Status: On hold for 'The Fighter'.

Hush Hush

CapĂ­tulo Once

For her first night at Hogwarts, Jade didn't exactly turn in early. With just two hours of sleep. Lily had the audacity to wake her up and hour early to get ready for her first day of class. Luckily, all her classes were with Lily, with the exception of Muggle Studies. Since being magically home schooled since before she had powers, Jade was years ahead of students older than her... Even Lily. But don't let her find out. As Jade was putting on her magically altered uniform, after she took a wake up shower, she had a question for Lily.


"Yes, Jade."

"You wouldn't mind assisting me in Muggle Studies? I have no recollection of meeting a nice muggle, so I never had the chance to observe their culture since I tended to avoid contact."

"Well, since you put it that way, of course I'll help you."

"Gracias." *Thank you.*

"Your very welcome. Now we must rush to get the freshly made food."

Jade smiled and nodded in gratitude as she finished her light coat of make up.


From the Common Room to the Great Hall, Lily was telling Jade about her summer with her parents. All the muggle things they did seemed so fascinating and fun. Jade wanted to do it all. She confessed this to Lily as they sat across each other at the Gryffindor table. All Lily could do was grin and turn a slight shade of pink.

"I'll take you out into the muggle world one day. You'll really enjoy it." Lily promised Jade.

"Can't wait." Jade was all smiles as she ate.

Lily slowed down chewing, taking in a thought that passed in her mind. "Jade? What did you exactly mean when you said you never met a nice muggle?"

Jade gave a blank stare for a second. "Exactly that, dear. Before I was taken out of muggle school, for some odd reason, all the children felt I was too different to associate with. So they out casted me immediately."

"Unbelievable; and you still keep an open mind about them. That's not something you see often."

Jade chuckled. "I keep an opened mind about a lot of things."

The Marauders sauntered into the Great Hall. Jade noticed James and nodded in his direction.

"And speaking of keeping an open mind..."

Lily's eyes widened as the group neared. "You're joking, Jade."

"On the contrary, Lilith."

"Good morning! How are you gorgeous creatures this beautiful morning?" James exclaimed siting next to Lily. Lily turned that same shade of pink and excused herself to the Library, saying she would save a seat for Jade in class.

"Well, I wish she would save me a seat..." James muttered.

Jade laughed, "Things take time, James."

"I've been waiting six years!"

"I've only been working her since last night! Calma!" *Calm down*

James was exasperated as Jade addressed the other boys. "We were smashing. How are my troublesome boys?"

Sirius scoffed as he put his arm around Jade, "Yours?"

"Yes. Mine." Jade smiled up to him. Seeing as he was still taller than her sitting down.

The boys ate as Jade, having finished her breakfast, asked about the teachers. As much as she almost gagged with every time a boy answered her with his mouth full, Jade found out who was crazy, who was mean, and who was alright. To be honest, Jade was excited to see what the curriculum held for her in the future. She figured she would write her mother tonight before bed as well.

"Come on, Jade. We'll be late." Remus practically pushed her out of the Great Hall.

"Well, someone is a little bit more excited than me." Jade laughed.

"Of course he is. It's Remus, for bloody sake." Sirius mumbled.

"See if I help you with homework at all then." Remus threatened him.

Sirius smirked, "That's alright. I got Jade to do help me."

"Only if your nice to Remus." Jade pinched his cheek as he glared.

"Why does he get special treatment?" Sirius asked, flabbergasted.

Jade shrugged. "Maybe I'll help Remus if he's nice to you."

"You? Help Remus? With what? No one has to help Remus." James scoffed.

It was Jade's turn to smirk, "Don't be to sure, Jimmy."

"She has a point. Jade has been taught far longer than any of us have." Remus glanced at James. "She probably needs to take the N.E.W.T.S and graduate."

Peter innocently looked at Jade. "Why won't you do that then?"

"Well, Peter dear, I wanted to experience school. Interact with other people my age before I have to interact with older people out side of school."

"And she wanted to make kick ass friends." Sirius smiled at her.

She laughed, "Yea, that too."