Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 18.

Kyle looked at Sam’s body for a moment, making sure he was dead. He didn’t need to wait for long, because he already could tell. He kneeled down next to the body, picking up the gun and heading into the little hut. Sam’s day pack was still in there, so Kyle went through it. He found the axe that Sam had, so he picked it up, even though he had the machine gun. He also took what was left of the water and bread before leaving. Once he was out, he looked at the map to see where he would go. Deciding against trying to find Lisa and Matt, he eyed the lighthouse that was about a mile down the beach.

In that particular lighthouse, Kelly, Isobel, Samantha, Sandy, and Emma had been sitting there all night and day. They had been hiding out, wanting to stay away from everyone. They also knew that if the time had come, they had the firepower to get through. Emma had a .45, Kelly had pistol, and Sandy had a Beretta.

“How many do you think we’re down to?” Sandy asked, looking out the window at the nighttime sky.

“We won’t know till the next announcement. It’s gotta be in the low twenties at the most,” Emma said. “What time is it anyways?”

“It’s almost midnight.”

They sat in silence then, just waiting for the announcement. At midnight on the dot, the familiar distorted feedback flooded the island.

“Well, well, midnight. Six more hours passed, and we only have 3 new names to add to the funeral list. Mark and Sam for the males, and the only female, Jessica, our first to get caught in a zone. We’re not playing about these zones. Get caught and say bye to your head. We’re down to twenty-three, but we need to get more of you dead. So here’s how we’re gonna shake it up a bit. First, the new zones. At one, B-5, at three, E-3, and at five, A-2. Now, let’s see if we can shake up these large groups that are hanging out not doing anything. For this group of five in the lighthouse on the southern beach. When are you guys gonna get out and do stuff? Or are we too afraid? We have those pessimists like Sandy, but then there’s the outgoing ones like Kelly. Let’s not forget Isobel, who’s known to be cruel. She tries to be friends with everyone, but really, she just ends up making fun of them behind their backs. So many different personalities, are you sure you all can trust each other? Especially Isobel, who’s said at least one mean thing about each person in her class. From calling someone a slut, to even saying that she was going to kill a few particular classmates. We really can’t allow these people to live, can we? Nope, so get to it.”

At the end of the announcement, Isobel looked around at the other four. They all stared at her.

“What have you said about us Isobel?” Samantha asked.

“What do you mean? He’s lying. I wouldn’t say anything about any of you.”

“How is he lying? He knows about all of us. They obviously have some kind of information on us. Our school permanent records and all that stuff,” Emma said.

“Yeah, so what have you said about us behind our backs?” Kelly asked.

“Nothing!” Isobel said, raising her voice a little.

“Liar. I’ve heard from people that you’ve called me a slut!” Kelly now was shouting.

“You guys! Stop!” Sandy yelled, getting the attention of the other 4. “That psycho just broadcasted our location to everyone that’s left. We really shouldn’t stay here anymore.”

“She’s right,” Emma said as she began gathering her things into her daypack. “Look, I don’t know what he’s trying to do, but I’m getting out of here.”

“Emma, don’t go by yourself,” Sandy said quietly.

“I don’t care anymore. Obviously, being with a big group isn’t going to work.”

During this conversation, Samantha had gathered her daypack, grabbed her weapon, which was an aluminum bat, and headed for the door to go down and exit the lighthouse.

“Fuck them all. I’m not being in a group with them. I’ll be much better off on my own,” she whispered to herself as she ran down the stairs.

She opened the door and gasped as she met those emotionless ice cold eyes that belonged to Kyle. Both stood for a moment, staring at each other. Kyle smirked, lightly jerking his head towards his hand. Samantha looked down and saw the machine gun in his hand, pointing at her stomach. In an instant, Samantha swung her hand up that was holding the bat. She pushed it into Kyle’s chest causing him to stumble backwards. As soon as he lost his balance, Samantha slammed the door and tried to head back upstairs.

“You guys!” she shouted.

She was going to scream that Kyle was coming, but she heard the rapid gunfire behind her, and the feeling of being stabbed in the back multiple times. Bullets spat out of the gun pierced through the door hitting Samantha in her legs and back, causing her to fall. She yelled out in pain, trying to get the attention of anyone that was upstairs. Knowing that she wasn’t going to make it through the next few moments, she used her remaining energy, taking a deep breath as she rolled to her back.

“Guys get out of here!” she shouted, staring at Kyle who was coming up the stairs.

“They won’t get out of here alive,” Kyle said in a low voice.

“Fuck you,” Samantha said.

Kyle let out a quick chuckle as he picked up the bat that was loosely resting in her hand. Samantha gasped and tried to move out of the way as Kyle swung the bat down. She dodged the first one as the bat crashed against the stairs, leaving a dent along with a crack in the wooden step. Using what energy she had left, she tried to roll away from Kyle. The stairwell wasn’t closed in on both sides. It wrapped around the inside of the lighthouse, going up to where the light is. Samantha rolled, catching a glimpse over the side. Nearly a ten foot drop off onto the floor, which was solid rock. Kyle swung the bat down onto her back, causing her to cry out in pain. She could barely move her legs, but managed to pull herself from the stairwell, falling to the floor. She landed on a bent right leg and her back. A loud snap was heard and pain shot up her leg through her back.

“Fuck!” she shouted in anger from the extreme pain she felt.

She had no energy left to move, as she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She saw Kyle coming towards her.

“No,” she said in a whisper.

The last image she saw was Kyle swinging the bat, right towards her head. The last thing she felt were the three blows from the bat before her head was crushed. Kyle held the bat, looking down at Samantha’s body. The side of her head was dented in. Her eyes still open, staring off to the side, bulging out of her head just a bit. Blood streamed out of her ears, nose, and mouth, pooling around her head while the gunshot wounds caused blood to pool around the rest of her body.

“Samantha!?” a female voice came down the stairs.

Kyle grinned as he looked towards the stairs.

22 Students Remaining
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I'd really appreciate if you guys who read take the time to comment. I've been taking so much time on this story trying to make it as great as I can, and re-reading the book so many times to make it as detailed as I can. Please comment? Much appreciated.

Thanks to those who have been. And this story is about to get more exciting. =D