Six Years and a Baby Later

CHAPTER FOUR: unexpected visit.

Alexis' POV:

Six years later

"Hey mom, 'm making pancake, do you want some?" i asked, getting out all the ingredients for breakfast.

My mom looked up from her spot on the couch, next to Emilia and smiled, "Yes, thank you."

"Em, do you want some chocolate milk?" i asked my beautiful six year old daughter.

She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes and smiled, "YEAHHH!!"

I chuckled, searching in the refrigerator for her chocolate milk. When i found it, i took the drink and walked it over to Emilia, "there you are, sweetie," i handed it to her and kissed her cheek a few times, going back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.

Six years. Time flys so fast. These past six years were...difficult, I'm not going to lie. It's hard being a mom, especially at the age of 15. I had to drop out of school and do home-schooling, i couldn't afford to go to college, i missed practically everything in my childhood, and i can't afford to live on my own.

I just have one thing to say, thank GOD for my mom. Without her, i would most likely be on the streets. She let's me and Emilia live with her in the house. Actually, even if i COULD afford to move out, she wouldn't let me. She LOVES having me and Emilia here. I'm so grateful for my mom. Seriously, grandma and grandpa really fucked up in kicking her out. Not only is she a great mom, shes a great friend too. I wouldn't be able to raise Emilia without her.

It's hard for Emilia, not having a dad. I know it is, i can tell. A year or two ago, she came home from school, crying. She said that she was picked on at school for not having a dad and wanted to know who he was and why she didn't have one. It was hard on me too, because i couldn't give her a straight answer. I wound up crying and my mom had to tell Emilia not to ask any more questions about her dad around me. Emilia still does ask questions...but she's subtle about it...sometimes. I can't blame her, she's curious, and i used to so that when i was little.

I still think about Bill every night. I wonder what he's doing, or where he is. Is he thinking about me? Will i ever see him again? Does he still love me? I came up with an answer to all those questions-No. He has far too many things to think about other than me. I mean, he's FAMOUS now! And yeah, he made a promise to come back some day, but we were 15. Who would come back HERE?! NO ONE!

It kills be because every time i look at my daughter, i see Bill. She is a carbon copy of him. And me as well, i guess. And she acts just like him. She walks into a room and you can't help but smile. She's hyper and protective and silly and lovable and...everything that Bill ever was. Is Bill the same guy as he was when he was little-probably not.

We have pictures of Emilia and our 'family' ALL OVER the house. In every room there is at LEAST one 'family' picture.

After breakfast, i got showered, dressed, and got Emilia to dress too. She takes HOURS to find an outfit. I know, six year old going on sixteen year old She's so picky though. She LOVES to dress up. She changes her outfits at LEAST 3 times a day. At least she can change herself now.

"Em, go tell Grammy that we're leaving," i said, patting her butt.

"Otayy!!" she sang, running to the back. i heard her say, "gwamy!! Mommy sed dat we're leabing now!"

"OK, sweetie. Bye bye," My mom said.

Next, Emilia came running out and grabbed my hand and we walked out. We walked out to my car and i asked, "front or back?"

"uhm...FRONT!" she exclaimed. I nodded and opened the passenger door for her, putting her in her car seat and strapping her up. I know, a bit old for a car seat, but she shouldn't be sitting in the front. I made a deal with her, if she wants to sit in the front, she has to sit in a car seat.

Today, Emilia and i are going out shopping. It's summer, and I'm going to go get her some School supplies and clothes for next year in first grade. I know, a bit early, but i like to get a heads start.

I pulled into a parking spot and i got out. When i unbuckled Emilia, she jumped out and started running towards the store


God that child will be the death of me. She's soo hyper.

She came trudging back with her arms folded and pouting. I grabbed her hand and we started for the store.

"Where to first? Backpacks?" i asked.

"I WANT A PINK ONE!" Emilia exclaimed.

i laughed, "Pink it is."

i got shopping cart and Emilia did what she always does, stand on the end of the cart while i push it. It took us twenty minutes to pick a backpack that was 'just right' for her. i swear, she is too mature for her age. After chucking it in the cart and getting her a lunch box and other school supplies, we went to the clothing aisle.

She ran through the racks and started pointing out thing she liked.

"Em, what about this jacket?" i asked, holding up an orange cover jacket.

She screamed, running towards me and hugging me, "Mommy! can i pweeez get dat?!"

i laughed, "Yeah, babe. Alright, no more clothes."

"OKAY!" she smiled as i placed it in the cart.

Emilia stuck her arms in the air towards me. I smiled and picked her up, grunting in the process, "ugh. You're getting too bug for this," i said, pushing the cart with my free hand.

"No I'm not," Emilia pouted, kissing my cheek.

I smiled at her as we went up to the cash register. I had to put Emilia down as i loaded all the stuff on the table thing.

"Good afternoon," the lady smiled at me, "find everything?"

"Yes, thank you," i smiled back at her.

"MOMMY! can i get gummies?!" Emilia begged.

i sighed, "yeah.."

"Danke," Emilia said, putting it on the table.

The lady behind the counter chuckled and took out a couple coupons, "you look like you need it."

"Danke SOO much," i sighed relief.

She smiled, "No problem. I know kids are expensive. i had a kid at 16."

"I had Emilia at 15," i informed her, "i love her with ALL MY HEART...but if i could go back in time, i probably would have waited."

"I know what you mean," the lady nodded.

I payed and she bid e a good day before Emilia and i went to the car. After loading all the bags in and putting the cart back, we were out.

"What do you want for lunch?" i asked Emilia.

"McDonald's!" she exclaimed.

"Noo...we're not going out to eat. I'll make you something at home. How about a ham sandwich?.."

"Okaayy..." she said, "can i wear duh orange jacket when we get home?"

"Yeah," i said, "you can show Grammy all the things you got."


When we pulled up to the house, there was a car in the front. It's probably Phil, my mom's current boyfriend. I like him though, he always gets Emilia a present every time he comes over. It's sweet.

I unbuckled Emilia and her and i grabbed a couple bags, she ha 2 and i was lugging 5.

Emilia darted for the house while i just laughed at how excited she was. I can see why, it may have seemed like i just spoiled her, but we RARELY go shopping. Maybe once every 5 months. And we NEVER go on vacation. We can't afford it.

When i stepped in the house after Emilia, she kicked off her slip-on shoes and started running to the back [where the living room was] with her two bags.

"MOM! WE'RE HOME!" i yelled, "DID PHIL GET A NEW CAR?! IT'S A NICE UPGRADE!" i yelled, lugging the five bags to the back.

I heard Emilia say, "Hallo. I'm Emilia, who aw yew?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, stepping into the living room.

"Alexis," my mom said, slowly with a look in her eyes that was also in shock, "look who came to visit...Tom and Bill."

I went wide eyed and my head snapped to the couch where my jaw dropped slightly to where my much older and taller old friends were. Their eyes went back and forth from my daughter with the look of surprise.

I am SO NOT prepared for this....
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