Six Years and a Baby Later

CHAPTER NINE: there must be some mistake!

Alexis' P.O.V:

"More magazines..." Phil yawned, plopping a pile of four magazines down on the table before taking a seat infront of his egg and bacon breakfast.
"uggh! can't these people just get a life?" I groaned, fliping through the magazines to find pictures and articles of both Bill and I.

It's been about 3 weeks since Bill proposed to me and I still wear the ring, proudly, on my finger. Unfortunately, paparazzi found out about out engagement along with Bill being a father. This didn't run over to smoothly with the press. Or the fans, for that matter. Any chance they get to strike, they do, painfully at that. Criticizing on my parenting skills, my looks, they even managed to dig up stuff from my past and constantly reminding the whole magazine-buying base that I never had a father and saying that I'm forcing Bill into this. Complete and utter B.S. and it surprisingly bugs Bill more than me.

The boys of Tokio Hotel are back at the studio right now, away from us, temporarily. But Bill checks in at least twice a day. He says he's 'not planning on missing out any more than he already did', which i thought was so sweet. I wish he was here with me, but i know that his band is more important. Besides, i have my mom and Phil watching after me.

You have no clue how happy I've been with Phil. He's probably the second most important person to me next to Bill. I know he's not my dad, biologically, but I'll always think of him as a dad. In truth, i hate my biological dad with a burning passion, and i don't even know him. Not even his name since my mom refused to tell him. I just wish that whoever he was would fall in a ditch and die. How could someone just leave knowing that they have a kid? Whoever he is makes me sick and if i ever see him I'll make sure to make my fury and hate known to him as clear as possible.

I picked up my cellphone and dialed the familiar phone number in it, hearing that annoying ring.

"Hallo, Liebe," Bill's voice finally answered on the other end.
"Hey," i smiled to myself, "you busy?"
"Never too busy to talk to you. What's up?"
"Ugh, there are four more magazines. Front page. Bill, it's getting really out of hand. I don't know how much longer we can live with this. We had to pull Emilia out of camp because she couldn't go a day without some paparazzo-creep scarin' the hell outta her."
"Did they touch her?" his voice filled with anger and regret.
"No. But she's only six years old, Bill. She doesn't understand what's going on."

I looked over and noted my daughter in a big white tee that tom had given her for PJ's and she was rubbing her eyes free from sleep, "Em, hunny. You hungry?" I asked her with my phone still at my ear.

She nodded and sat down next to Phil at the table as I got up to put some of the eggs that i had made on a plate.

"Is that Emilia?" Bill's voice ran through the phone, "is she alright? God, I miss her! Can i talk to her?"
"Sure, one second," i said, balancing the phone between my right ear and shoulder as i carried a plate of breakfast and a glass of milk to the table, setting it infront of her. "Daddy wants to talk to you."
She lit up, "Daddy? Let me talk to him!" she exclaimed, reaching for my phone. I laughed, handing it to her and sitting at the other side of Phil.

"DADDY!" she exclaimed into the phone.
"Where's mom?" I asked Phil as Emilia talked to her father.
He shrugged, "said something about it being 'dull and lifeless' around here and went out paintballing with some of her friends."
"My mom went paintballing?" i laughed in disbelief.
He nodded with an amuzed smiled plastered on his face, "and she refused to let me go."
I shook my head with a cackle, "she still amazed me!"

"Mommy! Daddy wants to talk to you!" Emilia exclaimed, handing my cellphone back to me.
"Thanks, hun," i said, taking the phone and putting it up to my ear, "hey, i'm here."
"I wish I was there," Bill sighed.
"Me too. I miss you so much," i gushed.
"Just think-2 more weeks and I'm finished. We can go house-shopping or whatever you want. Maybe even...plan the wedding."

I smiled to myself, invisioning our wedding. Elegant, small, white. Traditional. That's what I want. But knowing Bill, he's want something outrageous. I guess we'll have to come up with some sort of comprimise.

"Can't wait," i responded in mock-enthusiasm, wishing it would be sooner, "well, I think i should go. We're running low on food around here and I'm the only one who isn't lazy enough or old enough to drive. I'll talk to you later?"
"Alright. Love you, babe," Bill said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Love you, too. And i promise that I'll call you tonight. Bye." sighing, i hung up. It's always hard saying goodbye. Even if it is only for a few hours.

