Six Years and a Baby Later


Alexis' P.O.V:

The air smelt of fresh salt water mixed with strawberry from the conditioner i used last night. My PJ's clung to my skin and my shirt rode up my stomach a bit because of all the moving around i did in my sleep last night, but i didn't care. I hugged the comforter, snuggling into it. It's morning, but i didn't dare wake. I haven't gotten to sleep in for six years, this is like heaven.

I heard the door bust open followed by my bed jumping up and down.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! We have food!" I heard my daughter wail.

"Emmy, don't wake mommy. She's sleeping," I heard Bill's soft voice say as he walked into the room.

I smiled to myself, stretching a bit and fluttering my eyes open to find the two of them looking down at me with slight smiles. Emilia was in Bill's arm as he was trying to take her out of the room and Emilia was struggling trying to get to the bed and wake me up.

"I didn't wake her, see! She's already awake," Emilia proclaimed, pointing at me.

I let out a yawn of contentment. I wouldn't mind being waken up like that for the rest of my life. Or, at least until Bill leaves. Well that thought just brought down my mood.

Bill let out a chuckle at his daughters obliviousness and smiled down at me, "Good morning, liebe. You hungry or do you want to stay in bed?"

"," i sniffed, throwing the blanket off of me and getting to my feet.

Bill let Emilia down and she ran out of the room like a dog that heard his owner come home.

Bill walked up to me and wrapped his hands around my waste, "you look beautiful," he smiled, looking into my eyes.

I covered my mouth, self-conscious of my morning breath, "but my breath smells. One second," i got free of his grip and ran to the bathroom down the hall, emptying toothpaste on my green tooth brush and scrubbing my mouth clean of the stench. The sound of tapping on wood was faint as i turned to my right to see Bill standing in the door frame, giving me a smirk with his eyebrows raised.

"you done?" he asked.

I spit the tooth paste into the sink, rinsed my mouth out with water, and then nodded, "yup."

He smiled as i made my way over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and standing up on my tippy toes. My lips lingered in front of his, the energy begging us both to shut our eyes. I smirked as he was just about to place his lips on mine.

"Food's ready," i whispered, breaking away and walking passed him, down the hall.

"You're such a tease!" i heard him groan as i smiled to myself, walking to the steps and looking back at him.

He caught up to me right before we entered the dinning room and wrapped his arms around my waste.

"Well if it isn't the two little love-birds," My mom cooed from the table.

"Ma!" i groaned, sitting across from Tom. Bill let out a chuckle and sat between me and Emilia, across from my mom who was between Tom and Phil.

"Would you like some pancakes?" my mom asked, slipping the paper towel off of the plate of steaming hot flapjacks.

I licked my lips and nodded my head vigorously, shoving my plate in her face. She dumped a stack on there and handed it back to me, dumping some on Bill's plate. We thanked her and dug in.

After breakfast Tom, Bill and I went to town while mom and Phil stayed at the beach house and watched Emilia. None of us have ever been here, so we were all pretty clueless as to where we were going, but we decided to adventure out of our territory. Be rebellious.

"Oh, look! There's a Disney store here!" Tom exclaimed, pointing to a little shop.

I chuckled, "Wanna go in and get a mickey mouse stuffed animal, Tomi?" I joked.

"What if I do?"

"Then go right ahead."

"But I don't wanna..." he huffed, playfully, folding his arms over his chest.

Bill laughed, "you're acting younger than Emilia."

Tom stuck his tongue out at him.

Those two are just so childish when they're with each other, it's heart warming. It makes me think that maybe just because I'm a mom doesn't mean that I'm required to malcontent and gloomy all the time. I can still have fun and be a mom at the same time.

"Ugh, i don't want to leave here tomorrow," i sighed.

"Me neither," Tom sided, "it's so peaceful here."

"Yeah, but we also have to go into the studio in a few weeks. Do the finishing touches on Humanoid," Bill said.

"Yeah. I've actually been craving to play my guitar this whole trip. I should have brought it down with me. Oh well."

"Well, i think Phil has one," I informed Tom, "maybe he'll let you borrow it. All you have to do is ask. He'll probably let you."

Tom nodded.

"I just can't wait for tonight," Bill smiled, interlacing our fingers.

"Why?" i asked.

"Remember? We're all going out by the pool house in the back at night time," Bill said.

"You're excited for that?" i laughed.

"Yeah. It's kinda gonna be like a camp out. Minus the trees and nasty bugs and stuff. It'll be cool," Bill smiled.

I looked over at Tom and he put his hands up, "don't look at me. I don't see why we're related either."

We both laughed while Bill gave us both a huff look.

Bill's P.O.V:

To be honest, I'm a bit nervous. I'm positive of this, even from when i got it with Emilia while Tom and Shannon were at the beach the first day we got here, but i just didn't know that I'd be doing it this soon. I just can't wait any longer, though. I need to do it right now, for me.

Alexis and I had put Emilia to bed earlier and now, it being 10 at night, the two of us plus Tom, Phil and her mom were out on the patio by the pool house in the back yard. The night sky was dark overhead with the white stars shining brighter than i ever remember them being. It was cold, but there was no wind. The smell of salt water was almost extinct with the logs in the fire place crackling in the pit that we surrounded as we wrapped blankets around us laughing, joking, and singing to random songs as Tom played one of Phil's guitars. It was like a typical family moment and i wouldn't trade it for the world.

Alexis was sitting next to me, wrapped in my arms and smiling over at Phil who was telling a story about his childhood memories. She still amazes me with her beauty and charm after all these year, and i don't think that it will ever cease. Her smile shown in the light from the fire and the stars as she brought her glass of red wine to her lips and sipped mindlessly and i couldn't help but stare at her in admiration and bewilderment. How on earth could a girl like her, love someone like me. I feel like she is way out of my league, but I'm grateful for it none-the-less.

Footsteps were audible from where we sat as a figure walked up from the darkness of the night and onto the patio.

"Em, what are you doing up so late?" Alexis asked, sitting up straighter.

Our daughter wiped her eye with a frown, "i had a bad dream."

"Aw, Em. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Come here," Alexis said so caring as Emilia made her way over and sat on the love of my life's lap. She cradled our daughter and kissed her hair while still in my arms.

After a little bit, we were all back to normal with addition to Emilia, singing and talking about random memories, hopes and dreams. I looked over at my older twin brother and we exchanged smiles as I cleared my throat, getting the attention of my loved ones.

"Alright, let me start out by saying that my time here with all of you has got to be one of the most...amazing times of my life. Really. You're all just so...awesome," I announced, earning little laughs from everyone. "I also want to tell you all, even though you probably know, how much Alexis means to me. I love her with all my heart and soul, and then some. I really can't say it enough. And, honestly, i don't know how to express it other than...asking her to marry me and be my wife."

I pulled out a ring and earned gasps and looks of happiness and joy and excitement. Looking down at Emilia, her eyes grew in shock and blind-sight. She looked up at me and then down at our smiling daughter.

"Say yes, Mommy! Say yes!" Emilia urged.

We all let out little chuckles and Alexis looked up at me with the biggest smile, "yes."
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter-surprise!
Alexis, you will say WHAT THE FUCK
or something involving the word 'fuck'.