The Robbery

The Robbery

“Millions and millions Mikey! We can have mansions, expensive cars, anything you want! You can finally get that hummer you always wanted!’’ I exclaimed.
“I dunno...” said Mikey, sounding petrified.
“It’s already four o’clock. It closes in an hour.”
I was so excited.
I would be rich.
I could have anything I ever wanted.
I could also end up in jail.
I was 92.9% ecstatic.
And 7.1% petrified.
Also quite possibly 100% crazy.
I was about to rob a bank.

I finally persuaded Mikey to come with me. He looked terrified.
“Here.” I muttered, as we neared the bank.
I pushed a gun into his hands.
“Just take it, okay?” I was starting to get annoyed.

I had checked out the bank a few times.
Six cameras.
Four fire exits.
One silent alarm.
Two guards.
I knew where they stood. When they moved. When they each took toilet breaks.
I knew what I was doing.
Mikey didn’t.

I walked in and held my gun to the guards head. Oh dear God. What am I doing?
“Nobody Move!” I shouted.
I shot down all six cameras and the screaming started.
Mikey was already yelling at the teller near the silent alarm to put as much money in the bags as possible.
“SHUT UP!” I yelled. I knew everybody was scared. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to hurt them. I just wanted their money.
“You almost done babe?” I asked Mikey.
“Yeah. Le-le-lets go.” Mikey stuttered.
Scared little wimp. I thought. Inside I was just as scared as him. But I wouldn’t let him know that.
We ran outside to our getaway car – tape blackening the plates of course. Mikey looked pale, so I drove.
Still no cops, I thought. Good...

“Hey Mikes, I sold the car on eBay, so let’s go drop it off.” I explained to Mikey.
“YOU SOLD MY LAMBO ON EBAY?!?!?” shouted Mikey.
“Take a chill pill Mikez, we can buy you a new one. Dude. We. Are. Rich.”
A huge grip slowly erupted onto his face.
“We are, aren’t we.” He smirked.
“Yeah Mikez,” I sighed. “We are.”
Still no cops, I thought. Good...

When we arrived to the destination, apartment 12, Braro Street, to be exact, I went up and knocked on the door, while Mikey took the black tape off the plates.
“Hello there,” I said politely, when a man opened the door.
“Yeh, wha’ you wan’?”
“You brought our Lambo on eBay, im dropping it off for you.”
I handed him the keys and the paperwork. He grunted a thank-you and shut the door.
“What now?” said Mikey.
“If my calculations are correct, our limo should be arriving in..... Three, two, one.”
Mikey gave me a strange look as the limo pulled up, but I ignored it.
Still no cops, I thought. Good...

We asked Jeeves (not his real name) to take us to Amazon, Mikey’s favourite clothing shop. When we got there, we changed our clothes, and brought a whole lot more. When we got back in the limo, we told Jeeves to take us to the best hotel he could think of.
We ended up at the Ritz and it was amazing! Mikey was speechless. We had just entered the room. Honeymoon suite, king sized bed. I dumped our bags of clothes and landed on the bed.
“Pure Bliss.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more. I love you Mikey.” I said as he curled into my arms.
“I love you too Frankie.”
And just before I drifted off to sleep, my mind had one more thought.
Still no cops, good...
♠ ♠ ♠
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