Remember the Time

Mrs. Jackson

Mrs. Jackson

It’s funny when I read articles saying that in the sixties the fans gave a hard time to the Beatles’ girls, that’s why I was scared in the first place when Michael was going to make it official, I thought that the moment he said it the entire female population of the world would be against me, they’d track me down with torches and wearing shirts saying “Fuck off you bitch” or in a less extreme case they’d go into my apartment and kill me.

But I was wrong, they were nice, charming, and gave me a nice welcome as the “Jackson tenth” a nickname that made me and daddy laugh, because it had nothing to do with Michael besides from his last name but well if they liked me to hell with the pet name!
Searching for other’s approval was something I never cared about, being with the most desired man in the planet somehow changed that, because Brooke Shields was a hundredth times better than me, I was probably the girl with the funny accent. Yes until these days the hint of a Scottish accent slips while I talk, fancy years ago when I was younger the accent was thicker, but when Michael once said it was adorable, I did everything on my power to keep it like that.

Pleasing others was something I never did—besides daddy of course—but pleasing Michael was not very hard, I only had to smile and his eyes would glow in response, one day for our first month anniversary I tried to cook, it was a complete disaster the kitchen nearly burnt and I had to call the firemen otherwise I wouldn’t be here laughing at this. Daddy was worried and so was Michael when I explained them daddy laughed and Michael smiled warmly at me, ever since that day neither of them let me go in the kitchen again.

I wanted our relationship to last forever like boy friend and girl friend, me living in daddy’s house and he living in his own, but this was just me, one day Michael said he wanted to take the next step. At first it seemed like he wanted to have sex, so I agreed but when he pulled out of his pocket a golden ring with emeralds and diamonds my world stopped.
Was I ready for marriage? Was I good enough for him? Was he serious? I only asked him the last one and he said “Do you think it’s a nice joke for someone to propose?” of course it was not, but in that moment I’d rather hear him saying “Yeah I was only kidding look it’s fake!” but you can’t always get what you want, I mean this was not like the other presents, he’d bought me many rings dress, shoes, bears, everything. This was what I always feared; I didn’t want to become a nineteen year old girl with a husband or engaged.

But on that moment I felt good, yes it was a big step, but I was sure I would never love someone like I loved him, that’s when I realized that when I wanted to be like Jane Asher and Paul McCartney* he wanted to settle down. So many images came in my head at the same time, me looking gorgeous in a white wedding dress, and Michael looking dashing as ever in a black tux, me with a big belly and Michael singing to it, he chasing our little black haired children around a pool with a big towel but the one I keep as an aching memory till today is Michael holding my wrinkled hand, while I rest my head in his shoulder our grandchildren playing in the yard while we stare at them from the porch.

“Forget I ever brought it up abbey” he said with a sad smile and pulling the ring back in his pocket I felt like making a fuss but instead I nodded, I seriously needed some time to think whether or not I should get married.
After that day Michael was avoiding me, and I thought he was going to break up with me and all because I couldn’t give a single nod or a “yes” so one day I caught up with him while daddy and I were in L.A, Michael was going out of the studio and I told him I wanted to tell him something.

“What?” he asked in the past weeks I’d been thinking of how I was going to say this, and now that I needed to know it left it just left leaving me dumbfounded, aware that he was waiting an answer I tried to think of a good way to tell him I was ready, it was then when I heard the opening chord of “in my life” one of my favorites songs ever, and I thank john Lennon for writing it so taking a deep breath I sang to him.

There are places I’ll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I’ve loved them all

A hint of a smile crossed his face while I hummed the melody, I never thought I would be the one singing of the two he was the one with an angelical voice, but there I was in the middle of the street singing to Michael Jackson, today I feel happy that I can say I sang to him not so many can say that right?

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

I am not a singer I never was, even if I have a soprano voice I don’t know how to use it, but seeing him there delighted with my act was priceless I’d do anything to see him that way again.

Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

A few lookers clapped and I surely blushed.
“What was that supposed to mean?” he asked with a smirk, there was when I decided to do it right there in front of witnesses I took his hand and said what my heart told me to.
“Michael ever since I’m with you I feel very happy, I listen to love songs, I read cheesy poems, I even sing!” he laughed and I knew it was all going in the good way “I was a total berk when doubting last time, I hope I didn’t hurt you a lot” he was about to talk but I cut him off “Will you marry me Michael?” there was not a verbal answer just Michael kissing me with all the love he had, I’ve never thought of being the one to propose, but in our relationship nothing was what I expected, it was all better.
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* Jane ashr and paul mccartney are known for being a couple five years they were engaged but never got married.

how lovely! you should listen to this song is pretty good