Six Years and a Baby Later


Bill's P.O.V

I don't understand why Alexis can't just tell me the truth. Everyone knows that Emilia is my daughter. Tom knows, i know, and I'm pretty sure her mom and that Phil guy know. It's obvious. Emilia is the exact same as me. She likes the same food, she acts the same as me, she has my hair color (when i was younger), she has my eyes. I just wish that Alexis would tell the truth.

Why is she denying it? I mean, i can understand that it was probably tough for her to raise Emilia practically on her own at such a young age. She was always strict about when she were to have kids that she would never let them be father-less like she was. And then when she gets pregnant, the father of her kid leaves. But i swear, if i would have known, i never would have moved. She knows that.

I meant it when i told her that i loved her, and i still do. Why can't Alexis just tell me the truth? Emilia is my daughter and Alexis knows that she can trust me. Sure, it's been six years, but i haven't changed. My feelings or my attitude is still the same.

I wasn't expecting to be a father when i came back to visit, that's for sure. But at least I'm the father of Emilia. I probably would have been crushed if she wasn't mine. I just wish that Alexis would see that I'm still the same loving, old Bill that she knew when we were younger, that I can be a good dad and i will be here for her and Emilia.

I know that i haven't even known Emilia for a full week yet, but i do love her. When i saw her two days ago, it was like love at first sight. I just had that...father-daughter connection the first time i saw her bounce into the room. I saw my younger self in her, in almost every possible way, and now instead of loving one person, i love two.

Well, i just hope Alexis knows that I'm not going to stop fighting for them. I won't give up until i have them both in my lives, properly.

Alexis' P.O.V

This weekend is going to be long and tough.

Last night when my mom and Phil went out on that date, Phil proposed. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for them. Phil is a great guy. He's so nice to my daughter and he treats me like one of his own. It was like he was meant to be my dad.

But the down side to this, we're going out to celebrate. Phil is taking us to his beach house or the weekend. That's not the bad part. The bad part is, they invited Tom and Bill without me even finding out until i woke up this morning. I blew up, i was so mad.

I wasn't mad because of the fact they were invited. That, I'm OK about. I'm mad because, the first vacation we have in about eight years, there's bound to be drama. I just want this to be a nice, peaceful weekend, and i know that with Bill and me in the same room, something is going to happen.

And if that's not enough, my mom is making me drive down there with Tom and Bill in Tom's escalade. Of course Emilia will be with us, but this is a four hour drive. Four hours of awkwardness. Not my cup of tea.

Emilia is excited though. She's never been out of this town, so she can't wait. She's especially excited because Bill and Tom are going. She keeps wanting to call Bill, dad. Whenever she goes to talk to him, she starts out by saying dad, but quickly corrects herself, thank god. I know that she likes Bill a lot, but i just can't handle it right now. There's too much pressure and stress. He just showed up 2 or 3 days ago. It's not time yet.

Right now, i was packing Emilia's bag for her, while she sat on the bed, watching. I don't trust her with packing her bag. That sounds rude, I'm aware. But knowing Emilia, she won't pack the right things. I was trying to find her bathing suit, we alway lose that damn thing.

I heard my mom call up the steps, "ALEXIS! HURRY UP! THE BOYS ARE HERE!"


Seconds later, there was a slight knock on the door and it creaked open.

"..BILL!!!" Emilia laughed, jumping off the bed. I turned and saw a smiling Bill as Emilia ran into his open arms, picking her up and hugging her.

He looked up at me and smiled, "what are you looking for?" he asked.

"Nothing, i have it under control," i told him.

Emilia piped up, "she's twying to find my babing suit."

I made an inaudible groan as Bill set her down and walked around the room. He opened a few droors and upon opening one, he made an, "aha" sound, pulling out her blue and green one piece bathing suit with a ruffle skirt attached. He walked over and handed it to me.

"Thanks," i muttered, tossing it in with a couple more shorts, then zippering the suitcase up.

"Here, i got it," Bill said, taking the bag before i could. I muttered another thanks whilst him nodding.

"Can we go now?" Emilia asked. Bill chucked and nodded.

