Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 10

Joan and Di had managed to meet up early, and they too wandered. They wandered around some hills and rock formations. There was a small crevasse where they were able to climb down into and sit. It was nothing like home, but it was comfortable. Joan had a hatchet attached to her hip, and Di had a sickle in her bag. Neither wanted to resort to using their weapons.

“What do you think is going to happen to us?” Joan asked.

“I dunno,” Di said. “I don’t even want to know.”

The two of them then sat in silence, wishing it was all a dream.

On the other side of the beach inside the lighthouse, a group of students sat in there in silence. Kelly, Isobel, Samantha, Sandy, and Emma all sat on the floor against the wall. All stared nervously around, and waited for the next announcement. Neither of the girls said a word to each other in about an hour. What was there to talk about? ‘Yeah, we’re about to die. Isn’t this fun?’

For now the island was silent, not many were running around. Most were sitting in trees, houses, bushes, etc. Back in the schoolhouse headquarters, the instructor was sifting through some paperwork, getting together his next announcement as noon was coming up. He watched the computers, seeing the limited movement. He sighed and spoke to himself.

“Damn kids. I should make more forbidden zones. Lazy bastards.”

“Boss, just leave them. Kids are dying already, just keep on normally, and it’ll pick up quite quickly,” one of the soldiers in the room said.

“Right. So, who do we think is gonna win this?”

A murmur rose throughout the room, most of them saying Kyle or Jason, a few saying Matt, and a select few other names. The instructor sighed then went back to his secluded office to watch the monitors. On the LCD display, a few dots moved about, but most staying in one place. He counted them off, seeing who was in groups and who was alone. Suddenly he heard a small beeping noise, and saw that it was noon.

“Ah,” he let out a short yelp before pushing his chair over towards the microphone.

He turned it on, turned the volume up high, and looked through his notes as to who has died.

“Good afternoon everyone…” the shrill voice echoed through the island.

All the students from their spots looked alert as they heard the distorted voice in their ears.

“…well not much to report now. It’s noon, and since six, only two have departed us. Angela and Tim are no longer in the game. This is boring folks, let’s get out there! That’s what you’re here for. And now, your forbidden zones. At 1 PM, section C=4, at three PM, sections A=1 and F-2, and at five PM, section E=2. That is all, have fun, and don’t forget what you’re here for.”

He turned off the microphone and went back to his paperwork, checking off the zones he announced, and planning his future ones. He was determined to get someone caught, so he could prove that sitting in one spot the whole time isn’t gonna get you anywhere.

“Ugh I hate kids,” he told himself aloud.


“What?” he snapped at the soldier who walked in.

“You hate kids, well, isn’t it why you’re doing this?”

“Ahh, good point. The sooner these kids die, the sooner we can get another batch up and killing each other.”

The soldier nodded then walked back out. The instructor went back to his paperwork, studying the folders of each student, sifting through like nothing. He wanted to learn as much as he could about these students. So if the game ran longer than he’d expected, he could motivate them by telling their deepest secrets. Invasion of privacy? He didn’t care one bit. He was just here to get the kids to kill each other so he can do it all over again in another couple weeks. Because that’s how sadistic he was. He enjoyed watching these kids brutally kill each other. Shooting each other in the face, or the blood spattering, bone crunching beatings to the face. He grinned to himself, remembering past games.

The past games, people strangling one-another, unloading hundreds of bullets into one’s helmet covered face. Stabbing out eye-balls with fingers, a girl beating a boy’s face in with an aluminum bat, a hatchet into someone’s face.

“Ahh, good times,” he said about his reminisce. “Now to get these kids going,” he talked to himself again as he was writing down his plans to get the kids to start playing.

Something on the screen caught his eye though. One of the students was sitting in the next forbidden zone. Hadn’t moved for the last hour or so. He zoomed to get info on who it was. It was Jessica. She was sitting next to a small rock formation in zone C=4. The zone that was to be forbidden soon, and she hasn’t moved in an more than an hour.

He chuckled to himself and fixated his attention on that dot as time went by and it still hadn’t moved.

“Looks like I will get to see a head blown off in this game,” he said to himself, grinning.

As one PM was drawing nearer and nearer, he had his finger on the trigger to detonate her collar. Then the dot began to move towards the projected end of that zone into a free one. He watched his timer counting down as the dot ran for the border. Finger on the button, counting, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It was one PM.

27 Students Remaining