Status: On hold for 'The Fighter'.

Hush Hush

CapĂ­tulo Doce

Dear Mama,

My first academic day here was extraordinarily funny and attaining. The gentlemanly boys you met at the station guided me along the hallways and into classes. They took very much care of me, as was promised. Along with a roommate, who is a delightful muggleborn, I have gained the knowledge of do's and don't's of Hogwarts. I was wondering if we could have them over for a couple of days before Christmas. And if you receive a howler about the 'unlady-like' manner of my uniform... Blame Grandmother for showing me the outfit change spell last year. I already feel like this is my second home away from home. I hope you and Abuelita stay safe. Write soon.

With Love,

Your Daughter

P.S. Ignore the howler about an innocent, misunderstood explosion in the Potions Lab.

That was the letter Jade sent her mother three weeks ago. Do know that her mother wanted her to write every day before she left for Hogwarts. Jade knew something was wrong and she felt it something to do with the recent disappearances. Jade was trying to focus on the Muggle Study Exam that her and Lily stayed up hours to prepare for. She had gotten so close to Lily it's unbelievable. She had an English sister. She finally finished her test and ran out of the classroom feeling claustrophobic.

I think I'm having a panic attack...

Jade ran down all the hidden paths the Marauders had shown her and sprinted towards the Quiditch field. Jade fell to her knees as she couldn't breathe. She heard her name being called from the other side of the field.


It was Sirius.

Jade tried to focus on one object to help calm her down; and it was Sirius' silver eyes. She grabbed his face and brought close to hers and took deep breaths.

I hope my breath doesn't stink...

All Sirius could do was grab her shoulders and wait until she got her breathing under control enough for her to speak.
It took her moments to stabilize with the concern in Sirius' eyes. Jade hugged him like the world was going to end right there. It felt like such to Jade; she knew with all her heart that the only family she had left was not safe. And she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

"Jade? What's wrong?"

She couldn't let go. It's the only time she felt sure and safe was in his arms.
Sirius pulled away and grabbed Jade's face and stared into her eyes.

"Tell me."

"Mi familia. Es mi familia." *My family. It's my family.*

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I wrote my mother three weeks ago and you remember her wanting me to write everyday. Well, why would she not write me back if she wanted me to write everyday? And the only reason I'm at Hogwarts is because it's gotten unsafe ever where else. What ever danger Mama was keeping me from has caught up to her. I can feel it."

"Okay. You need to take a breath. Now you're sure they're in danger?"

"Absolutamente." *Absolutely.*

"Alright. What we have to do is tell Dumbledore. Yea?"

Jade nodded. "Okay."


"What do you mean he said to sit tight and not worry?"

"Sirius, that's exactly what he said. Quote; unquote."

"So he's going to look into it?"

"I hope so."

The pair was sitting in the common room while everybody was at dinner. Jade sat down with a 'huff' and leaned back.

"How could this have happened?"

"Well, you don't exactly know that it did."

"No, Sirius. It happened. Something is truly wrong in the Castillo family."

Sirius put his arm around Jade. "No worries, love. Us Englishmen are here to protect you."

Jade smiled and kissed him on the cheek. To Jade's culture it would be a nice gesture. But to Sirius, it meant a whole more.
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