Bill was about to walk out, but Emilia grabbed his hand, causing him to smile at her. With her other free hand, she took mine and Bill lead us out of the room and down the stairs. It was cute how Bill would light up when Emilia said just one word, I'm not going to lie. And that scared me.

We got down stairs where my mom sighed, "Finally!"

"We need to organize Em's room," i said.

Phil laughed and Tom came up, "Alexis."

"Tomi," i smiled, letting go of my daughters hand and hugging him, "i didn't see you yesterday. How are you?"

"In need of a vacation," he said, groaning.

i laughed, "i guess it's a good thing we're going on a vacation." He nodded.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Phil said, clapping his hands together.

I walked out of the house with Phil and my mom, giving them a kiss on the cheek and leaving them to join Tom and Bill.

Bill put our bags in the trunk with theirs while i buckled Emilia up in the back.

"BILL!" Emilia called, "can you sit in da back wif me?"

Bill smiled again, jumping in the back and crawling to the seat next to Emilia, and kissing her cheek, "of course, Hun."

Once i got Emilia's seat belt on i asked Tom, "can i sit shot gun?"

"Sure," Tom shrugged.

"You don't want to sit back here wif me und Bill?" Emilia asked.

"Of course i do, babe," i said, kissing her cheek, "but someone needs to keep Tomi company. I'm right in front of you, don't worry. Plus, you have Bill."

"OK," she smiled.

I smiled back at her, closed the door, and walked around to the other side, jumping in the front seat. After closing the door, i exclaimed, "follow the old people Jeeves."

Tom and Bill chuckled as Tom said, "I'm on it." and we were out like trout.

About two hours have passed, and it wasn't so bad. The first thirty minutes or so, Tom and i sang and seat danced to the radio. There was a lot of laughing going on in the back with Bill and Em. But now, it's quiet. I had just woken up from my nap, feeling a bit refreshed.

Curious, i turned around in my seat to see what Emilia and Tom were doing. The image made me smile. Emilia was resting her head on Bills chest with her arms wrapped around his torso, sleeping. He had his arm protectively around her and was stroking her hair, looking down at her. It would be a good picture moment.

I guess i caught Bill's eye because he looked up at me and smiled, whispering, "she fell asleep about twenty minutes ago."

"She's a heavy sleeper. Only in cars, though. It's weird," I whispered back, grinning.

"I don't think I've ever seen her so peaceful," Bill smiled down at her.

"Oh, i rarely see her peaceful too," i joked, "she's always talking about something."

"She has some imagination, that's for sure," Bill laughed, still looking down at her. A second later, he looked up, "do you think...maybe...when we get there...i could take her out? Just around town or something for like an hour or two."

"uhm...yeah. Sure, i guess," I shrugged.

He smiled, "thanks."

I smiled for a second, taking in the sight, then turning to face forward. I can't believe that I was actually making nice with Bill on this trip. Well, i think I'm going to have to. I just want this vacation to go smoothly.

Tom looked over at me and smiled. I just rolled my eyes.


Another hour passed and we pulled into a little rest stop so we can pee and take a break. Tom, Bill and i hopped out of the car and stretched. I was about to wake Emilia up, but Bill stopped me.

"Let me try," he said in a questioning way.

i hesitated and nodded.

Bill climbed up in the back seat and crawled over to where Emilia lay, stretched across the back seat. He shook her slightly, "Emilia," he whispered, "Hunny, wake up."

She stretched a little, rubbing her eyes, "aw we dayer yet?" she yawned.

"No, sweetie. We're at a rest stop. Do you have to go potty?" he asked her in a soft tone.

Emilia nodded her head yes whilst Bill, picking her up and her holding onto his neck with her eyes closed, still tired. He made a grunt as he stepped down from the car and closed the door.

"Here. Go to mommy and she'll take you to the bathroom," he whispered, passing her to me.

I took hold of her and she dug her face in my neck, sleeping. "Thanks," i muttered as he joined Tom and Phil.

i went and joined my mom, sighing because Emilia was so heavy.

"How is the ride so far?" my mom asked me.

