I Think I Love You

When The Bullet Went Through It Took More Than Just You

-Jordan’s POV-

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it groggily and was met by the sound of the cheery voice of my mother, a woman I hadn’t seen in years, on the other line. She wanted me to meet her at the police station with my brother at noon.

-Normal POV- -12:00-

Jordan, Jaden, Leo, Heather, Lance and Madeline all sat in an interrogation room in the police station. Jordan and Lance were meeting their mother and sister for the first time. They didn’t even know that Jaden and Leo existed. Apparently they had another sister who was stuck in the hospital because of their father. It was either Jordan or Lance had to take her in or she gets shipped off to Romania with her mother and sister.

“I don’t have the money to support her. I wish I did but I don’t.” Lance said. Jordan was quiet for some time. Madeline kept staring at him with curious eyes.

“If I can work out the sleeping arrangements with my friends then I’m sure that I can take her in.” Jordan said still thinking. Everyone agreed and they were allowed to leave. Heather suggested that they all get together to do lunch or something after Kaia gets out of the hospital. They agreed and went their separate ways.

-With Jordan and the rest of HU-

Jordan walked into his apartment to see that his five friends were there. He smiled at them before sitting down on an empty chair.

“So what’d the cops want?” Aron asked from his seat on Matt’s legs. Jordan gave a small laugh before looking up at them.

“I have a sister...well two actually but one of them lives with my mother.” Jordan said knowing that they would press for more information.

“And? Why does this affect you?” Dylan asked.

“The one who doesn’t live with my mother was living with my father. She’d been abused for the past three years and I didn’t even know she existed. He put her in the hospital so now the cops aren’t letting her go back to him. I agree with that but if Lance or I didn’t take her in she’d be sent to Romania against her will. Lance couldn’t take her; he can barely take care of himself. I told them that if we could work out sleeping arrangements then I could take her in.”

“Well hell let’s do it then.” Matt said.

“George you could move into the spare bedroom in my apartment and we can give the room you’re in now to Jordan’s sister. What’s her name?” Aaron asked.

“Kaia. She’s the older of the twins. Madeline is the other but they look nothing alike.” Jordan said and they all nodded.

“Do you know her favorite colors and how long she’ll be in the hospital?” Dylan asked.

“I know she will be in the hospital for a few days but I’d have to ask one of her friends or Madeline what her favorite colors are.” Jordan replied.

“Then do it man” George said from his place on the window sill. Jordan got his phone out and called his sister, putting it on speaker.

“Hello…you’ve reached your personal scene girl. Hate to have missed your call but it happened. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.” The automatic message said. Jordan decided to try one of her friends. Jaden seemed like the one who was closer to her.

“Hello?” Jaden’s voice called out. “Hold on Fucker It could be super important!” he called a minute later to what they guessed to be someone over there.

“Jaden it’s Jordan I was wondering what Kaia’s favorite colors were.” Jordan said.

“I think it’s purple and black not sure anymore…hold on. Hey Fucker Kaia’s favorite colors name them!” He called to someone else. “Purple and Black bitch she still adores them!” The person on the other side said.

“So Purple and Black?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah oh and apparently Kaia just woke up completely confused and angry.” Jaden replied.

‘Thanks Jaden” Jordan said before reaching for his phone.

“Sure” Jaden said before hanging up.

“So purple and black?” Matt asked. Jordan nodded. George got up and grabbed some of the boxes from his last move and started packing his stuff. Aron went to help while Matt and Dylan went to go get some paint. Jordan and Jorel went shopping for bed sheets and other things that they thought she’d need.