I was just trying to help. You were going to get stuck with Math.”

“Either way, I’ll die,” I called out dramatically, throwing my hand forward to dangle off the armrest. “Of boredom or plain embarrassment.”

Everyone chuckled slightly. Some of rather inaudibly, but---I heard it either way. “I hate math,” I complained. “Letters and numbers should never be together,” I grunted and looked down at Scott. “But only a dork like Scooter would understand that sh…stuff.” I smiled. Even though I couldn’t see it, Scott glared. I smirked. “Hey Scott…do you know what the meaning of a dork is?”

Hank chuckled, and of course…I did as well. “Kiss my ass, Logan,” Scott grunted and turned back to the Professor. “Does the school know we’re attending?”


“How long is this gonna be exactly, Chuck?” I asked firmly.

“Until the board says we’ve fulfilled our agreement,” he didn’t explain anything else, just nodded towards the door. “Pack your bags; you will leave in an hour for the school. There will be six cabs that will arrive in exactly forty five minutes.”

“Why seven?” Jean questioned, speaking for the first time I believe.

“Because, the students here need to be taught as well,” he smirked at the older students in the room, all of which groaned at where he was going. “The students will be attending the school with you, at least the ones I have called into this meeting will. The rest will be taught by me, here.”


I walked out of the mansion with my luggage and the cab driver, kind as he was, opened the door for me. I looked into the cab and found Scott looking up at me. “Oh, great,” I grunted and sat inside. I looked back at the mansion and watched as the others walked to their designated cabs.

“I get stuck with the—“Scott was still mumbling as I climbed in and sat as far as possible away from him, my bags in my lap and in between us. What nerve he had to give me a look when I stuffed my duffle bag between us, roughly but I didn’t hit him so he shouldn’t be so grouchy. “Why did you even volunteer, Logan?”

“To show Chuck wrong,” I grumbled under my breath. “I think I got suckered in though because even though I think I won, I feel as if I lost.”

“Dude,” Scott turned to me and raised both eyebrows. “You are so far from being a winner right now its not even funny.”

I looked at Scott and furrowed my eyebrows tightly. I thought about what he said and chuckled afterwards. “You’re right,” I grunted and hung my head. “Why do I have to be the teacher? You can sing…can’t you?”

“No one knows that but you,” he slowly turned to me and furrowed his brows. “And if you tell, by God I will kick you in the nuts and you will wish you were female.”

“Calm down Scooter, we’re assigned, remember,” I rolled my eyes and then chuckled when I thought of what he said. “Your funny as hell when your mad, Scott. You should do it more often, it makes me laugh.”

I looked head, a small smile still spread across my face. And in my side view, Scott looked over at me quickly. I did a double take and chuckled. “Stop!” I called out and laughed harder. “Stop! You’re killin’ me!” I called out and wrapped my arms around my stomach. I looked over at him and laughed again.

“Exactly, Logan, what is so funny when I’m mad?” Scott asked me. After I was able to catch my breath, I turned to him.

“Your nostrils flare…” I grunted.

He stared at me for all of five seconds before he shook his head slowly. “I hate you Logan, I hate you more than words can say.”

“You just say that because you know you look funny with flaring booger holes,” I chuckled again and tried hard not to giggle like a child. “Okay, we need to stop this before I bust a vein in my neck,” I exhaled slowly and deeply, but just the thought of Scott angry cracked me up once more. “Think about it,” I started and turned to him. “A one-eyed guy with…you know…parachutes for a nose!”

“I’m about to stop this cab and put you with Wade,” Scott threatened. I had to laugh again; he was still flaring those big ass nasal passages.

“I’m sorry—“I paused to breath and closed my eyes. “I’m going to sleep, wake me up when we get to the ghetto so I can say hey to Nae-Nae.”

“You’re an idiot,” Scott sighed and leaned against the window.

---Bronx, New York---

“Logan!” Scott called out. I jumped and turned to him. “We’re here. Get your ass up.” I sighed heavily and got out of the cab and the others joined us with their bags in hand.

“Jean, you totally missed it!” I called out with a smile and glanced at Scott. “Have you ever looked at Scott’s nose when he gets mad? It flares like he’s about to take off.”

