The Monster War Tour


"Love of my life? Don't make me laugh. Love doesn't exist." - Myspace Colonel


Times are hard. Jonathan Sovereign has complete control of the world- if so much as an ant strays from its line it will be crushed beneath his foot. Everyone, every single human being on this Earth is frightened to leave their town: nobody can go to school or to work for fear that they will break a rule and anger him. He can see and hear everything. Nobody is safe.

They work for him. "The Controlled". Nobody can tell if a Controlled is with them, unless they knew them personally before they were stolen. A Controlled is a person who has been stolen by Sovereign. They have been killed and fitted with technology in the place of a heart. They walk among us everyday and tell him of the rule breakers. The rule breakers are stolen in the night. They become one of the Controlled. And so it goes on.

Now he's decided that his world is overcrowded. If you have a known musical ability, you have to go on the Monster War Tour. You have to perform once every day, and if you can't cope, or if you mess up your act- you are killed. The two remaining contestants must fight- to the death.

There's got to be some means of escape.