Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 3.

On the supposedly deserted island, a man stood on the dock, waiting for the ship. His six foot frame dressed in white stood out against the darkness. He had gotten a call from the bus driver that he was en route to the pier to transfer the students. He had given up running the program in Japan after they figured out how to stop it and escape. Those two students were still yet to be found. So he decided to try it in America, since their teenage population was growing rapidly. Only the best deserved to live.

An hour later the ship arrived, and the captain got off. He nodded once.

“There’s thirty-one of them, and one teacher. All of them are out.”

“Good. Bring them to the schoolhouse. It’s about half a mile up that road. There’s people in there that’ll get them situated.”

One by one, the class was brought into the schoolhouse, and put into desks. All were deep in their slumber. All so innocent looking. As they were seated, slumped over their desks, one man went around with a bucket, clipping the steel collars around their necks, and activating them.

Down the hall, a few military soldiers were packing black duffel bags. Putting in a random weapon, two bottles of water, two rolls of bread, a compass, and a map in each. They’d done this so much, they were immune to the emotions and the guilt that only one student holding one of these bags would be the only one alive.

The Japanese man sat at the teacher desk, gathering his paperwork, waiting for the students to awaken. Within another hour, the first signs of life came from the group of thirty-one.

Lisa was the first to awaken, and she quickly looked at the surroundings. A classroom? But it wasn’t their school. Ignoring the man sitting behind the desk, she looked at the rest of her classmates slumped over their desks. Matt sat directly down the row on the other side of the room for her. Steph sat two seats in front of her, three rows to the right. On the guys she noticed the steel necklaces. All were the same, and she didn’t recall seeing them before. Then she suddenly felt like she was choking. Her fingers grazed the cold metal of her own necklace. It didn’t feel like a necklace though. It was tight. Then she looked at the man behind the desk, staring at him for a moment. He just grinned. More signs of life filled the room as Lisa thought about what was going on. Students whispered to each other, some still remained dead looking and slumped. A moment later, a deafening ‘bang’ filled the room, and the entire class sat up straight, and alert. The man held a pistol up, aiming at the ceiling.

“Well, I’m glad you all are awake. I’m sure you all are wondering what happened to your field trip, right? Well, there’s been a change of plans. All of you are here today to kill each other, isn’t that great?”

Students gasped, someone yelped, and others whispered.

“Did he say we were to kill each other?”

“He’s joking, right?”

“What about the field trip?”

“I’ll bet it’s a prank against the seniors.”

The man tapped a ruler against the desk, getting the attention of the students.

“No, it’s not a joke. We ran this program in Japan for years and years, and we decided to try it for Americans. Why? You guys don’t appreciate life, and therefore, don’t deserve to live it. Only the best deserve it. The best is defined by us as a leader. Someone who is not afraid of anything. Someone willing to step forward and do whatever it takes to be the only one standing. And this program is a test to find the best. Are you all up for that test?”

The students remained silent as to say, ‘No we’re not taking this test.’ The instructor caught on too.

“Well, there is no choice. So sit back, get comfortable, and listen closely. You are the first American class to be here. Isn’t that great?”

Most of the students were disgusted by the cheer in his voice as he spoke.

“For the past ten years, we ran this program in Japan, but they’re catching on, and acting better. So then we decided to move to where the threat of punks like you was raging. Thus why only the best will win.”

Lisa still wanted to believe he was joking. She looked around the room and made eye contact with Matt. For a second, she got lost in his piercing blue eyes, but she saw the worry behind them. It must’ve been evident in hers, because he gave her a reassuring glance. She quickly glanced around the classroom. Some were pale and scared, others emotionless, and some even smirking. The instructor cleared his throat.

“Ahem. Now, let’s go on and I’ll explain how the game works. Each of you will receive a supplied bag, containing some food, water, a map, a compass, and a weapon. As to be equal, we have no idea what weapon is in what bag. A gun, a knife, maybe even a fork. Or maybe no weapon, but an object that’ll come in handy for your survival. One by one, you’ll leave here. Yes we are on a deserted island. Surrounded by ships, to catch anyone attempting to escape. Which brings me to the collars.”

More gasping sounds filled the room as students fingered the collars around their necks.

“They track everything, your vital signs and location on the island. Waterproof, and almost indestructible. If you try to pry it loose, it will go ‘Boom’”

Again, students gasped, and some whimpered. Lisa trembled at the thought of her head being blown off.

“On your maps you’ll find it in sections. A-1, A-2, etc. Every six hours, starting at 6 am this morning, I’ll call out to you. I’ll announce who has died, and announce forbidden zones. Why forbidden zones? So you guys keep moving around. Caught in a forbidden zone? Collar goes ‘Boom,’ and no, we won’t wait. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.”

“This is ridiculous!” someone piped up from the back of the class.

31 Students Remaining