The Monster War Tour

An experiment

Two hours later, Ray Toro and Gerard Way were in the boiler cupboard, which of course was sans a boiler, knotted in a passionate embrace. Caitlin had arrived at the My Chemical Romance caravan, shouting that she was sure she had seen Jamia. Frank had left immediately, accompanied by Bob. Mikey had gone out for a walk with Alicia, because she had cried and cried for fresh air, knowing that the would soon be bundled back into the vans, until Mikey had given in and took her outside. Ray had been left alone comforting Gerard, and one thing had lead to another.

At first Gerard had been reluctant, and once that reluctance had passed, Ray became shy and unwilling. He felt a though he was almost abusing Gerard; taking advantage of his weakened state while he was upset. Gerard had eventually reassured him, and the two had, after years and years of wondering, started to experiment. Gerard's hands shakily entwined themselves in Ray's long, matted hair, Ray's own hands sliding down the singer's back, passing over unwanted prominent bones. They felt like little stumpy beginning of wings: the two both wished they could fly everyone away to safety, to a Heaven where nobody could hurt them. To begin with, Frank kept appear in Gerard's mind, but after a few kisses he manage to block him out. He pressed his body against Ray's and tilted his head back as Ray proceeded to kiss his neck. His arms snaked around Ray's waist, the jutting pelvis bone fitting within the nook of his elbow. Before that afternoon, neither had noticed just how thin everyone had become- however it was not surprising once thought through; food was scarce throughout the camp, with pathetic amounts of food per person per day.

Suddenly, Ray pulled away.
"Ray?" Gerard whispered.
"I'm sorry Gerard..." He rasped, "I... I can't do this."
"Ray?" Gerard repeated, his voice questioning, putting his hand on Ray's cheek.
"When your dream comes true... you've got nothing to wish for. I feel like I'm betraying everyone... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."
Gerard sniffed, nodding sadly. Ray looked at him, and hugged him close, resting his head on his shoulder. "It just so, you know... if we..." He swallowed, "Die... I knew what it was like to kiss you."
"And is that... all you wanted to know?" Gerard gulped and nearly choked on the words.
"You cheeky bitch!" Ray exclaimed, actually making Gerard laugh,"Yes, that was all thank you." It was silent for a moment. "Though I did wonder..."
They met eyes and Gerard screwed up his mouth sideways.
"Wondered what?"
"Did you and Frank... ever..." Ray jerked his head and fanned himself. Gerard laughed.
"That's for me to know and you to worry about," He teased.

"Stop playing now, jp."
Synyster Gates was stood infront of the boy, his arms folded. jp, really named John Paul Christopher James, made no reponse.
"jp," Synyster warned, "You'll wear your fingers down."
At this, he looked up through his long curtain of dark hair.
"Yeah, right down to the bone, and there'd be blood everywhere and I'd be talentless. So the tincans would come to kill me so I'd run away and kill myself."
The A7x guitarist raised his eyebrows.
"Given this a lot of thought?"
jp lowered his head over the instrument again, and replied only with a short,
Synyster sighed and turned away. He'd been trying and trying to get through to jp, but there seemed like there was something in the way, some barrier he couldn't get past. jp's emotions stayed intact within him, and Avenged Sevenfold stayed worried about him. The door of the caravan slammed, making them both look towards the source of the noise.
"So far away, I'm gone, please don't follow me tonight..." Sang out the voice of M Shadows. jp shut his eyes, and remembered. Again.

"I don't like it," Caitlin admitted,pulling the earphone out of her ear.

"I knew you wouldn't." He laughed.

The bus hissed to a stop, and people began to file off.

He stood up, and made his way down the aisle, but leaned back to high-five her.

Her palm slapped against his, and they were nothing more than teenagers.

Then it changed...