Travel The Road


Joe looked down at the girl in his arms. Her long, dark hair fell around her in a cascade of waves. Her eyes were shut and he found comfort in the steady rise and fall of her chest. The white tank top she wore had stains of grease and oil, her shorts were only cut off from jeans. A large bruise was visible on her right arm, which was currently thrown across his stomach. Another bruise, this one a horrid yellow color, was right below the shin of her right leg. Still, he couldn't deny how breathtaking she was. Her beauty was something completely different than what was in California.

Juliet wasn't fake. She was raw. She was truth. And she wasn't out to please anyone.

His own jeans were cut and dirty. His leather jacket, both worn and torn, lay over Juliet's legs to keep her from shivering in the slight summer breeze. Joe's black wife beater was greasy from the days he had endured. But he had no regrets. If he hadn't made his decision, he wouldn't be there at that moment.

So he let his head hit the rough bark of the tree supporting him and let his eyes gently close, the sounds of the crickets nearby overtaking him. Somewhere in the pond a fish jumped and he heard the splash, but rather than looking, he smiled. And behind his eyelids, he let himself think back to how he had gotten there.
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Premiering July 24th.