Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 5.

“Before you go, I forgot to say. Fifteen minutes after the last student exits, this building will be in a forbidden zone. Forbidden zones are about two hundred meters by two hundred meters. They easily could be figured out by looking at your maps, and landmarks. Okay. Joan? You’re first.”

Joan quietly stood, straightened her t-shirt, ran a hand through her short brown hair, and began to walk towards the front. She glanced back at the class as she was first handed her own bag, and then a daypack. Then she quickly headed out of the room.

Lisa felt eyes on her, and she looked around. She connected with Steph. She asked with her eyes what they were going to do. Lisa couldn’t figure out how to tell Steph to meet outside. Who knew what was outside anyways. She looked at the instructor and the soldiers in the room, and tried to think.

“Stephanie. You’re next.”

Steph glanced back at Lisa, and she quickly mouthed, ‘I’ll be waiting.’ Lisa gave a short nod and Steph disappeared out of the room. She then looked at Matt, but couldn’t get his attention. He was focused on Mandy’s body on the floor. Lisa couldn’t see it, but Matt was staring at it. Then she glanced around for Martin, wondering if Steph was able to get the message to him. She failed to get his attention so she looked back to the front of the class. As much as she didn’t want to go out there, she wanted her name to be called next, or soon.


Kyle got up. The supposed gang leader, and obviously the most feared in a situation like this. His black hair normally neatly slicked back had a few loose strands dangling around his face, making his blue/grey eyes stand out even more. There was something handsome about him, but his little known past made everyone avoid him except his friends. He kept a stone face as he grabbed his bags and headed out.

The tension in the classroom was growing. People wondered who would be playing the game, if anyone. Eight more were gone, meaning sixteen minutes had gone by. Matt was out, as well as Emma, Jessica, Sam, Samantha, Jason, Ryan, and Jewel.

Matt had made no attempt to look at Lisa as he grabbed his pack and headed out. It made Lisa get a little nervous, but she still wanted to trust him. Then she thought, what everyone else was probably thinking. Would it be possible to trust anyone? Surely if you had to kill them so you would stay alive, would you do it? She shuddered at the thought.

Ten more minutes went by and five more were gone. Blu, Tay, Josh, Dan, and Tim all exited the room. Lisa looked at the remaining students. Sas, Di, Isobel, Kelly, Sandy, Nicole, Carrie, Angela, Martin, Mike, Mark, John, and Brad all sat. Some stern looking, others nervous. Some even pale. Time started to fly by and one by one students were exiting. Lisa was among the last six, and she just wanted to get out of there.


Lisa got up, slowly walking towards the front. She grabbed her bags and headed for the door. She finally caught a glimpse of Mandy’s body. Blood pooled around her upper body, and her once dirty blonde hair was now wet, matted, and stained red. She shuddered then walked out. The hall was dim. She ignored everything and just headed where the arrows pointed. Upon exiting, she was swallowed by darkness and the smell of the saltwater. It tickled her nose. Then she suddenly became aware of what was happening. People were out there. Possibly out to murder. She went off to the side and ducked down. With no idea of what to do, she opened her daypack to see what was in it. It was a leather case nearly two feet long. She gripped the handle and pulled out the blade a little bit.

“A machete? Hmm,” she said to herself.

“Lisa!?” someone whispered near her.

Lisa tensed up and looked around for the source of the voice. She laid low just to be safer.

“Lisa, it’s me, Steph,” the voice whispered again. “In the bush behind you.”

Lisa looked in the bushes and saw Steph sitting there. She held a 9mm in her hand. Lisa hopped in and hugged Steph.

“I don t know what we’re gonna do. But we should get out of here before we get our heads blown off,” Lisa said.

Steph nodded and they headed into the woods. They’d be safer, more covered, more hidden.

As Isobel walked out, being the last one, she took off straight, just to get away from the area. As the game was underway, students scattered about the island, trying to find their closest friends they could trust. Hoping they would be able to escape this without having to kill anyone. In all the daypacks a letter was there, and all it said was ‘Kill or be killed.’ Original yes, but with so much meaning. Many students ran around with the thoughts of their families and other friends that would most likely never see them again. Others were emotionless, digging for their weapons and debating on whether or not to participate in this game

30 Students remaining