Status: Hiatus: Possible re-write/re-post in the future.


Chapter 9.

Tim hadn’t stopped walking around since he’d left the school. He needed to find his friends. Upon learning they were still alive at six, he was more determined now to find them. He also learned how bad he wanted to get a cigarette. It was angering him to the point where he wanted to snap, and he was tempted to try and rip the collar off his neck. He didn’t want to run into anyone but his friends, because if he ran into anyone else, he would probably kill them. Once again he’d lost track of time, but guessed it had to be nearing nine. His feet began to hurt so he decided to sit. There weren’t many places to take cover, so he just sat next to a tree. He drank half of a bottle of water, and tried to eat the bread, but it was nasty, so he just stuffed it back in his bag. He hung his head and relaxed for a few, until he heard a gasp. He looked up and saw a girl sitting in the tree. It was Angela. Tim assumed she was sleeping, then saw him down there. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, then he saw the Colt .357 Magnum in her hand pointing towards him.

“You don’t have the guts to shoot me,” he said.

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

He scoffed then got up. He began to walk away, and Angela was just confused. Then he was back, and pointing a gun at her. She gasped and went to shoot at him, but missed. He fired a shot at her and she felt it hit her in the neck. A stinging sensation, but she still felt the same. She reached to her neck and felt the small syringe-like thing. She pulled it out and dropped it. She looked down at Tim confusedly, then she felt tired. Tim stood there grinning, and she saw him getting blurry and drifting away. Her eyelids grew heavy and she felt her body swaying. Then she felt her body falling. A shockwave shot through her body, and that was the last sensation she ever felt.

Tim watched her fall out of the tree. She hit the ground hard, and he could hear a snap as her neck and shoulder both broke. Her head was twisted funny, and her body sprawled out on the ground. Tim grinned, then picked up her gun. Much better than a tranquilizer dart gun. He managed to get her daypack down from the tree, and dug through it. He grabbed her water, and her ammunition then walked away.

“Nice one, Tim,” someone said behind him.

Tim jumped and turned. He came face to face with Mark. He was relieved to find a friend, but something in Mark’s eyes said differently. As Mark always had that intimidating look in his eyes, he almost seemed inhuman. Of course, before Tim could ask, he felt his throat burning. He saw Mark’s arm stretched towards him. He then could taste the blood that had come up in his throat. He coughed, spitting blood onto the sleeve of Mark’s grey hoodie. Mark’s other hand reached for something, and through his blurry vision, Tim could see the gun in Mark’s hand. A familiar ‘bang’ exploded, and it felt like a brick hit him in the head. Mark tugged his ice pick out of Tim’s throat, and Tim’s body fell forward with a thud. Blood slowly flowed out onto the grass. The back of Tim’s head was demolished from the bullet exiting. Mark could see white skull fragments, blood, and brain through the hole.

“Nice one for killing her for me,” he said as he picked up Tim’s weapon, and taking what he needed.

Mark set off to find Kyle and Jason. He ran, because he saw the area he was in was soon to be a forbidden area. He didn’t know where he wanted to go though, but once he was clear of the area, he slowed to a walk. He was still thinking about working with them if he found them, or killing them if he found them. Just like the others, he didn’t want to die. He continued to walk, looking over his shoulder with each rustling of leaves he heard.

Mark couldn’t decide on where he wanted to go. He almost wandered aimlessly, but the ominous silence made him uneasy. He kept looking at trees, bushes, and houses as he passed them. Someone could jump out and kill him in the snap of a finger. He didn’t want to die.

“I’m not gonna die,” he whispered to himself.

He neared a small residential area and he slowly scanned it for signs of life. He looked around, and he laid eyes on Matt. Matt was running around in no particular direction. Matt. One of the guys that Mark despised. Why? He secretly liked Lisa, and she was supposedly with Matt.

“Hmm. Oh Mattie boy, it’s time for you to die,” Mark said, drawing the gun.

He aimed in Matt’s direction, finger on the trigger.

“Mark!?” someone whispered close to him.

Mark jumped, and turned a split second. Then he looked back, and Matt was gone. He cursed to himself and tried to find where the voice came from. He found Kyle and Jason in the house that was closest to him.

“Guys? Oh God! Finally, people to trust!” Mark said as he went in the house. “What are you guys doing here?”

“In that house over there…” Jason paused and pointed to a house about fifty feet diagonal of them. “…Lisa and her best friend are in there hanging out. We’re waiting for the right time to go in and kill them.”

“Why?” Mark asked.

“Well, we wanna win right?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, but what if it comes down to us three?” Mark asked.

“We’ll figure a way off of here if it’s us. Plus we gotta find Tim, so the four of us can get out of here.”

Mark felt a slight pang of guilt at the mention of Tim’s name. He thought about what to tell them. Then he just decided not to tell any of them about their friend whose head he just blew off. The three of them went into the kitchen and sat.

“So what weapons do we got?” Mark asked.

“I got Ninja stars, and I found a bulletproof vest,” Jason said.

“And I got this,” Kyle said, holding up what looked like a small tin box.

“What the hell is it?”

“Submachine gun.”

“Oh. Well I got a Magnum, and a tranquilizer gun. And I found an ice pick.”

“Damn Mark, where’d you get so many weapons?” Kyle asked, sounding impressed. “Did you kill anyone?”

Mark looked down, then nodded. “Angela.”

“Oh, nice,” Kyle said. “One step closer to winning.”

Mark scoffed. The three of them settled down and sat in silence.

27 Students Remaining