The Monster War Tour

A revival

Caitlin ran her fingers over the strings of her guitar thoughtfully. She was sat outside the caravan, on the steps, in the heavy rain. She was remembering- she had been doing rather a lot of that though the short period of time she had been at the camp. It seemed like a life time ago when a girl had advised her to learn bass on the guitar- advice she had followed. She could now play both bass and guitar relatively well, but, same as everyone else in the camp, wished she couldn't. She couldn't stop thinking about her family, back in the ghetto. They didn't even know if she was still alive- they had no connection to the outside world. Sovereign had removed television, radio and internet, and all post was searched, and if it said anything deeper than, "Nice weather we're having" then it would be destroyed. But letters weren't allowed to be sent from the camp anyway, only from ghetto to ghetto. Caitlin strummed out a slow rhythm, and before she knew it was playing Kate Nash.
"All I know," She sang, "Is that you're so nice... you're the nicest thing I've seen... I wish that we could give it a go, see if we-oh!" She jumped a little and nearly dropped her guitar when someone put a hand on her shoulder. Thankfully, that hand was attached to an arm, and the arm belonged to Brian.
"That's really nice," He complimented, "Are you going to perform that tomorrow?"
Caitlin shrugged with a smile.
"I don't know, I could I suppose. Hah, yeah, it's meant to be nice. Nice is a very overused work in it."
"Well," Said Brian, "Let me know what you're doing. Keep practicing."
"Thanks," Caitlin laughed, "You're being quite nice yourself." Brian shuddered.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures..." He said, in an attempt to seem wise. It made Caitlin laugh out loud.

Lily Allen threw down the plastic carrier bag that held her few posessions and kicked it hard. She was stood outside a caravan, whose she was she didn't know, but she kicked that also. She had just been banned and moved from the south of the camp, for being found trying to initiate an escape. They had only kept her alive for her voice. She carried on kicking the caravan, now trying to get the attention of its inhabitants. When no one answered, she growled with annoyance and kicked her hardest. Suddenly, the door sprang open and Lily was knocked to the ground as two people fell on top of her. It was Charlotte and Alex, locked in a kiss. Lily got out from underneath them in disgust as they stopped kissing, looking up, and hastily tried to get to their feet after her.
"Ohmygosh Lily Allen!" Charlotte said delightedly, "You're alive!"
"Amongst other things," Replied Lily sourly.
"Why are you here?" Asked Charlotte, still breathless from the kiss and the excitement of meeting Lily Allen.
"I got kicked out of the south camp..." She admitted begrudgingly, "Those stupid tincans..."
"Oh, I heard some girls calling them that. It suits them."
Alex stood in the background, dejected. He was annoyed with Lily, first for ruining his first k iss with Charlotte and then, secondly, taking her attention completely. He felt quite put out. He cleared his throat hopefully. Charlotte did look around at him.
"Bob," He said, "Did you enjoy that?" She looked puzzled for a moment, and then it dawned on her.
"Oh, yes, thank you!" She grinned, meeting eyes with him.
"Bob?" Demanded Lily, "Is that your name?"
"Nickname," Said Charlotte, "I'm really called Charlotte."
Lily looked confused, but not helplessly, but confusion that made her face seem to say: "Yuck, thanks, why even make me confused?" Charlotte gestured to her hair, however, it no longer resembled much of a bob. Odd hairs had grown at different rates of it was uneven, the ends were splitting and curling and it had turned a darker, dirtier colour with sweat and dirt. Lily glanced at Charlotte's hair, and then let out an 'Oh' of realisation. It was silent for a few minutes.
"Finally given up on me, then?" Lily said curtly to Alex, who shrugged unblushingly.
"It's the end of the fucking world," He replied, "You need someone to love."
These words made both female hearts sink. Charlotte wasn't all too chuffed about being a someone who was needed, rather than wanted, and Lily was torn inside because she had no one. Her someone was gone...
Charlotte broke her out of her despairing thoughts by saying, "So, are you staying with us now?"
"Looks like it."
The three traipsed into the caravan, Lily holding her carrier bag, Charlotte and Alex holding hands. He pulled his hand out of her grasp, saying,
"I want to stay outside... I'm going for a walk."
"It's dangerous," Charlotte protested.
"I can take care of my self!" He snapped, suddenly wound to breaking point. He began to make his way down the steps.
"Alex?" Asked Lily. He looked back."I'm so sorry about Nick."
The door slammed in her face.

"Mama, we all go to Hell," Sang Gerard, his hand on his throat, testing his sore vocal cords carefully. Frank leapt in with:
"Gerard, we're already there,"
Then Ray joined in, half hissing, half singing:
"Right now, Iero, I don't think Gerard cares,"
"Toro, you have STUPID HAIR!"
"Alright, alright, enough!" Gerard shouted impatiently. Since the first fight, Ray and Frank's relationship had gotten much worse, very quickly, and now the two could not be together for more than two minutes without launching into an argument, "Ten out of ten for improvisation skills. Where's Mikey?"
"In the bedroom," Said Bob,"He's trying to calm Alicia down. She's scared the move will hurt bump."
"Why do we even call it that?" Frank asked, chewing on his shirt cuffs, "There is no bump. Not yet anyway."
"I think Mikey doesn't like calling it 'the baby'," Gerard explained, "It makes it seems more real, and more of a person. He's very frightened."
"Poor Mikey... poor Lissy..." Ray murmured. He met eyes with Frank and they seemed to agree on something for once. Gerard suddenly put his face in his hands.
"Why now?" He whispered through his fingertips, "They had a whole year to... and now they might... he's my baby brother!" Frank started forward but Ray got there first, wrapping his arms around Gerard and rocking him slowly, stroking his black hair. His eyes were full of compassion for Gee.
And contempt for Frank.