‹ Prequel: Dark Magic

Secret Magic

Chapter 8

Alice was alone in the common room, the dark lonely common room. It was around 1:30 in the morning and she had gone down to sit alone. Alice had the feeling something bad was going to happen and she didn't want to be around anyone when it happened. She heard footsteps come and go with no one to claim them. She sat brooding in the big maroon chair that sat in front of the dead fire. She hadn't bothered to light one seeing as there was no point, she didn't want to see anything but the blackness. Alice had seen Draco wrapped around some Slytherin girl in one of the hallways off of the one of the many stairwells.

"Well aren't we just focused on one thing?" Alice had said to him arms crossed and sarcasim practically dripping from her words. Draco pulled away from the girl and cleared his throat.
"Alice, what are you doing here?" he asked itching his head.
"Clearly interupting something. I really did choose wrong." Alice said to him and with that she turned around and left him there with his new girl. Her mind was made up James was the guy for her.

A creek from behind made Alice jump out of the chair and pull out her wand. No one was there, just the empty darkness. She started breathing heavy as a cold finger traced her spine. She spun around to see Tansel Gully standing behind her. Tansel was a 6th year with amber eyes and short feathery blond hair. She reminded Alice of a bird.
"You scared me" Alice said lowering her wand. Tansel didn't answer, she simply looked into Alice's eyes. Alice felt the dark feeling wash over her again.
"Tansel?" Alice asked. No response, just a blank stare.
"What do you want?" Alice tried again. Tansel's hand shot out and grabbed Alice by the neck. Alice started gasping for air as the icy fingers tightened around her throat.
"You will join me Alice. Or you and everyone you care for will die" a voice came out from Tansel's mouth. Alice struggled to get free, she was slipping into unconciousness.
"No I will never. And there isn't anyone I care for" Alice said trying to sound convincing. The reality was that she truelly only cared for one person Harry. She used to care for Draco but not any more.
"That's not true Alice. I will get you. You will join me. Or I will kill you, and everyone you love" then Tansel dropped Alice to the ground and vanished.
♠ ♠ ♠
ooooOOOoooo spooky