“Logan!” Jean called out and her eyes widened. “Don’t do that. Scott’s sensitive about that,” she told me firmly.

“Hey,” I started with a shrug. “Makes me feel better for bein’ stuck as the chorus and dance instructor.”

“I said it once and I’ll say it again,” Scott started and pointed his long finger at me. “You’re an idiot.”

“Thanks,” I nodded like I thought it was a compliment. “I appreciate it; being called an idiot by a dork is—like being called a dumbass by a blonde.”

“Hey!” one of the female students yelled, I didn’t see who but I waved my hand as an apology.

Scott sighed heavily and shook his head and started for the school. We all followed and walked to the front office.

“What? Nothing to say now, Scooter?” I asked but found Ororo and Jean slapping both arms at the same time, that kind of shut me up for awhile.

“We were sent here by Charles Xavier,” Scott was speaking with the principle, they spoke for awhile and everyone kind of took places around the office until I was left standing by the wall alone.

“Losers,” I commented when I found myself left alone. I stood there for awhile longer before I sent and sat down beside Ororo. “When do we start teaching?”

“Tomorrow, they had a conference with all the kids today. They were explained to about the new teachers and students, they should be getting out soon,” she looked down at her wrist watch and sighed. “He said at two, it’s two.”

“I want to check out the kids,” I paused and shook my head. “That came out wrong.”

“Go,” Ororo pushed him from the seat they shared. “While you’re out there, go to the cafeteria and get me a water bottle, please.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grunted and stood up and began my small journey to the cafeteria. Even though the school was located (what some people would call it) in the ghetto, the school was pretty friggin’ huge. I furrowed my eyebrows and stopped at a “fork in the road”. “Hpmh,” I grunted and raised an eyebrow. I looked down the hall to my left and found a pretty brunette girl walking towards me. “Hey, darlin’,” I called out. She looked up at me.

“Yeah?” She called out and raised her brows.

“Can you show me where the cafeteria is?”

“Just go down this hallway and turn left at the last door,” she told me simply, popped a bubble she made with her gum and strolled away like I hadn’t asked her very politely to show me where the damn cafeteria was, not tell me. Show me.

“I hate kids,” I murmured under my breath and started walking towards the cafeteria. I stopped at the door like the girl said and walked in, the room was huge and roomy; there were a few people in it. Most of which were teachers, one looked up as I walked in and squealed like a pig. “Oh shit…”

“Logan!” the woman screamed as she tried to hop from the table she was seated at. “I haven’t seen you in years!”

“Mere?” I stared at the woman as she ran up to me and threw her arms around my shoulders, I hugged her back faintly but still couldn’t believe it was Meredith Stevens, a friend I thought had disappeared off the face of the earth a few years back.

She pulled away and stared into my eyes. I hadn’t believed my eyes. “Mere…” I whispered and shook my head. “What’re you…when did you….why didn’t you call me when you got to New York? I thought you were stayin’ in Australia!”

“Well, I did call but they said you went MIA so I waited, I called again and you were still gone so I figured I’d wait for you to find me,” she smiled softly. “You always were good at that.”

“I missed you,” I laughed and hugged her again. “Wait, you’re working here?”

“I’m the chorus teacher,” she said proudly. “What are you doing here?”

I smiled and laughed wholeheartedly. “Charlie put me on as the Chorus and Dance instructor,” I told her and shook my head. “Everyone knows about my little talent now,” I grumbled and sighed heavily. “Hey…since I’m gonna be teaching different genres of Dance, do you want to be my partner? You were always a great dancer.”

“Well I can’t let you make an ass of yourself alone,” she smiled and nodded her head. “We start tomorrow. When is your dance class, it can’t conflict my schedule will it?”

“I don’t know. We all just got here not too long ago. They’re still in the front office,” I explained. “I’m actually tryin’ to buy 'Ro some bottled water,” I told her and chuckled. “Of course, I got lost on the way and had to ask for directions.”

“Nice,” Meredith called out and laughed. “It’s not too hard once you’re here for a little while. Besides, all you gotta use is that keen sense of smell, and you’ll be just fine,” she told me with a wink. “C’mon…let’s get that water, ‘ey?”
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If there are any typos I am very sorry, I just didn't feel like going through six pages to fix them. Comment and subscibe please. Thanks!