"It's good. Emilia sat in the back with Bill. Oh, mom, you should have seen it. Emilia fell asleep, hugging Bill and he was holding her, smiling down at her and stroking her hair. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"That boy was meant to be a dad," mom shook her head.

i groaned, "yeah. Someday. Not any time soon."

"Honey, why can't you just tell the poor kid the truth. He knows that he's Emilia's dad. So does everyone else. You're only making it harder for yourself and Emilia. She deserves a dad."

"Mommy...why can't i call daddy, daddy?" Emilia asked, waking up as we entered the womens bathroom.

"Because sweetie. It's not time yet," I told her, a little upset.

"But when will it be time? I want daddy..." she asked.

i sighed, "i don't know, baby." i set her down, "cummon. Go potty," i told her, pointing to the bathroom.

We went in the handicapped one and i stood there and waiting until she was done. When she was, she wiped and i let her out to join my mom and wash her hands while i did my business.

After i washed my hands, i took Emilia's hand and we walked out with my mom, joining the twins and Phil.

"We ready to get on the road again?" Phil asked us.

"Yup," we all chimed.

Once again, i kissed Phil and my mom on the cheek and joined Tom and Bill back to the car.

"Mommy, can you sit in da back wif me and Bill dis time?" Emilia pleaded.

"Alright," i sang, "sorry Tom. You're gonna have to be a loner up there."

"I'd rather be a lone than have you or Bill sitting up here," he joked.

"Well, we'll just have a party back here and you're not invited," Bill retorted, "right, Emilia?"

"YEAH!" she exclaimed, patting Bill's arm.

At that, we were off.

A few minutes into the ride, Bill, Emilia and i were all [surprisingly] talking when Bill exclaimed, "OH!" he dug in his bag and then pulled out wrapped up cookie's, "Emilia, i got you some cookies," then he looked up at me, "can she have them?"

I looked down at Emilia and she gave me pleading eyes. I nodded, smiling, "what do you say, Em?" i asked.

"DANKE!" She exclaimed, kissing his cheek.

He lit up, "you're welcome," and he handed them to her.


"WE'RE HERE!" Tom hollered. We all cheered, hopping out of the car.

Lugging our bags into the beach house, we walked around and selected our rooms.

As i was unpacking my luggage, there was a slight knock on the door.

"Come in," i called.

The door creaked open and Bill poked his head in, "I'm going to take Emilia out now."

"A-Alright," i nodded.

He hesitantly smiled and nodded, leaving my room. A few minutes later, there was another knock on my door. I allowed them in and Tom slipped in, wearing his swim trunks.

"Hey. You wanna go to the beach?"

"Sure. Let me just get my bathing suit on and I'll be right out."

He nodded and then left my room. Quickly, i slipped on the first bathing suit I saw, which was a red bikini, and grabbed a towel and stepping in my flip-flops.

Stepping out and walking down the steps, I saw Tom sitting on the couch, talking to my mom and Phil.

"Ready?" i asked.

Tom nodded, standing up and joining me, "yeah. Let's go."

"You two aren't going?" i asked my mom and Phil.

My mom shook her head, "no. We're just gonna stay here and rest a bit."

"OK. If Bill and Emilia come back before us, tell them that we're at the beach," i said, walking out with Tom.

We started down the sidewalk, the beach was only 3 blocks away.

"If i didn't know you had a kid, i would have never guessed it," Tom commented.

I laughed, "Thanks, Tom."

"Seriously. You don't look like you have a kid. Aren't you suppose to have stretch marks and stuff?" he asked.

"There are ways to prevent them," i shook my head with a smile.

"Oh. Well...I'm not a girl. I don't know this stuff," he retorted.

We got to the beach and layed our towels out, deciding to catch a little sun before we go in.

"I still can't believe you have a daughter," Tom said.

i looked up at him, squinting from the sun, "i know, right."

"You know...she's exactly like Bill when he was younger. Like father like daughter."

i groaned and narrowed my eyes at him, "Tom. Don't start."

"Cummon, Alexis. Why can't you just admit it? We all know."

"Tom, please. Not now."

"No, Alexis. It's not right. It's not fair that you're keeping Emilia away from Bill. He deserves to be able to hear from you that Emilia is his daughter. Why are you denying it to him? Alexis, you're hurting him.

