Status: This story is currently on hiatus I'm having writers block with it

3 Days In Strawberry Fields: A New Beginning

3 Days in Strawberry Fields A New Beginning Ch. 2

3 Days in Strawberry Fields: A New Beginning By: M.S.P.
Chapter 2: Part 1
I’ve been in bed for 3 days, only leaving the bed to go use the bathroom. I’m in utter misery and devastation. I’ve lost the 2nd man I’ve been in love with. I couldn’t be with him because he already belonged to someone else. I hope their happy together and live the life they’ve always wanted. As God as my witness, I’ll never fall in love again, or give anyone else a chance for that matter. I don’t care who he is, I’m not letting him into my life. I’ve turned my cell off and I’ve been in bed for 3 days and hunger has finally overcame me so I decided to get something to eat, in the process of microwaving a TV dinner I decide to see if anyone called me. I have 2 missed calls from Frank. He left a voicemail, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of listening to it. I eat my TV dinner by myself and then I go back to my bed and cry a little more. I feel like I’ve got enough tears to fill my bedroom with, but of course I am almost out of them, I’ve cried so much that I have a runny nose and I’m not surprised if I have a sinus infection or something, most likely I don’t, but I feel like all the tears I’ve cried are for nothing because, I have no way to learn from the pain that Frank has caused me. I hope someday that I will get over this and get on with my life, but today it seems nearly impossible to see an end to this misery.
One week later…
I’ve finally stopped crying and feeling sorry for myself. I haven’t moved on trying to find someone else, though I don’t plan on that anyways. I’ve decided to check my voicemail. Frank left a voicemail telling me he was sorry and that he still loves me. If he did then he wouldn’t have lead me on to believe he was alone, he broke my heart and I still haven’t forgiven him for it, and he has yet to apologize.