It's Just Me

Just Be Mature About This!

Lilli's P.O.V

I really did like Max...
he, on the other hand, had no feelings for me whatsoever.
And the day that he started dating Sammi, I have gone literally on an emotional-suicidal rampage.
I've been in a mental hospital seven times within the last four months.
I sighed.

'C'mon, Lilli. Be mature. He doesn't like you. Give up.', I thought to myself.

I went and sat on my bed and groaned loudly.

"Wow, someone's not happy.", someone said.

I quickly looked up. "Craig! Who let you in?!", I snapped.
"Max did. Why? Want me to leave-"
"No, no. I didn't mean it like that...", I began. "I'm just frustrated."
"Oh. About Sammi and Max?", he asked.

I nodded once.
"I don't like her either, Lilli.", Craig said sitting on my bed with me.

I looked up. "Really? You seemed like you liked her...", I said.
"Nope. I was only pretending that I did to make Max happy. She's a bitch.", he said looking around my poster filled room.
"Finally! Someone agrees with me!", I sighed in relief.
Craig laughed. "Actually, Robert and Bryan agree that she's a bitch too.", he added.
"Speaking of the two idiots, where are they?", I asked.
"They're out enjoying their last week in Vegas.", Craig laughed.

I forgot that all four of them were leaving for a sixth month tour.
I got sad again.
Tears rolled down my face.

"Lilli, what's wrong?", Craig asked.
"Max...", I said quietly.
"What about him?"
"I don't want him to leave...", I cried more.

Craig stared at me. "Oh my God. You like him?", he asked.
I noded. "Yeah. For a long time...since 11th grade.", I said looking at the floor.
"Lilli, you need to tell him.", Craig said.
"I-I can't. It will ruin everything...", I sighed.
"Tell who what?", I heard someone that sounded like Max.

Oh, it was over now.
"Nothing, nothing.", I said nervously.
"Actually, Max...Lilli wanted to say something to you.", Craig said pulling me off of the bed.
"Yeah?", Max asked. 'What is it?"
"Um, um, um...", I panicked.
"Lilli, what's wrong? Are you okay?", Max asked.
"Lilli just tell Max you like him!", Craig blurted out.
"What?!", Max said shocked.
"Lilli....", Max asked.

I said nothing and ran out of the house.
Max chased after me. "Lilli, what is going on?", he asked.
I pulled away from him. "Nothing.", I said and continued walking.
Max stopped me again. "That really doesn't seem like nothing.", he said.
"Max! Forget about it! I'll be fine! You don't love me back!", I was too pissed to watch where I was walking.
I got hit by car.

"Shhhiiit! Lilli!", Max said running to me.
Craig ran up to me as well. "Is she okay?!", Craig shouted.
"I don't know! S-she's not responding to me.", Max said with tears rolling down his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Original post date:
April 28, 2009.
on my site.
: D
This was my fave chapter to write.
fo sho.
comments are lovely.
they make the author happy.