Did you know that Bill talked about you all the time after we left? Every day. He always talked about how much he loved you and how much he couldn't wait to come back and see you again. He nearly bit our heads off when he found out that we were moving.

Yeah, he didn't expect to come back to a daughter, he was shocked. That's why he acted like that. But you should have seen him when we got back to the hotel. Alexis, he was so happy. I've never seen him so happy before, except when you two were dating. He loves Emilia and you.

He told me that he never thought it was possible to love someone so much until he saw you. Then he said that he could never love another person ever, then...he saw Emilia.

Alexis, he loves you both so much and it's not fair that you're lying to him. Emilia is just as much his as she is yours. True, you were the one who changed her diapers and put her in school and raised her. But you know that if Bill would have known he had a kid, he would have never left. You KNOW that. And he would have gladly stayed and helped raise Emilia.

So why are you lying? He hasn't changed. He's still the same Bill that i know you loved. The only thing that changed over the passed six years is the way you both look, how stubborn you are, and a kid. A kid that loves Bill. I can tell."

i sighed, trying not to tear up, "I know, Tom. Believe me, i know. I just don't want to feel like I'm making a mistake. I'll tell him...i just..need some time."

"Just...make the right choice," he said.

i nodded, "yeah."


After our talk, Tom and i decided to go in the water. We splashed around and joked for a while until we heard a scream.


Tom and i both whipped our head in the direction we heard the shriek and saw Emilia running up to the water in a bathing suit i haven't seen before with Bill at her heels. Right as she was about to hit the water, Bill swooped her up and carried her at the hip while smiling and walking further in the water toward us.

When they got to us, Emilia reached for me and Bill passed her over.

"Look at what Bill got me," Emilia said in my arms, gesturing to her bathing suit.

"It's so cute," i commented, "did you say thank you?"

"Yes she did," Bill nodded.

"How much was it?" i asked.

He me a look with a grin, "you don't need to know."

I rolled my eyes with a smile, "fine. Is that all you did all this time? Get Em a bathing suit?"

"No. We did oder stuff," Emilia said.

"Like what?" i asked.

Bill gave her a look and put his index finger to his lips telling her not to say anything.

"Op!" Emilia covered her mouth, chuckling.

"What you can't tell me?" i asked.

"It's a secwet, Mommy. But trust me, you wiw like it."

"Emilia," Bill whined with a smile.

"I'll like it?" i asked him.

"You'll find out eventually," Bill told me.

"You're dumb," Tom shook his head.

Ugh. I'm so confused. And to add to my confusing, i would totally love to pounce on Bill right now. I mean, he's skinny but his body just does that to me. FUCK!

"Well did you at least have fun?" i asked Emilia.

She nodded vigorously, "YEAH! I ALWAYS have fun with da-Bill," she corrected herself before she said dad.

After a couple more hours, we all decided we should head back to the beach house. I silently thanked the lord that most people were on vacation in other areas and not this one. It's a bit vacant here at this time of year.

We took showers and got changed into PJ's. I just wore a tank and some shorts. Phil and my mom was preparing dinner while Emilia, Bill, Tom and i were all talking about candy in the living room. It was actually a pleasant conversation. Until Emilia brought something up.

"I like da gummies!" she exclaimed.

"Me too," Bill said, "the gummy worms."


Tom and i went wide eyed as well as Bill who then had a smile spread across his face, "did you just call me daddy?" he lit up.


"Oops, I wasn't suppose to call you that," Emilia turned to me, "sorry mommy."

i groaned, putting my head in my hands. Wait for it...wait for it....

"Alexis, can i talk to you?"


I stood up and lead Bill out the sliding door in the living room that lead right to the patio. Sitting on the stone bench in front of the unlit fire pit, i waited as Bill sat down beside me.

"Alexis..." he started.

"I know, Bill," i cut him off.

"Then why?" he asked, "why are you still denying it? Everyone knows I'm the dad. Even Emilia. You always said that you didn't want your kids to be father-less, Alexis. It doesn't have to be like that. You're the only one making it be that way."

"i just...i don't want to regret it," i stuttered, feeling the tears start to build up.

