Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 15.

Lisa had been keeping a close eye on Matt for sometime while he slept. Blood had stopped dripping from his cloth covered wound not too long ago, but a small pool had gathered on the floor. Guilt still had it’s hold on Lisa, once again causing her to hang her head. She then heard some rustling, and looked up just as Matt cried out in pain.

“Fucking leg,” he said.

“Easy, Matt, don’t move around so much,” Lisa said.

He panted slightly as he grimaced in pain. A moment later his expression was back to normal.

“You know, there’s a small clinic not to far from here, I can see if I can run there and grab some pain killers or something,” Sam said, turning from the door to face them.

“But with this fucked up game, I don’t want you risking something for us,” Lisa said.

“I’ll be fine,” Matt said in one breath.

“Plus, we don’t have guns. I have a machete, and Matt had a dagger.”

“Wait, look in my day pack,” Matt said. “I got a magnum from Mark and Kyle.”

Lisa opened up Matt’s pack and went through it. Sure enough she pulled out the magnum. It was loaded, and there were three extra magazines.

“Here, give it to me,” Sam said. “I’ll run there and run back. I shouldn’t be gone more than an hour. Block the door when I leave, and when I get back, I’ll tap the door three times.”

Lisa nodded and handed the gun to Sam. “Be careful, Sam.”

He nodded and went out. It was a quick dash through the open beach then through more trees. Just about a fifteen minute jog, and Sam had made it. He cautiously walked around, listening for signs of anyone in the area. While holding the gun, he opened the front door and walked in, quickly scanning the place. Nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, so he went right to work looking around. Using an empty bag he found, he went through cabinets and drawers, pulling out gauze, disinfectant, bandage wraps, and a bottle of pain killers. He then exited the building using the same caution he did when entering. After he felt the all-clear, he darted back towards the beach, back to the small changing hut. Like he said, he tapped on the door three times, and after some brief rustling, the door opened and he entered.

“I grabbed some fresh bandages and disinfectant too.”

“Thanks, Sam,” Lisa said with a smile.

She took the bag and went to Matt’s side. Sam went back to watching the door, keeping an ear open to listen for unusual noises outside. He hadn’t paid much attention to the soft chatter between Lisa and Matt. Lisa emptied the bag, setting the stuff on it.

“Sam brought stuff to clean your leg off, Matt. So I’m going to try and play doctor.”

Matt nodded and leaned his head back against the wall. Lisa untied the makeshift bandage and tossed it away. She saw the quarter sized hole in his upper calf. It was the only hole, so she assumed that the bullet was still in his leg. She ripped off a piece of the bandage cloth, soaked it in the disinfectant, and wiped her hands. Then she grabbed the bottle, pouring the liquid in and around the wound.

“Shit, shit, shit, fuck, that fucking burns!” Matt cried painfully.

“Matt, sshh. Calm down,” Lisa said.

Matt bit his lip as Lisa wiped the dried blood off his leg. Fresh blood began to stream out of the hole, but Lisa quickly pressed gauze pads against it, then proceeded to wrap the clean cloth around it.

“How’s that feel?” Lisa asked.

“Still hurts, but better.”

“Here, take these.” She handed him two pills and a bottle of water.

After Matt took the pills, the two of them chatted silently, followed by repeated yawning.

“You know, if you two want to try and sleep for an hour or so, go ahead,” Sam said, turning to them. “I have the gun, and if something weird starts to happen, I’ll wake you guys.”

Lisa and Matt nodded in approval and adjusted to try and get comfortable. Within minutes, there was silence, except for heavy breathing. Sam looked at the gun in his hands, and set it on the floor next to him. He just wanted to go home.

An hour passed with nothing out of the ordinary. The two were still sleeping, and Sam still stared at the door. He couldn’t help but feel extremely tense. Suddenly there was rustling, a thud, and a grunt from outside. Sam picked up the gun and looked through a crack in the wall. He saw Kyle brushing sand off his pants and hoodie. He didn’t keep walking though, he was looking around. Finally, he took a few steps, and Sam listened, seeing where he was moving to. More rustling, then an exhausted sigh. Along the other wall, there was another small crack, and Sam looked through it. Kyle sat against a tree, hidden between the hut and a large bush. He looked like he was gonna park there for a while.

Sam quietly moved to awaken Lisa and Matt, keeping a finger to his lips so they would stay silent. He slowly began mouthing words, and gesturing.

“We have to get out of here. Kyle is right out there, just sitting. Stay quiet.”

Lisa nodded, then she and Sam worked to get Matt to his feet. While it was painful for Matt, he was dead silent. Lisa supported him as Sam moved the chair from the door and opened it. He held the gun and looked. He pointed in the direction they were going to go, and then they slowly headed out. Just as they were heading for the trees, someone shouted.

24 Students Remaining.
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I apologize for taking so long to update. I didn't even realize it had been so long. Thanks again for being awesome readers/commenters/etc.