Status: On hold for 'The Fighter'.

Hush Hush

CapĆ­tulo Ocho

Jade was trying to keep up with all the sights and the Marauders. She saw the castle that was going to be her new home for the next year.

"Lily? Tell me I'm dreaming."

Lily smiled. "Sorry, love. That's Hogwarts."

"IncreĆ­ble." *Incredible*

"It is. You'll have a lot of fun in Hogwarts."

"Especially with friends like the Marauders." James popped in. "By the way, my lovely Lily, will you be willing to accompany me to the feast this evening?"

Lily stared at him for a moment. "No." And walked away.

It took Jade's every fiber in her body to laugh. James' friends weren't as nice as Jade and just bursted out in laughter. Jade glared at them and patted James on the shoulder.

"It's alright, James."

Peter came up next to Jade. "No worries, Jade. James has been asking Lily the same question since first year."

Jade looked at James heartbroken. "Oh, James I'm so sorry. I can talk to Lily for you; if that's alright."

James' face lifted it up like a child's face on Christmas morning. It surprised Jade for a second, but she quickly bounced back and smiled back at him.


The Grand Hall was the most beautiful room in the castle. So thought Jade; Sirius came up behind her and whispered in her ear.

"You like it, Hermoso?" *Beautiful*

"Sirius, I didn't know you knew spanish."

He shrugged, "A bit here and there. I think you, unfortunately, have to wait with the new students. Then once your put in a house, you have to sit with them."

Jade looked worried, "For the rest of the year?"

"I sure hope not." Sirius winked.

"Sirius, how is it that you can be so charming and not have a girlfriend?"

Remus slung his arm around Sirius, "Oh, Sirius here has plenty of girlfriends."

Jade looked at Sirius incredulously; she rolled her eyes and walked towards the smaller children lining up to enter the Hall.
Sirius turned to his friend.

"Why the bloody hell would you mention them?"

Remus glared at Sirius; "I will not watch you destroy that amazing just because you can't keep it in your pants."

Sirius was shocked that Remus would say such a thing with malice laced with every word.

"You never cared before."

"Because I never knew the girl before. There fore it was none of my business. But Jade is my friend and doesn't deserve to be put through any trouble now that she has moved to this country. All by herself no less."

Sirius had his eyes the size of saucers. "Well, alright Remus. What if I was to tell you that I really, most indubitably, strongly like Jade?"

Remus peered at Sirius suspiciously, "I wouldn't believe."

"Ah, but I said 'indubitably', didn't I?"


"What does that mean, my friend?"

Remus sighed in defeat. "Without a doubt."

"Thank you."

Sirius walked to his seat with a cocky mind. Remus trailed behind him.