I dragged myself upstairs to my bedroom, lazily peeiling off my night clothes and setting them aside for tonight. That might sound grimy, but PJ's are only worn for about eight hours a night, so it's not that dirty. I wash them after the second night. After carelessly picking my outfit which consisted of a Hey Monday band tee and simple blue jeans, i quickly ran a brush through my blonde hair, washed my face as well as my teeth and applied some makeup. Even though I'm only going out for groceries I can never be too careful, who knows where the paparazzi would be.

"Alright, I'm out," I announced, grabbing my car keys on the hook by the front door.
"Can I go, mommy?" Emilia asked, running up.
I shook my head, "stay here and keep Phil company, OK? I'll bring some sweets back for you."
"Okay," she pined, hanging her head as she dillydallied back to the kitchen.

I hopped in the drivers side of my crappy old station waggon and slid the key in, hearing it roar to life. It's times like these I enjoy. Just being alone, driving around in my station waggon, thinking. Nothing specific, Weather, animals, It's not too often that you get to think about life when you're a mom. Being a mom, you constantly worry about whether you have enough money to get through the next month or if your kid is o.k.

I pulled into the Penny Market parking lot slipping on a jacket and sunglasses, finally getting out of the car and walking towards the grocery store, snagging the stray shopping cart in the front of the store before going in.

Going up and down the aisles, I just threw whatever seemed appealing in the cart. I should really start planning our meals before going food shopping. It would make it much easier. Finally, stumbling upon the candy aisle, i made a turn to the left, pushing the cart passed all the chocolates and straight to the sour and hard candies. Stuffing the sweets in little clear baggies and tying a twist-tie, i couldn't help but think about Bill. Whenever he's around candy he acts like such a little kid, it brings a smile to anyones face. Without candy, Bill would probably die. It amazes me how he keeps his thin figure with him eating the way he does, he acts as if he's never seen food before in his life.

After paying for the groceries, unnoticed by the way, I made my way to the car, loading in bag after bag of food. The shopping cart was replaced in its place and I was off, my 10 minute journey back to the house.

I stopped at a red light and sighed, reaching in the back seat for the gummies I had just bought. Having a bit of trouble, i stuck my hand in another bag, smiling when i felt the squishy candy through the thick plastic bag that contained it. As I was about to grab it, the car jerked backwards in contact with something and so did my head, hitting it against the steering wheel and hearing a crack as i gasped. Then, things started to get black.


"Miss Avery?" "Miss Avery, can you hear me?" "Wake up." "Cummon.. wake up."

Confused by the voices I was hearing, my eyes fluttered open seeing white lights flying by overhead. I looked to my right with a bit of discomfort in my neck, seeing three males dressed in scrubs. I tried to speak, but my mouth was dry and I couldn't find the words.

I was pushed into a regular sized room, being picked up and placed down on a cot, doctors dispersing throughout the room. This has to be a hospital. I then noticed the gauze wrapped around my arms and something taped up on my forhead, it stung like crazy.

"Miss Avery, can you hear me?" a doctor asked as he put a light to my eye, switching it from side to side.
I nodded my head, "y-yes," i stuttered, clearing my throat.
"Do you know what the date is?" he proceeded to ask me questions.
"August 6th 2011," i responded, a bit unsure about what's going on.
"Miss Avery, do you remember anything that just happened?"

As if on cue, flashbacks of the accident hit me like a bolt of lightning. A car accident. Another car hit me.

" accident," I choked out, tears slipping out of my eyes, not only because of the pain, but also because of the fact that my family wasn't here with me.

"Right," the older, gruffy looking doctor nodded, "tell me, can you feel this?" he asked, pressing on my neck. I nodded. "Alright, and this?" he pressed on my ribs. I winced and drew air in through my teeth. He wrote something down in his notepad and then asked, "what about this?" he asked, wiggling my fingers. I looked at him wearily and shook my head no. He pursed his lips and and wrote it down in his journal, "and...this...?" he asked, running his pen along the bottom of my bear foot. I was starting to worry now as i shook my head no again. "Alright, miss Avery. We've notified your parents a few minutes ago and they should be on their way. I think we should run a few tests to see if anything is going on in there. I need your concent."

I shuttered a bit, shaking my head and blinking my eyes, rapidly, "yeah, sure, whatever you need to do." I winced again at the pain in my ribs and hips. Suddenly i felt something thick and warm run down my nose and on my lip, tasting blood. My nose is bleeding?

