Speak of the Devil

Don't Let Me Down

“I now pronounce you man and wife.” The priest announced with a smile on his wrinkled face as he closed his prayer book. Craig and Ashlyn leaned their faces together and conjoined their lips to make a passionate, long kiss. I blushed peachy pink and fluttered tears out of my eyes. I’ve never seen a couple so in love.

Ashlyn had been my best friend since grade school and we had grown to love each other like sisters. Craig had always seemed like a good guy and was always faithful to Ashlyn. I treated her like a little sister and we always had each other’s backs.

Once the newly weds completed their loving kiss, they took each other hand in hand, stepped down from the top of the aisle, and scuttled to the extravagant doors where they made their way to the luxurious limo awaiting their arrival out of the church.

The relatives of the bride and groom stampeded to the door to wave to them. Everyone piled on top of each other jut to see the newly weds’ first steps of marriage or at least their first car ride together. Everyone shouted their good byes and watched the limo speed away to the reception. Once the limo was out of sight, we all hustled out of the church and rushed to our cars.

For elderly women in high heels, they can scoot around quick. I, on the other hand, was always clumsy and tended to be busier than a bull in a china shop. I tripped over my feet and twisted my ankles numerous times, but soon made it to my BMW. I attempted to dash out of the parking lot before I was stuck in awful traffic, just to leave the church. I was able to make my way around most of the other cars, and managed to actually pull out of the church parking lot. I was seized by several red lights, but that didn’t stop me. I pulled out the directions to the reception that was stuffed in my purse, but I decided to take a shortcut that I knew would have gotten me to my destination sooner. I finally reached the reception.
The only problem I had was…I think I was at the wrong address.

“Damn!” I retorted as I punched the horn of the steering wheel. I was so late now. I just had to be the smart guy and try and make a few adjustments. I puffed out a sigh and turned around. I backed up until-BAM! I reared someone’s bumper.

“Oh my freakin…” my voice trailed off as I rolled my eyes and stepped out of my car. This couldn’t make me look any stupider. I didn't even bother looking at my bumper. I tapped the tip of my heel until I voted to forget the car and just try and make it look like nothing happened. I knew it was against the law, but I’d rather get arrested for leaving the scene of the crime than to miss my best friend’s reception. I speeded to the reception as fast as possible with the directions by my side. I glanced at them at every red light and followed the navigations. Just as I turned into the parking lot, I noticed every parking space was filled. I searched space after space, to find nothing. At the last row, the one furthest away from the reception building, I found a spot. The only single spot that was left. I alternated into the space with no trouble. I knew it’d be a drag when I’d leave, but I had to get in that reception as soon as possible. I was already forty five minutes late. I couldn’t have been any more annoyed. I tugged my heels off and flitted to the entrance. The feet of my stockings skidded on the asphalt, but that was the least of my worries.

The building was a lot larger than it appeared from all the way from the back of the parking lot. I swung the door open to see a whole gathering of all the people that were at the church in a circle surrounding Craig and Ashlyn, who were relaxing in some fold up chairs. Each person around the circle handed each of them a present. They both would tear open the nicely folded wrapping of the gift and be shocked to see an expensive gift that both of them could use for their new lives together. The question was where was my present? I must’ve left it in the car.

“Shit.” I whispered as I swung open the door again until I heard-BANG! I closed the door to see a man in a tuxedo with tan skin and choppy black hair that was swayed back.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” I retracted. This was my day. I held out my hand to the man and pulled him up back onto his feet.

“Holy crap I am so sorry,” I kept saying so ashamed.
“It’s ok, it’s ok. I’m fine.” He said as he swept his suit down of dirt and rubbish.
“Are you sure? I’m really sorry,” I said.

“Yeah, I’m good.” He glared at me straight in the eyes. He had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes of an Asian race. I couldn’t stop staring at them. He smiled.

“You late?” he questioned. I was tickled by the sound of his voice.
“Yeah. But I forgot Ashlyn’s gift in my car.” I explained.

“Oh, I’m late too. I gotta get my gift to Craig before they start anything else.” He excused himself and scurried to the door.
“Wait!” I barked. He halted and turned to face me again.

“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Bryan Money. But everybody calls me Monte. You?”
“Carly.” I answered. “Carly Chaconas.” I added with a smirk. Monte smirked in return.
“I’ll see you inside.” Monte divulged.
“See you then. Thanks.” I stated. Monte and I parted our separate ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Monte Money so much. I was the same way at Warped Tour when I met him. His voice sounded like angels singing and once I hugged him, his skin felt as smooth as silk. I know I probably sound like an obsessor, but hey, if you do think that, then why are you reading my story? Haha. I most likely just lost 99.9% of my readers. Which would be all my readers since the maximum I've ever gotten was about 13.

Please enjoy, and I promise I'll continue writing!
Love you guys!
Love From Chaos <3