Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 17

Lisa, Matt, and Sam were almost clear of the beach when someone shouted. Lisa turned and saw Kyle. Then she saw the gun in his hand. It wasn’t any small gun either. A definite explanation of the showers of bullets she was almost caught in earlier.

“Go you two!” Sam shouted.

Lisa and Matt started to back away. “Sam come on!” Lisa called to him.

“Just go. Get out of here!” Sam pulled the magnum and shot at Kyle, hitting him square in the chest.

Kyle hit the sand, not moving at all. Lisa motioned for Matt to go hide and she headed up to Sam’s side.

“That was easy,” he said, slowly moving towards Kyle’s body.

Lisa noticed something odd. “Sam, get away from him, please?”

Sam turned around. “Why?”

“There’s no blood. You shot him, shouldn’t there be blood?”

Sam turned again to look at Kyle. He knew that Lisa was right, and he began to back away. Then he noticed the gun in Kyle’s hand start to move.

“Lisa, run!” Sam shouted.

“Sam, come on with me!”

“Just run! Please!”

Lisa backed off into the trees, and stopped. She heard a few gunshots, turned and saw Sam shoot at Kyle who was now back on his feet, just glaring.

“I’m gonna kill you, then I’m gonna hunt down that rat and his slut and kill them!” Kyle shouted.

“You won’t get near them!” Sam said, aiming for Kyle’s head.

Sam pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. Lisa knew the gun was out, as well as Kyle, who just laughed. She wanted to run out there and help Sam. He had done so much for them, and she couldn’t let him die like this. Just as she was about to run back out there, someone grabbed her around the waist. At that exact moment, she heard a short burst, then saw Sam hit the sand, face first.

“No!” she shouted, trying to run out there.

“Lisa, come on, we gotta go,” Matt said.

“Let me go, Matt, I gotta kill that fucker.”

“I’m not letting you get killed. Now come on, before Sam’s sacrifice backfires.”

Lisa finally gave in as Matt nearly had to carry her away from the beach. They didn’t go far until they found a near perfect hiding spot that they hoped hadn’t been found by anyone else. A few huge rocks formed what looked like a small cave. Matt threw a small rock in there and waited for a response. Nothing came, ensuring that it was clear. Lisa checked her map and mentioned that it wasn’t in the recent list of forbidden areas.

“Go in,” Matt said, handing her a flashlight.

She turned the light on and managed to crawl in. She scanned around with the light to make sure there wasn’t any unwanted company. To her surprise, there wasn’t, and it was perfect to hide in. Matt followed her in, sitting to relax his leg.

“How’s your leg?” she asked.

“Hurts like usual.”

Lisa hung her head. “I shouldn’t have let Sam die like that.”

“He died helping us. Be thankful for it please? I’m pissed that he died like that too, but he saved our lives.”

“True, but still, I should’ve just dra-” She was cut off by Matt who shushed her. “What?”


Lisa listened to a male and female talking as they were walking by. She instantly reacted at the female voice. Without even saying anything, she crawled for the entrance.


“It’s Steph!” she said, crawling half out of the hole. She saw Steph and Martin walking away. “Steph!”

Steph stopped and turned. “Lisa!”

“Come on, there’s room for more in here. Join us.”


“Matt’s with me.”

Steph and Martin joined them in the hole. “How’d you find this?” Martin asked.

“We just stumbled across it,” Lisa said.

“What happened to you?” Steph asked.

“Matt saved me, but Kyle shot him in the leg, so he’s been limping. We were with Sam for a while, and he saw Kyle camping out close to where we were. He decided we should go, so we did, and Sam ended up dying while we got away.”

“Damn. So what are we down to?”

“I don’t know. I just want out of here,” Lisa said.

The four of them soon just sat in silence, waiting, listening.

23 Students Remaining.
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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long! Thanks for being so patient with me. And keep in mind, this story along with my others are NOT dead. Updates are gonna be slow, but please be patient and bare with me. I'll try to make the updates exciting to make up for the time.