Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 8.

Sas was on the northern end of the island when the announcement was made. One of her best friends was now dead. She sat up on a cliff overlooking the crystal blue waters. Off in the distance a ship slowly rocked back and forth. She wondered what it was there for. She adjusted her black hat with the pink stars again on her head. She took it off, ran a hand through her black hair, then put the hat back on. Next to her on the grass sat two hard sticks connected by an eight inch chain. She’d seen those before, used in those Japanese movies. Nun-chucks.

“Tay, Blu, where are you guys?” she asked herself quietly.

She wanted to find her friends, so at least the three of them could spend their last day or so together. She sat for a few more minutes then decided to walk and look around. She picked up her nun-chucks and set off. First she made sure to check her map and what the forbidden zones were at. She walked for almost two hours before she saw any signs of life. At first she was scared when she heard the trees rustling.

“Oh my God. Sas!” someone shouted in a whisper.

Sas looked up at the tree and saw Tay. For a moment, both forgot what kind of situation they were in. Tay jumped out of the tree and hugged Sas. Tay also cried a little, and Sas knew it was because of the loss of Jewel.

“I can’t believe Jewel died,” Tay said. “I swear if I find out who did it, I’ll kill them.”

“Me too, me too. I think right now though, we should try to find Blu.”


Both girls walked together in silence. As they walked, not once did they hear anything from other classmates. The sun was getting hotter by the moment, and Tay, who was wearing a tank top could feel her arms burning. Eventually they headed into some woods, which helped shelter them from the sun.

“I need a break,” Tay said almost breathlessly.

Sas looked and could see Tay looking exhausted. She felt fine, but Tay looked like she was about to pass out.

“Okay, sit, and drink some water.”

Both sat against a tree, and Tay nearly downed a whole bottle of water in under a minute. Their silence was interrupted by rustling in the distance. They ducked low as voices came into earshot. Then they saw Nicole and Ryan walking through the area, holding hands. They were talking, but Tay and Sas couldn’t understand them. They walked on by, and once again, silence covered. Another eerie silence. Once they were rested, they began to walk again. They walked around the edge, and they found a lighthouse. So far it wasn’t in a forbidden zone, so they decided to go in and stay for a while. Upon entering, someone inside shrieked.

“Get out of here!” someone shouted, and something flew towards them and landed at their feet. It was a knife.

“Who’s in here?” Tay asked.

“Tay?” the voice came back.


Up on the second level, a familiar, pale, black haired head showed. It was Blu. Her jaw dropped.

“Oh my god! Guys!” she shouted, running down the stairs.

The three of them hugged, then went back to the second floor to sit. They mostly sat in silence, trying to think of a way to escape.

29 Students Remaining.