Dark Eyed Dreamers


Jack nearly had me in hysterics laughing as we built a sad attempt at a sand castle. I was so glad that Jack and I had some time to be alone. I wasn’t sure how strongly I felt about him, but I didn’t quite push him out of my mind.

I did, however, decide to postpone telling him how I felt for a while. In the past week, Alex had begun to win me over. First the weekend in Massachusetts which I ended up agreeing to, then he’d surprise me and take me to dinner, or just pick me up and drive wherever just so we could be together. It was like we were dating, but without the titles or any physical contact at all. Strange as it seems, that’s what worried me the most. Alex told me that he liked me, but he was always the one to “go for the gold” as quickly ask he could. With me, though, he never even tried to kiss me. I was beginning to feel like the feelings I was developing for him weren’t exactly being shared between us.

“Earth to Raegan.” Jack said slowly, waving his hand in front of my face.

“Oh sorry what?” I said laughing as I snapped back to reality.

“Want to go walk down the beach and look for seashells to decorate our beautiful sand palace?”

I giggled at his choice of words. He took the pail in one hand and my hand in the other as we walked barefoot on the hot sand. Occasionally, we’d spot pretty seashells and put them in the bucket, but we pretty much just walked silently. At one point I looked over my shoulder to see that everyone else were barely visible.

“So you and Alex” he said, leaving an open sentence.

“What about me and Alex?”

“You two a couple, or…”

“I don’t know. I mean he’s not my boyfriend.”

“So if he’s not your boyfriend, he wouldn’t mind if I do this” he said before leaning down and kissing me gently.

I blushed a deep shade of red before saying “He probably would mind, but he has no claim on me.”

“I really like you Raegan.” he said in a serious tone, “I’ve liked you for so long.”

This was exactly what I’ve wanted for the past two years. Everything I’d asked for was right there standing in front of me, staring me dead in the eye. So why did I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach?


“Okay, okay. So let me get this straight,” Brae said from where she lay on her stomach on my bed, “Alex tells you he likes you. He invites you on a weekend getaway. Jack kisses you then tells you he’s like you for a long time, which is what you’ve been praying for, for the past two years. Right now you’re packing to go away with Alex.”

“Yeah, pretty much.” I said as I folded a purple v-neck and put it in my suitcase.

“But I though finally being with Jack is what you’ve wanted.”

“I don’t really know what I want” I said.

“Hey guys, the toothpaste is missing.” Mikayla said, walking into the room lazily.

“You’re just waking up?” Brae asked shocked.

“Yeah, I was up late last night on the phone with Rian”

“Ahh, what’s the deal with you two anyway?”

“I don’t know. I really like him, and he really likes me. We’re not official yet, but I kind of consider him my boyfriend. I think he thinks its weird with the whole pregnancy things- Wait, where are you going?” she asked turning her attention to the suitcase on my bed.

“To Massachusetts” Brae answered for me.

“By yourself?”

“With Alex. Just her and Alex. In Massachusetts”

“Huh” she said in a well-would-you-look-at-that tone, “When are you coming back?”

“I’ll be back on Tuesday” Brae opened her mouth to answer, but I beat her to the punch.

“What about Jack though?”

“What about him? We aren’t anything. Nor are me and Alex. Why does everyone care about me and Jack?” I snapped

“A little defensive there, Rae?”

I wasn’t defensive. I was annoyed. I just wanted to have a quiet relaxing weekend with Alex, and that is just what I planned to do.
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