"Regret it? Alexis..." he sighed, putting and arm around my me and pulling me closer to him, "why do you think you'll regret it? You know i would never do anything to hurt you or Emilia. I love you both. I know it's hard for you to believe, but i really do.

I missed you so much when we were away and then i came back and found out i had a daughter. I didn't expect it, but i wasn't mad. Not at you. I was mad at me for not staying, even though i didn't even know about it.

I don't care about my image or being famous. I WANT to be with you and Emilia. We can deal with the fans and Tokio Hotel later. You and Emilia come first in my life. I want to be a family. You know you can trust me. Alexis, please. She's my daughter too. Just give me a chance. OK?"

I looked up at his pleading eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek and i smiled weakly.

Bill brought his thumb up to my cheek and wiped the tear away, then hugged me, "i love you," he whispered.

i hugged back and sniffled, "i love you too."

We pulled away and he looked down at me with loving eyes, then he placed his lips on mine. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to do that, it felt so right. I almost forgot what it felt like to kiss Bill, and i never want to be that dangerously close to forgetting again.

"Let's go back in," Bill said, standing up and offering me his hand. I took hold and he pulled me to him, wrapping his arm around my waste and walking back inside.

When we got back in, in addition to Tom and Emilia sitting on the couch, my mom and Phil joined them.

"Is everything OK?" Phil asked.

Bill nodded, grinning slightly, "yeah. Everything is fine."

"Can i call him daddy now?" Emilia asked, hopeful.

I smiled up at Bill and then over at my daughter, "yes, Em. You can call him daddy now."

She lit up and jumped off of Tom's lap, running to Bill, "DADDY!" she shrieked.

Bill looked like a kid on Christmas day, lifting his daughter up and hugging her, kissing her cheek. I looked around the room at all the smiling faces of my loved ones.

Dinner was finally ready as we sat down in the seats, Emilia sitting in between Tom and Bill.

"I think a toast is appropriate," my mom said, raising her wine glass. The rest of us followed her lead as she spoke, "to our new lives. Me and Phil. And also Bill and Alexis. May it be..happy ones."

"AMEN!" Phil preached and we all chuckled a bit, sipping our drinks.


After dinner and a little game, we all layed around watching the fire crackle in the fire place.

I was laying on one of the couches in front of Phil who had his arm around me and stroking my hair, resting his chin on mine. It felt good, like he was meant to be my dad. I loved how i could lay here the couch with my soon-to-be dad and feel like this is what it should have been all along. Phil really did see me like his own daughter. He was perfect to fill the shoes of a dad and i wouldn't want anyone else to be my dad.

On the couch opposite of us was Bill who held a sleeping Emilia. She was cuddled laying on top of him with her face dug in his chest. One hand was patting her back, rhythmically, and the other was stroking her hair as she occasionally places kissed on her head. It was so cute. I could tell that he was ecstatic about being Emilia's dad, as crazy as that seems to me.

My mom and Tom were sitting on rocking chairs, taking pictures of Bill with Emilia and me with Phil. It was epic for both of us. I never had a dad and either did Emilia, so it was something special.

The fire burnt out and my mom let out a yawn, "i think we should be getting to bed."

We all grunted in agreement as i rolled off the couch. Bill didn't want to wake Emilia, so Tom carefully picked her up and let him off the couch. Once he was off, he took Emilia back who fell right back asleep in his arms.

My mom and Phil went off to the ground floor bedroom as Tom, Bill, Emilia and i headed upstairs. We said goodnight to Tom before he departed and then walked to my bedroom.

Bill layed Emilia in the middle of my bed, next to me. "Goodnight, Liebe," he whispered to me, kissing me on the lips.

When we pulled apart he then bent over Emilia, kissing her cheek. He was about to leave when Emilia stirred awake, "Daddy. Don't leave. Stay here wif me and mommy," she yawned.

He looked over at me, questioningly. I nodded with a smile and he slipped in on the other side of Emilia, wrapping his arms around his daughter.

"Goodnight," he whispered again.

I smiled, also wrapping my arm around Emilia, right next to Bill's arm and whispered, "night."

And we fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. My computer is fucking retarded.