Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 11.

Jessica had been walking almost the whole time, and needed to sit. She found a small rock formation and sat by it, making sure she was hidden from plain sight. She drank some water, then leaned back. She was exhausted, and more than tempted to just fall asleep. Then she began to think about Mandy. Her best friend was dead.

“Ugh, I hate this game,” she said to herself.

She brushed a piece of hair out of her face, then proceeded to pull her long brown hair into a ponytail. She hadn’t been able to find her other friends, and she was getting scared. She knew that if she was alone, she wouldn’t have as good a chance.

As the noon announcement came through, Jessica was almost asleep. She caught most of it, at least catching the next forbidden zones. She looked at her watch, and kept her attention on it. After studying her map, she realized she was in the next forbidden zone. She looked at her watch again. 12:57 pm.

“Oh shit,” she said, getting to her feet and taking off.

Jessica had no clue how far she had to run, she just ran. She couldn’t run fast though, because of the fatigue that set in. Her lungs were burning, and she felt like she was choking. She glanced at her watch. 12:59. She tripped on a stick and fell, barely getting her hands out. She landed hard, and felt a mild snap in one of her wrists.

Jessica then took in a lungful of air, and felt something. The lungful of air never escaped her lungs as the vibration through her neck and head was the last thing she felt.

About twenty feet away just outside the newly forbidden zone, Sam sat in the bushes. He saw Jessica running in his direction, and he ducked. He didn’t want to trust anyone, especially the ‘preppy’ people who weren’t particularly nice to anyone. He heard the soft thud on the ground as she fell, but then he heard nothing else. He narrowed his eyes, and gripped the handle of his axe. Then he rose to his feet gradually. He gasped.

“Oh, shit!” he said to himself.

Jessica’s body was sprawled on the ground, minus the head. All that was left was a pink and red chunky hole. Her neck looked like jagged ripped paper, and blood, hair, and brains were spattered about the ground, the trees, and the rocks that were around. Sam could feel the gag at the back of his throat. His mind wanted him to puke, but he had no food in his stomach, and just stuck to dry heaving. He walked away from the body then, trying to shake the image out of his mind. He was able to collect himself as he walked slowly, surveying the areas slowly.

Sam came to a small beach. A small changing room sat nestled between two trees. He gripped his axe, walking up to it cautiously. He tapped it on the wall, and heard nothing. He slowly walked up to the door and opened it. Empty. Breathing a sigh of relief, he walked inside and sat on a broken down beach chair. He leaned back and tried to rest. Once again the image of Jessica’s headless body was there.

“Urgh,” Sam groaned out loud, trying to shake the image.

Sam then dug through his pack for something to eat and drink. Sustenance is what he needed. Fatigue was setting in. After a brief snack of bread and water, he studied his map, and realized that he wouldn’t be in a forbidden zone for at least six more hours. After one quick survey of the surrounding beach and woods, he wedged another chair against the door, then he sat in the chair, getting comfortable. He shut his eyes, and tried to doze off.

He sighed. “How can I even think about sleep when I got twenty something people that are killing each other?”

Sam tried his hardest to get some sort of sleep, yet couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that someone could be right outside with a hand grenade. He shuddered at the thought, and then tried to shake it. Trying to think happy thoughts. Positive. Just two hours of sleep was all he wanted. Just something. Ten minutes would be enough to give him a bit more energy. He managed to doze, almost feeling quite comfortable. He just wanted to dream. He dreamed of being at home with his family, in his own bed.

26 Students Remaining.