"Alright. Lay back and we're going to take you to an abdominal ultra sound."

i nodded, "thank you," and layed down, crying silently.

Bill's P.O.V.:

I was starting to get a little worried when I hadn't recieved a phone call from Alexis. Every day since I've been gone she's called me at lunch time. Every day. Tom kept telling me to relax and that it was nothing, but I couldn't help but think that something was wrong. Something terribly bad has happened, I just know it.

Just then, my cellphone started ringing. Hoping that it was all in my head, I answered it without looking at the caller i.d., "Alexis?" i asked worriedly.

Something was off. Is that..sobbing? And it doesn't even sound like Alexis' sobbing.

"Ms. Avery?" I asked in confusion. Why would her mom be calling me.
"Bill, something happened."
"What? What is it?" I was fearful as to what she would be telling me.
"A-Alexis got into a c-car accident and she's in the ho-hopsital," she said inbetween crys.
"I'm on my way," I stuttered, hanging my phone up and running to my room.

After dragging my dufflebag out of my closet, I started throwing clothes in, not really paying attention to what. It all hit me like a ton of bricks. Alexis is hurt. Alexis is hurt and I'm not there to help her. I promised her that I'd always be there for her and then this happens. At that, I collapsed on my bed and started to sobb.

"Bill?" Tom asked unsurely as he walked into my room. When he saw me, he gasped, "Bill!" running over and holding me in a tight embrace. "Shh...Shh. Bill, what's wrong? What happened?"
"A-Alexis is hurt," I wimpered, "and sh-she's in the hospital and I'M NOT THERE!" i said, weeping into his shirt and my nose starting to run.
"What happened?" He asked, shocked.
"She g-got into a c-c-car accident! Tom, I need to go! I need to be there with her!" I exclaimed, breaking away from him and continuing to throw clothes in a bag, "I promised her I'd always be there for her, Tom!"

I just kept on rambling things over and over again as i cried. Finally, Tom stood up, "I'm coming with you. Let me call the airlines and see when the next flight over there is. The flight should only take about two hours."

I nodded as he left the room. Zippering my bag and collapsing back on my bed, I shoved a pillow in my face and let out a loud, muffled scream.

Alexis' P.O.V:

It took the doctors hours running test after test. They tried to explain what the tests were for, but after the third one I got annoyed and freaked out on them, telling them to just 'quite talking and do the fucking tests'. I get irritated when I'm in large amounts of pain and nervous.

Finally, the testing was done. The doctor walked up to me with a hesitant face and said, "alright, we found what's wrong. Would you like me to tell you now or do you want your family in here with you?"
"Get my family," I pleaded.
He nodded and fast-walked out of the room to retreive my parents. I think that I scared him a little, and that would have been funny to me if I wasn't so scared.

About a minute later, the door opened and my mom ran to my side in tears with a fearful Phil and Emilia right behind him.

She gasped at all of the bandages and scrapes on my body visable and hugged me cautiously.

"Mommy?" Emilia cried, "are you o.k.?"

"Tell me, what's wrong with my baby?" my mom asked, holding my hand tightly and I still couldn't feel it. A tear rolled down my face in fear that I might have to have that amputated.

"Well, she has a few hemorrhages and good amount of contusions, mostly in the rib area. This was caused on impact when she flew forward into the steering wheel. She also has some flank pain on her ribs and hips and decreased sensation in her hands and feet, meanign she is having trouble feeling.
She is having nose bleeds and also a couple minor seizures. Nothing major, it just looked like she had a chill. After a few tests, like MRI's and abdominal scan we found that she-"

The door flung open surprising everyone as the two people I last expexted to see, stumbled into the room.

"ALEXIS!" Bill exclaimed, looking like crap as he ran to my other side, gasping at my apperance with Tom right behind him. "Alexis, I'm-"

The doctor cleared his throat, cutting Bill off and making him stop talking. Bill complied, taking my hand and kissing it, giving me remorseful look as the doctor continued.

"After the tests, we found out that due to the crash, she has one kidney failure and the other was dammaged."
The room errupted into gasps and cries as Bill repeated, "oh mein gott," repeatedly, crying into my arm.
"I don't mean to alarm anyone," the doctor started, "but if we don't get her into surgery and find a replacement kidney, fast, she might not live for more than a week."

Everyone looked over at me with pain-filled eyes. It was so silent, you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Mommy's dying?" Emilia finally asked.

