Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 21.

As dawn began to arise, the tension grew with it. “Good morning everyone! Did you all sleep well? I know of five, yes count them, five of you that will sleep very well. The females are having quite a big body count. Samantha, Kelly, Isobel, Di, and Joan. How come none of you guys are going down? Maybe I should dig up more info on you all, since it had such an affect on the game. Anyways, these groups need to break up, or move around. Forbidden zones are as follows. At seven, G-6, at nine, H-3, and at eleven, D-5. Let’s see if this body count can grow.”

In the old science lab which has still yet to be caught in a forbidden zone, both Dan and Mike were waking up. So far, success was on their side of figuring out how the game was run, and how the computers worked. They were planning their attack of when to shut down the system.

At the southern end, in the untouched lighthouse, Blu, Tay, and Sas were still there, but had a few hours to spare as they saw that their hiding spot was in section H-3. Another group, Nicole, Josh, and Ryan, who were hiding in the library had just an hour to be out. All of them had been thinking of how disgustingly smart this guy was.

Everyone else had no big worries. Matt, Lisa, Martin, and Steph all had time to rest, and that was what was planned. John was trying to find Emma and Sandy. The three remaining after them: Brad, Kyle, and Carrie all had their own plans. Brad must’ve been on his tenth run through and around the island, while Kyle and Carrie each were taking their own time to rest before engaging in more action.

Back in the science lab, Dan and Mike were making their plans for escape. With their vast knowledge of computers, they had figured out how to hack into and send a virus into the system that controlled the game. The collar control, the remaining students’ information, and the forbidden zones. Upon release of the virus, the system would shut down, and reset itself slowly, if possible. It would give students that knew time to escape by water, or retaliate against the school. Success on their part, would mean success on getting this on the news about this game. The question they had now was how to let the remaining students know, and which ones could be trusted.

“So who are we going to try and let know about our plan?” Dan asked as he brought out the list of students.

“See who’s left, call out the names and I’ll see who we can trust,” Mike replied, still typing away on the computer.

Dan’s eyes scanned the list. “Lisa, and Steph definitely. Carrie?”




“Her friends, Blu and Sas?”



“Umm…hard one.”

“I’d say we should give her the benefit of the doubt.”

Mike thought hard, bringing back a repressed memory of when her male friends threatened to beat him up in the bathroom. “No. Never mind.”

“Emma and Sandy?”

“Umm…that’s a hard one, cause we never talked to them. Can we trust them?”

“We’ll think about it in the meantime. That’s it for the girls, the guys now. Martin and Matt are a yes. Josh and Ryan?”

“No!” Mike said quickly.

“Ky-no way. Brad?”




“Okay, now how are we going to get the message out to the ones we want to come with us?” Dan asked as he put away the list.

“We’ll have to find them, and quickly. We’ll have to leave this spot, and hope that it doesn’t become a forbidden zone. We have until at least one PM. That gives us five hours. Let’s just hope that we don’t get lost from here, or that someone else finds it when we’re back.”

“Thanks, Mike, I feel so much better now, that we go out and the possibility of Kyle being here when we get back,” Dan spit the words at his best friend.

“I’m aware of that. I’m also aware that you’re being a smart-ass right now. This is not the time or place, okay? It’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that this game is bringing out the worst in all of us. Don’t hate me if it seems like I’m jumpy.”

“I understand. Not to mention, I have a gun, and you have a locator thing. You know how much of an advantage we can have with these?”

“You’re right, Mike! Totally right.” Dan exclaimed with newfound hope. “Let’s go get our people then so we can get the hell out of here?”

A rush of adrenaline overpowered the fatigue and the two wanted to find the people so they could leave this island with their lives. Once they made sure everything was ready, they set out to find the friends and classmates they could trust.

18 Students Remaining
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Sorry for the lame filler chapter.