Status: Trying to update once a week!

My Immortal


I glanced at my cell phone, 8:00 PM. I’m screwed. I can hear the innocents screaming, pleading for their lives to be spared. I quicken my already fast pace, feeling the cold wind, blowing on my hot, sweaty skin. The screams got louder and much much closer, and I start to run. I’m almost home, only about three blocks away, but I somehow know that I am to late.

Suddenly, the screaming stops, and I hear the soft clicking noise of shoes on the cold, wet pavement. I run behind an old BMW and hide, peaking around the front bumper. Then they come into view, in their perfect little formatted lines, in their ridiculous suits, smirking. The tall man in the front looked at the mean to his right, who looked oddly familiar, and both their smirks grew. The man on the right gave one quick nod, and then his smirk vanished, and he was gone. He disappeared. Then the group kept walking, leaving me with many questions.

Just as they got out of sight, I stood up and turned around with my eyes closed, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I leaned up against the drivers door, and sighed, eyes still closed. That was so close. Suddenly, I felt a chill fill the air. I opened my eyes, and he was standing in front me, the man that vanished, his nose was about 5 inches from mine. I wanted to scream, but I knew that would be the wrong move.

He looked as if he was only 19 years old. His short choppy deep brown hair was hidden under a white bowlers hat. His eyes were the most amazing shade of dark brown I have ever seen. He had the most perfectly shaped nose I had ever seen. His lips were so full, they popped out, exactly like fish lips. He was dressed in the old fashioned suit, their uniform. He was the definition of perfect.

He just stood there, staring at me, his face composed, showing no sign of emotion what so ever. I wanted to run away screaming, but I couldn’t, my body wouldn’t let me. It was as if he was controlling me. Suddenly, he took a hold of my arm, his grip strong, and started dragging me in the direction of my apartment. It was still dead silent, the only noise was my nervous heavy breathing and my frantic footsteps on the ground, and his light steps.

We arrived at my apartment shortly, and he pulled me up the stared and to my door. We stopped, and he looked me straight in the eye.

“Never break curfew again Rylynne. Next time, you might not be spared.” He said in a very smooth, low tone. Then he was gone, he vanished again. Suddenly, my body relaxed, and I had control over my possessed body again. I ripped my keys out of my deep black skinny jeans and shoved it in the lock. I threw open the door and slammed it shut, frantically locking the door and the dead bolt.

I was shaking like a leaf. Tears of fear were cascading down my cheeks. I slowly leaned against the front door, sobs making their way up my throat, making it sound like I was choking. I slowly slid down the door, wrapping my shaking arms around my legs. How did he know my name? How did he know where I lived? Questions were flying through my head, screaming at me. I’m just so confused.
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