Bill scooped our daughter up in his arms, wiping his eyes, "No, Emmy. Everything is going to be o.k." he hugged her.

My mom cleared her throat, "I want to be tested to see if I'm the right match."
" too," Phil said, sniffling.
"test me, too!" Bill said, kissing my forehead.
"Yeah. Same here," Tom said, his voice sounding a bit off.
"I want to save my mommy, too!" Emilia chimed.
"No, Emmy. You're too young," i shook my head at her.
"But, mommy!" she whined.
"EMILIA!" i snapped feeling tears build up in my eyes, "no!"

She sighed, hanging her head and crushing her face into Bill's shirt.

I couldn't function clearly at that moment. I didn't even notice the doctor led my mom and Phil out of the room with Emilia. All that was running through my head was....I'm dying.

"Alexis." I snapped out of my thoughts to look up at a pained, Bill. A tear slid down my cheek and he flew at me, taking me into his embrace. "I'm so sorry. I promised that I'd always be there for you and I wasn't. Alexis, I'm so sorry," he cried into my shoulder.
I made him face me and I looked him dead in the eyes, "No matter what happens, Bill, just remember that I love you."
"Don't say that, Emilia," he sobbed, "everything is going to be o.k. You're going to get out of here and we're going to go get dinner and get married. You're going to be my wife and we're going to have tons of kids and a huge house with a big yard. Everything is going to me o-OK.," his voice started to faulter at the end of his sentance.

I sniffled, wiping away my tears and his. He rested his forehead to mine and placed a hard kiss on my lips like it was the last kiss he'd get.

"I love you," he whispered, "more than anything."
"I love you, too," i responded, trying to hold my tears back, not wanting to make him cry even more.

"Bill..." Tom stuck his head in the room, "'s your turn."

Bill nodded toward Tom and he shut the door, giving Bill and I one more minute. He turned to me, looking into my eyes, "Everything will be fine. Remember that, OK? I love you." Bill placed another kiss on my lips and stood up to leave, turning to face me once before leaving the room.

Bill's P.O.V:

After about an hour of running tests, they finally finished, finding that Phil was a perfect match for kidney transplant. They got him dressed in a gown and made him sign a concent form before getting him on a bed like Alexis'.

We got to stay in the room before they took them out.

"Phil," Alexis turned to him, "you don't have to."
"No, Alexis. You're like a daughter to me and you need this."
There was slience until she managed out a, "thank you."
Phil nodded, "any day."

I can't believe this is happening, I thought as I held onto Alexis' hand for dear life, kissing it again and again.

The doctor came into the room, "Alright. We're ready."

Alexis and Phil simmultaneously nodded, taking a big breath. I kised her again, not wanting them to take her away from me. "I love you," i told her.
"I love you, too," she said and then looked at her daughter, "Em? I love you."
Our daughter sniffled an, "I love you."
I scooped her up and held her above Alexis, letting her kiss her mommy real quick before they rolled her and Phil down the hallway.

After their beds weren't in view anymore I fell, using the wall as support, sobbing into my arms and sheilding my face from anyone else. I felt Alexis' mom and my brothers arms around me with my daughter hugging onto my legs.


The surgery had finished and after hours upon hours of waiting for Alexis and Phil to wake up from their sleep, the doctors ran some more tests to find that the surgery was done successfully, though they still have to stay overnight.

I couldn't even tell you how happy I was when I found out that she would do great. Other than a new diet she has to follow (which-to me-wasn't dif. at all from her usualy one) and a few scars and pain in her ribs to heal over, she's be as good as new. Same with Phil.

Right now we were in their room (Phil and Alexis were placed in the same room) and I was on the right side of her also next to a wall with Tom's chair pulled up beside her bed as well and Emilia sitting at the foot of her bed. Her mom was in the middle of Phil and Alexis' beds holding onto each of their hands.

Alexis was actually smiling. I'm so glad that everything is going to be o.k. That was, until the doctor walked in.

"Ms. Avery?" the doctor said, looking down at a clipboard, "I noticed her that you said you don't have a dad. Or..biological dad that you know."
"Yes, that's right," Alexis nodded, confused, "he left before I was born."
"Well, that's odd," the doctor shook his head, "in the tests that we ran from your kidney transplant, it says that...Phil is your biological father."

All eyes in the room grew wide.
♠ ♠ ♠
What about it, Alexis?
Did you say something involving the word 'fuck'?

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