Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 14.

Lisa looked at Matt when they heard the voice behind the door. She was skeptical about answering, and just wanted to walk away. Matt was hurting though. His breathing had gotten heavier, and the sweat beaded on his forehead.

“I think we should just go,” Matt whispered.

Lisa shook her head. She knew that Matt wouldn’t be able to walk very far. She knew he needed to rest.

“It’s Lisa, I’m with Matt, and he’s injured. We need somewhere to rest.”

There were rustling sounds, then the door slowly opened. Sam stood there, holding an axe, almost ready to strike. Dark eyes glared at the two for a moment, before turning softer. Sam could tell Matt was in a lot of pain, seeing the way he was slumped over, and leaning on Lisa.

“It’s kind of cramped in here, but come on,” he said.

Lisa and Matt both smiled and walked in. Sam closed the door and wedged a chair against it. Matt quickly sat and leaned against one of the walls. His breathing was still growing heavier.

“So what happened?” Sam asked.

“Long story short, Kyle and Mark had me. Matt helped out, but Kyle shot him in the leg as we were running away,” Lisa said, opening her bag to get a bottle of water. “Matt, drink this.”

Matt shook his head and just leaned against the wall. Lisa sighed as he pushed the water bottle away. She looked at his leg. The cloth wrapped tightly around his upper calf. Blood still dripped down, just not as much. She grabbed his hand and held it, watching him. He had fallen asleep, or Lisa thought the pain caused him to pass out. Either way, he wasn’t very responsive.

“He got shot because of me,” she said quietly.

“He saved you though,” Sam said, taking a seat on the floor across from the two.

Lisa sighed. She knew that Sam was right, but she couldn’t shake the guilt. It hung in her stomach, and she knew it would be there forever.

“Thanks for letting us in, Sam,” she said.

“No problem. You’re one of the few here that I can trust.”

Lisa smiled weakly, and it fell silent.

In the lighthouse right down the beach, Kelly, Isobel, Samantha, Sandy, and Emma continued to sit in silence as well. Not many words were exchanged except for the occasional offerings of water to one another.

Steph and Martin were in a heavily wooded area, sitting behind a large tree. They talked silently, trying to plan out their next move.

Blu, Tay, and Sas were in another lighthouse on the southern end of the island. They too, talking silently, sharing memories of the past, before they were tossed into this game.

Joan, and Di were sitting in the same crevasse all day, wanting to be protected from everyone. Not wanting to participate in this game.

Nicole, Josh, and Ryan had been in an old library for a couple of hours, also being a small group that just wanted to hide out away from everyone. Also talking about their two dead friends, still in disbelief over what happened.

Dan and Mike were hiding out in an old science lab that had been abandoned for some time. Working and trying to figure out how they can disable the collars and escape.

Brad and John had continued to wander around, not wanting to be in one place for too long for fear of anyone stumbling upon them.

Most of the remaining students were in small groups, with the exception of Kyle and Carrie. Both were hiding in their own spots, waiting for the right time, both going for the same goal.

24 Students Remaining
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I have fixed the mistakes I found. So if you remember the last chapter saying 26 were left, that has changed. I made an error back around chapter 10, which resulted in my count being off. It is now all fixed. :D

PS. comments too, if you remember my warning.