Six Years and a Baby Later


Bill's POV:

We all made our way to the airport. My mom let me ride in the car with Alexis and her mom, so i could spend my last few minutes here with her. I tried to convince Alexis not to come, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Tom was mad at me right now because i was being a dick last night, yelling at everyone. Can you blame me? I'm leaving my girlfriend! I don't want to, but i have to.

She had a tight grip on my arm as we drove to the airport in silence.

When we got there, security was kind enough to let Alexis and her mom go to the aiport with us. When we got there, Alexis sat on my lap and we hugged until they called bording. She kept her head down and i know she was crying, i guess i just wanted to deny it.

Tom ran up, "cummon, we're boarding."
"How come we have to move, but mom and gordon don't?" i asked.
"Stop bitching and lets go," tom said, annoyed.
I groaned. Alexis stood up and hugged Tom, "take care him," she whispered.
"Yeah yeah," Tom mummbled, walking over to Georg and Gustav.

Alexis turned to me, and wordlessly, we grabbed onto eachother in a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered, "don't ever forget me."
"how can i forget you?! i lost my virginity to you."

She blushed, slapping my shoulder playfully and then kissing me hard on the lips.

"I know that we won't talk..." she started, " will come back some day, right?"
"i promise you," i said, wrapping my arms around her waste, "i WILL come back. It may not be for a while, but i will."
She smiled a tearful smile, "just, don't go crazy-rocker-cocky-asshole on us."
i laughed, "i'll try," and joked, "but i am pretty damn sexy."
She laughed, "of course you are."

"BILL!" my band mates called.

i rolled my eyes, and turned back to Alexis. I gave her a quick kiss, "i love you," i said, before running to join the guys, boarding the plane. That was the first time i told her that i loved her. I know that i'm only 15, and i'm not positive what my feelings for her are, but it has to be somewhere in the ballpark of love.

Alexis' POV:

I stood there, wiping my eyes free from tears as i watched Bill board the plane. That was the first time that he told me he loved me. I know i probably shouldn't think too much of it, but it sure felt good to hear.

I went to walk over to Simone, Gordon, and my mom when my stomach churned. i dove for the near by trashcan and started upchucking the entire contents of my stomach out and into the wastebasket.

My mom came over and started rubbing my back, "honey, are you ok?" she asked.
"Yeah," i said, nodding, "do you have any gum? my breath smells like puke."

My mom laughed and Simone reached in her purse, "here you go dear," she said, handing me a piece.
"Thanks," i smiled, tossing it in my mouth, "can we go home now?"
"Yes, of course," my mom said.

We walked out with Simone and Gordon, both gushing about how much they're gonna miss the twins and how excited they are to be moving down there in a few months to surprise them. Great, now the twins are gone and so are their parents. I'll never see them again. This sucks ASS!!!


The next morning i woke up with a major headach. I ran to the bathroom, feeling my stomach agitate, and i, yet again, threw up whatever i had left in my stomach. I groaned, sitting next to the toilet with my head over the seat and my hands clutching my sore breasts. Fucking ayy...growing pains.

There was a knock on the door and my mom's muffled voice came through the door, "Alexis?"
"Yeah..." i mummbled.
"Can i come in? We need to talk."
"If you wanna smell my guest," i said.

The doorknob turned and my young mother stepped in with a sympathetic look, sitting on the sink counter.

"Honey, i need to ask you something," my mom started hesitantly, "and it's gonna be awkward...but, it's very important."
i gave her an odd look, "...ok...go ahead."
She took a deep breath, "have you...had sex?"

My eyes widened and i started chocking on my own saliva. My heart started thumping at the rate of a mouse and i got nervous.

"N-no. What?! why would you think that?" shit, i'm a terrible liar.
"Alexis, don't lie to me. I don't care if you did, i just need to know. It's important."
i sighed, "yes. I'm so sorry, mom. It was stupid, i thought i was ready," i started crying.
"it's ok. it's ok. One more thing," she said, "did you use protection?"

I went wide-eyed and looked up at her, "i don't remember. Oh god, mom. I'm scared."
"Shh. Shh," she bent down, wrapping her arms around me, "I may be pregnant. I don't know for sure yet, but i think we need to get a pregnancy test to make sure."

i nodded as she wiped the tears with toilet paper.



My eyes grew emensly as i felt the warm, thick water down the side of my leg. I bolted upright in my bed, looking at the clock that flashed 11:15 p.m. in bright blue.

"MOM!!" I screached at the top of my lungs in a panic, "MOM!! MY WATER BROKE!!"
My mother came rushing into the room with my overnight bag, "alright, sweety. Shh. it's gonna be ok."

She lead me out to the car with me screaming profanities at anything and everything like that would help the pain. When we got to the hospital, they got me in a wheelchair and my mom was at my side, calling her new boyfriend, Kale, to tell him the news.

8 hours and 25 minutes later:

"Would you like to hold your daughter?" the nurse smiled at me.

i smiled back, nodding. My mom wiped my sweat drenched forehead and the hair out of my face a the nurse placed my beautiful baby girl in my arms.

i couldn't stop the tears from dripping down the side of my face, "hello Emilia," i whispered, "i'm your mommy."

Emilia wiggled in my arms, wiping her eyes as she slowly opened them and let out a little spitty laugh.

"She's so cute," my mom gushed, fingering Emilia's tiny hand, "oh honey, you did good. If Bill were here...he'd be jumping around the room."

"Mom, she has Bill's nose," i said, stroking it, then my mood changed, "if Bill was here, he'd help me raise here. Even if we just 15. Mom, i miss him."

"I know you do, honey," my mom said, kissing my forehead, "it's ok. We'll make it through this. I won't leave your side."

I smiled weakily, looking down at my baby girl. 8 and a half hours of labor for her, and she's worth it. I always promised myself that i would never leave my child father-less, but now i'm starting to think otherwise. Maybe it's a good thing. I never had a true father. Raising a kid without one is the only way i really know how. I don't know how to act with a man to help me. I'm going to raise Emilia with the help of my mom and wer'e gonna have a great life. A perfect life.

I still wish that Bill knew...


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Wow, lots of time skipping. I know that came fast, but you can deal, right?