Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 2.

The last trip of their school lives. A trip to the city to enjoy the sights and sounds of what is offered. A time of fun to forget about the imprisonment of school. The bus traveled closer to the city, through the suburbs. It was a quiet evening. The group would be staying at a hotel, then set out for adventure in the morning. The bus gradually became quiet as Lisa was lost in a book. Her dark brown eyes quickly skimming over the words of the book, taking it all in. She stretched out on the seat, leaning on her sweatshirt against the window. For the hundredth time tonight, she blew her bangs out of her face, and adjusted her black rimmed glasses back on her nose after they slid down. Not really wanting to be on this trip with part of her senior class, but she just went along for the hell of it.

“Psst, Lisa,” someone whispered from the seat behind.

Lisa closed the book and leaned up to look. Her best friend, Stephanie looked back at her, grinning. She held out a plastic bag that contained various candy.

“Yes?” Lisa asked.

Stephanie tucked a piece of her dark shoulder length hair behind her ear, the dim suburban lights glinting off her cartilage stud.

“Candy?” Stephanie offered.

“Yes,” Lisa said happily, grabbing for a pack of skittles. “Steph? Do you want to be on this trip?”

“Meh. Not really. But since you decided to come, I did too.”

“Not only me, you came for Martin,” Lisa said, smirking.

“Okay that too.”

Steph climbed around and sat next to Lisa. Both of them surveyed the silencing bus. Their teacher sat in the front behind the driver, surrounded by the “preppy” kids. There weren’t many on this trip. The six of them were talking silently. In the first seat behind the door there was Nicole and next to her was her boyfriend Ryan. They were the only confirmed couple in the class. He was the popular boy, who played all the sports, and had all the looks.

Behind them was Jessica, the single one of their group. Plain, yet she was the meanest to anyone who wasn’t her friend. Across the aisle sat Mandy. She was ok. She tried to be friends with everyone. Next to her was Josh, who was her unconfirmed boyfriend. He was Ryan’s best friend, who was perfect like he was.

Behind them were the smart honor students. Dan, Mark, and Martin were the three smartest kids, and graduating near the top of the class. The three of them were best friends, Martin being the one Steph liked. He was tall, dark and handsome as Steph would put it. He also had a very caring nature to him. Also one of the star soccer players. Dan and Mark were best friends, both dressed neatly for school. Seemingly ironed jeans, and dress shirts. They were both computer nerds.

Through the next half of the bus sat most of the girls. Some best friends with others, most just acquaintances. Either way, neither of them really hated anyone. Blu, Tay, Jewel, and Sas, all best friends, and more talkative than anyone else. Although now, all four of them were asleep. Behind them sat Sam, Isobel, and Kelly, who got along with almost the entire class. Then there was the class clown, Brad, who was always cracking jokes about anything and everything. Across from him sat John. Again, another one of those who was friends with anyone. He was the most calm of the group, the most easy-going. No one had seen him mad, ever. Behind John sat Sam, or as some had called him, Sammy Brutal. He was mostly quiet, more observant, and like John, no one had ever really seen him mad.

Across from Lisa and Steph sat Emma, and in front of her sat Sandy. Both of them were exchange students from other parts of the world, yet two cool people. Emma was good friends with Lisa and Steph as they all shared the same random quirkiness. Sandy was quieter, but never mean to anybody. In front of Lisa sat Matt. He was a transfer student, and Lisa remembered the rumors going around of them being an item. Everyone thought so, but they were just friends. He was quiet, yet a very nice guy.

Lisa ignored the rest of the class, which were the seemingly bad part of the class. The delinquents. Carrie and Angela were best friends, but as Angela talked to most of the others, Carrie never did. She talked to Joan, and Di, who were best friends. Joan was devious, but was always a true friend. Di has joked that she'd be most likely to commit murder, which seemed to be a reason she talked to Carrie. Carrie was withdrawn, and elusive. Lisa could guess the only reason she was on this trip was Angela. They were similar, but again, Angela was more outgoing.

The last three seats of the bus were the male delinquents. Kyle was the “leader” and was rumored to have been in gangs. Tim was the most like him, mean to most of the class, only talking to Kyle, Jason, or Mark. Jason and Mark were part of the group, and as they were intimidating, both weren’t too bad. When all four of them were together, it was best just to stay away from them.

Lisa surveyed the bus again as more voices subsided. People were gradually falling asleep. She sighed.


She turned and saw Steph had gone back to her seat, and was also sleeping. Lisa scoffed and looked in the seat in front of her since she saw a dim light coming. Matt was awake, playing with a handheld game. She reached and poked his shoulder.

“What?” Matt semi-snapped, looking up. “Oh, hey.”

“Hi. I’m bored, and everyone is asleep.”

“Aren’t you tired?”

“No. Are you?”


“Gosh, it’s too early to be asleep. It’s only nine,” Lisa said, once again looking at the sleeping students. Some lay on others, some lay back against the seats, their heads bobbing around as the bus traveled on.

Matt took in a deep breath, and turned off his game. He suddenly felt drowsy, and thought something smelled odd. Somehow, he became worried.

“Something is wrong here,” Matt said.

He stood up and deeply surveyed the bus. Lisa was right, no one would normally be asleep at this time. Lisa stood next to him, leaning on the seat, she too had a worried look in her eyes. Both of them eyed the bus driver, and both caught sight of the gas mask on his face.

What the hell? Lisa thought, suddenly feeling drowsy. She sighed deeply and sat back in her seat. She caught eyes with Matt one more time before she dozed off into a deep slumber. Matt tried to open his window, but he couldn’t. It was jammed shut, and he couldn’t even break the glass. He exhaustedly fell back into his seat, and he too was soon in the deep slumber that the students were all put in.

The bus driver looked in the mirror, feeling guilty, but wanting to keep his life. He pulled onto the highway and sped off towards the city directly. Heading to the pier where a ship waited for them. This was it, the game was beginning.

31 Students Left.