‹ Prequel: Dark Magic

Secret Magic

Chapter 16

Camille felt out of place in the room of requirement with everyone. She kept getting dirty looks and sneers, the cold shoulder was a crowd favorite. Harry was about the only person who was nice to her, well him and Luna. There was a break in the action and Camille stood alone against a wall. A group of kids walked over to her.
"Hey snitch"
"When you gonna rat, huh?"
"What's a Slytherin doin' here?" were some of the things they started shouting at her.

"Leave her alone" a voice from behind said. Everyone turned around to see Alice walking towards them wand out.
"And who are you?" a large Hufflepuff said.
"Mobilicorpus" Alice said pointing her wand at him. He levitated in the air and the higher her wand the higher he went. The boy started to panic.
"Hey what... put me down" he started stuttering. Harry walked over and put a hand on Alice's shoulder. She just smirked and shook her head.
"Say your sorry to Camille and i'll see what I can do" Alice said moving him closer to Camille.
"Sorry" he reluctantly said. Alice dropped him on his face which got her dozens of looks.

"Everyone this is Alice" Harry introduced pushing her forward in front of everyone. Alice gave a small bow. She stepped back into line with Harry.
"Today we are going to show you how to duel" Harry said motioning with his wand. Everyone cleared to the walls and prepared for the duel.
"Now Alice don't go easy" Harry said jokingly.
"I won't" Alice replied dryly.

Harry and Alice took their stances. There was uncomfortable shifting in the crowd.
"Expelliarmus" Harry yelled.
"Finite" Alice yelled back putting a stopped Harry's spell. A dumbfounded look crossed his face.
"Stupefy" Alice then said ending the duel as Harry flew backwards. Alice just stood there with her wand. Everyone turned to look at her with looks of mixed confusion and awe.

"How do you know that already?" someone asked. Alice's breath caught in her chest.
"Um... I like to read" Alice said looking around the room.
"Alice, just tell um" Harry said looking defeated for some reason.
"No, I can't you can though. If you're that stupid" Alice said and turned around. She then left the room for good.
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