Status: On hold for 'The Fighter'.

Hush Hush

CapĂ­tulo Siete

It was not long until we passed the immense bridge that Sirius stated that they will arrive soon. So Jade took the time to pack all of her games and snacks back in her bag, preparing to de-board the train.

"I'm so excited for you to be taking classes with us, Jade."

"I'm glad your glad, Lily. And have you thought about anything that I said in the changing room?"
"Are you sure that this is an appropriate place to speak of it?"

"Oh, Lily. Our boys are talking about Quidditch. They wont pay attention to anything now."

"I suppose. I just fill a little uncomfortable conversing it now."

"Understood. We'll talk later." Jade winked at Lily and turned back to the scenery passing them. Jade couldn't help but to sink into it. The vast green trees, extensive plains, limitless hills, and mighty blue lakes that shimmered brightly at the sun. She sunk so far into the picture; she didn't notice Sirius gaping at her interest and beauty.

"You've never seen anything like it." She flinched a tad; being brought back to reality.

"Sirius, you startled me." She smiled. "You're right. I have never seen anything like this. It's so spacious and clear."

Sirius chuckled, "The many few places left."

"Well, yes. But you must agree that some cities can be just as majestic."

"I dare say it depends on the view of the person. Cities are like prisons to me. I don't really like big crowds."

Jade smiled, "Are you the one that found this compartment?"

"My first year here; I wanted to be alone and walked all the way back here when I found Malfoy making fun of James. Calling him four-eyes and such; I stood up for him and we have been friends ever since. Later that year James had to get a tutor for a few lessons and he was paired with Remus. Peter just trailed after us when we saved him from Malfoy too."

"Who is this Malfoy person?"

"A right git, he is. I warn you to stay clear of him. He's Slytherin royalty and acts like it."

"My guess is you and him despise each other?"

"With a passion. Worse for me is because our parents are friends so we have to see each other over breaks."

"Well, maybe I can persuade my mother to have you boys and Lily spend a holiday with my family."

Sirius grinned, "That would be fantastic."

"Oh, you would love Spain. The beaches, Victorian like buildings. That's just in the city; which is nothing like London. But I live in a little village a couple of miles out of Bilbao; on the edge of the English Channel. I haven't been there since I was a little girl."

"It sounds amazing."

"It will be."

Sirius couldn't take his eyes off of Jade's eyes; capturing Jade's gaze into his. They couldn't let go of each others stares. Enticed in their own little world; neither one realized that Lily was yelling at them to get off the train.

"Hello?!" Lily was frustrated.

Remus laughed, "They are gone."

"Honestly? Jade! Your grandmother is yelling at another clerk!"

"What?!" Jade snapped out of her seat and looked around.

"Wait a second. Abuela is not here. Lily?"

"The train was going to leave with you. I thought you wouldn't exactly like waiting another year to come here."

"Good thought."

Lily nodded in pride and began to walk out of the compartment with her head held high. James trailed after her, followed by Peter and Remus. Jade picked her things off the rack above her head and walked to the door waiting for Sirius to catch up and de-board the train.

Heading towards the gate, Jade thought if this school really will help her skills. She already has the friends to help her through it. Now does she have the spirit?