Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 6.

When Matt exited the building, he contemplated on waiting for Lisa. He knew Steph would be, but he couldn’t find her. He thought about calling for her, but decided against it for his own safety. Someone could have decided to play the game, and came to kill him when they heard him yell. He walked off southward where he saw a residential area. He went into the first unlocked house, silently of course. When he saw it was empty, he sat on the floor.

“This is a fucked up day,” he said to himself.

He began to go through his daypack, carefully sifting through it’s contents. He felt a thin leather thing under his fingers. He pulled it out of the bag and examined it. Then he saw what it was.

“A dagger? Damn.” He placed it to his side. “Oh well, could be worse I guess-aha.”

He pulled out the flashlight and clicked it on, casting the room in a dim glow. He could make out a kitchen table and four chairs, and a normal set up in the kitchen. It all looked modern, as if it was just emptied yesterday. Suddenly, he heard a thud behind him, and he immediately clicked off the flashlight.

“Someone in here?” a voice rang out.

Matt tried to figure out who it was. It was a female, but he couldn’t determine who. He slowly picked up his bag, and moved slowly, making sure his heavy skate shoes wouldn’t thump on the floor. He was doing well, until he hit the creaky board. The girl gasped.

“Who’s there?” she said breathlessly.

Matt ducked behind the counter as the kitchen was cast in another flashlight glow. Then he saw the dagger in the middle of the floor, about fifteen feet away from him.

“Who’s there? I swear, I’ll kill you,” she said shakily.

Her voice sounded to float away from him, so he peeked. He could see short blonde hair, a female figure wearing black skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt. It was Jewel. He also caught a glimpse of her empty hands. She wasn’t holding anything other than the flashlight. Next to her foot, he could see the dagger. He thought about calling out to her, but seeing as he never really talked to anyone besides Lisa and Steph, he thought against it. Then he caught something in the dim light behind her. Another figure, a male, with a hood over his face. He saw the guy’s arm raise up, and before he could shout to Jewel, he heard a soft thunk. Jewel went bug-eyed, and her jaw dropped. Her arm touched the back of her head, and then she fell forward. Matt moved out of the way as the flashlight aimed in his direction.

“Heh, this’ll be easy,” a male said.

Matt could dimly recognize the voice, yet he couldn’t place a name to it. The beam of light in his direction went away, and Matt peeked around the corner. He could see Jewel lying face down on the floor. What looked like a ninja star to him was sticking halfway out of the back of her head. Matt held in a gasp as the boy grabbed the object and pulled. Her head and body lifted almost a foot off the ground before the star dislodged and her body once again rested on the floor. More footsteps, then a door closed and it was silent. Matt waited a few minutes before turning his own flashlight on. He saw Jewel’s body, face down. Her short blonde hair, now slowly turning red. Blood dripped down the sides of her face.

“Damn, people are playing!?” Matt asked himself.

He turned Jewel’s body so she was resting on her back. The once green eyes were now clouded and lifeless. He closed them, and crossed her hands on her stomach. Then he crossed himself, grabbed his belongings and got up.

“I gotta find Lisa,” he said.

As he walked, he thought about all the rumors going around. Lisa could be friends with anyone, and Matt was the quiet one, and withdrawn. As soon as he transferred, they instantly got close. People always said they were dating, but rumors were denied. No question that he liked her, and that’s why he wanted to protect her. He soon realized he wouldn’t be able to find her.

“Damn. No clue where she is, no clue of anything. And someone is out there playing. How many are dead already?” he said to himself.

Soon he found a beach, and he closely inspected it. No fresh footsteps. No one had been through here. He found a large rock, and he sat on it. The smell of salt water tickled his nose. Although the sound of the water was relaxing, he was still unnerved. Two reasons caused it. He had just seen someone die, and now he can’t find one of his closest friends to know if she’s okay.

“Fuck. She could be laying in a bush dying, and my dumbass is just sitting here. Think, Matt. Think!” he yelled at himself.

He stared up at the sky. The black seemed to be fading and turning blue. Dawn was approaching. He dug through his bag and pulled out one of the water bottles. He took a drink, then he dug for his map. A few moments passed and he realized how big the island is, and about how close he can get to the school without crossing into that forbidden zone and get his head blown off.

Matt began his search in the woods, keeping one eye on the map, and the other on his surroundings. Light slowly began to filter through the trees as he walked on. He made sure the dagger was at his side and easy to grab just in case he needed it. Carrying both bags was beginning to become a hassle, so he sat for a moment. He went through his own bag that was with him. He grabbed his wallet and put it in his back pocket. The game he didn’t need. He found a switchblade he usually carried with him. He tucked that into his pocket and decided he didn’t need the rest of the stuff. Second thoughts had him putting the extra pair of boxers in his day bag. He took his own bag and tucked it in some bushes. He grabbed his daypack and set out again to try and find Lisa.

29 Students Remaining.